Some More Rest

Bolton watched with a smile as he shouted, "Don't stop the charge!" 

Jash and Kriff immediately understood what to do, maintaining the veita around their attacks. They continued their charges and met in the center along with Bolton.


All three attacks landed on the startled serpent's body. Without any pause, the great beast was thrown from its death frenzy into its grave. Both body shots from the young mercenaries were grave wounds, but it was Bolton's neck and spine attack that claimed its life. 


As the lifeless beast toppled to the ground, the pulse of earthen spikes halted and fell apart. This gave the three attackers an even better view of what was going on for the other side of the battlefield. 

All that remained were serpent corpses, with Nelphy and Ayjen double checking every corpse, removing any straggling signs of life.