Stress After a Siege


"Unacceptable!" Baston shouted while slamming his fist into the table. 

Around the newly positioned command table were all seven members of the Frantoch Council. And at the head of the command table, a masked man sat and stared back at Baston in silence. 

Baston continued, "Three hundred! We've lost almost three hundred men, including my young disciples! What am I supposed to say to them and their families? Aren't we supposed to stand for the people?" 

Eyeing Baston, Feerah spoke up, "Coming from the man that wanted us to fight the enemy completely in the field and away from the wall, I think this is ridiculous."

"That also means that this plan was your choice, not mine. You all voted against my suggestion so don't drag me into this," Baston reasoned. "It was your decision that cost those men and women their lives. And that's not even including the injured and other casualties!"