Help at the Gate

Kriff reached the road in seconds, crossing the large front yard before his feet hit the ground. He briefly landed on the fence surrounding the property, vaulting down to hurriedly land on the road so he was visible to the public. 

Of course, it still looked like Kriff and Nelphy were being chased by the Frantoch City Guard. But that mix-up could be figured out by simply reaching one of the heavily-staffed city gates. 

"I can see the gate!" Kriff yelled. He would've pointed too but he was too busy carrying Nelphy and putting all of his energy into sprinting at top speed. 

"Get back here!"

"You're under arrest!" 

The two false guards continued to chase them but they were barely keeping up. Though Kriff was carrying Nelphy and refused to let her waste start wasting her own energy to flee, His lightning and determination proved too much for their attackers to easily overtake. 

But Kriff could feel that wouldn't be the case for long.