Zac, Don't Forget

Throughout Boarril, people were escorted and guided down the roads. There was a massive pile-up at Frantoch's eastern gate, stretching at least half a jrome. 

The same scene was taking place at each of Frantoch's three gates. Huge lines were queued to enter the city, filling half of the huge gateways. The other half of each gateway was kept open by guards, allowing troops and others to exit the city in order to stock up the towns and stand guard around the outer walls. 

No bells were ringing. Very few guards were shouting while leading the citizens. Yet the townsfolk were calm, despite their worried expressions and carts of belongings. 

"You and your family are free to go," said one of the dozen guards handling check-ins. "Head to North District. We've opened all public buildings to shelter the townsfolk during the emergency, free of charge. A hot meal will be awaiting all of you there."