Say When...

… Gulp… Cough, cough.

Without thinking, Hathon swallowed the bite of his sandwich whole, resulting in a coughing fit. 

"Water? Or more whiskey?" Bil asked, never dropping his aura of bloodlust. 

"... Water. Please…" 

"Coming right up… Here you are, Hath." Bil acted as he always did, casually refilling the glass. 

But that was all the more terrifying to the silent couple. Seeing Bil move and act so nonchalantly showed how effortless it was for Bil to overwhelm them. He didn't even need to attack or show outward hostility to send sub-zero-degree chills down their spines. 

"... So, you two aren't doing anything for the festival, other than Guard Royale?" Bil seemingly changed the subject. 

"Nope. Nothing…" Golbert replied, sipping his drink a bit faster. 

Nodding slowly, Bil crossed his arms. "I see… You two were offered promotions for a reason. But… you were both wrong to assume that I would just play nice."