Back to the Tournament

"So, is there anything else to discuss?" Kriff insisted. 

Zac leaned back into his chair and thought over the entire second half of the conversation.

Smiling slyly, Kriff reminded him, "And don't ask anything more about the loyalty seal. If you want to know more about it, Bil told me your father would be able to explain it better."

"... Does my father know about human seals?" Zac asked. 

Shaking his head, Kriff said, "What do you mean exactly? That Tiberius Frantoch, the Lightning Lord has a human seal, knows a lot about human seals, or knows about the existence of the loyalty seal? Because the answers to those questions, in order, are no, no, and yes."

"I see." Zac went quiet again while searching for another question.

Kriff waited for another minute but never got to give any replies. Because there were no more questions asked after that.