Ambush Before the Sixth Floor!

"Okay, are there any more questions?" 

One by one, the party members either shook their heads or smiled back at their captain. 

Zac stood up, stored his chair, and donned his armor. "In that case, let's get going. Not even gods and devils know how much ground we have to cover. So we'd better get moving while we've got the energy."

Right away, their new formation came into play. Front and center was Zac with Kriff right behind him. Behind Kriff was Nelphy, while Ayjen and Jash were on either side of him. Bil was next, keeping close to the two youngest party members. Bolton held up the rear and would act accordingly to whatever situation arose. 

Nelphy noticed the more focused yet dejected gaze that Jash had been using all morning. But she wasn't able to comment on it till now. "Hey, Jash, are you ok?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," he replied, waving off the question with a disappearing smile.