You're Not Zac, Are You?

Silent, the masked Zac switched strategies. Since Reece was being held back and forced to attack from afar, Zac stopped being defensive and instead pushed against the chief of staff. 


"Oh! Now that's an attack!" Chowan complimented while blocking and parrying Zac's wind-lightning combo tactic. "And that's not some hodge-podge gambits thrown together. That's a genuine combo tactic!"

Chowan was forced back a few steps as the roles slightly reversed. He continued to pressure and battle Reece with lightning bolts. That hadn't changed. But the proud, well-trained man that had worked hard to become Lightning Chateau's Chief of Staff was thoroughly impressed by the man clashing blades with him. 

And the more Zac showed his true strength, the more confident Chowan got as well. 
