The Power of a World

Cra-chting! Ch-chtung! Whirr-ch-chting!

Flaming kukris, volleys of fireballs, enormous blasts of blue flame… Redirecting tempests, barrages of wind blades, compacted tornadoes of spiraling wind blades… 

Nadon evaded, scattered, and deflected it all. That hailstorm was too powerful to deter. Within that world, Nadon controlled everything. And there was nothing that Sodun and Tuskar could do to change that, even though they tried everything. 

"He should be running low on veita!" Sodun shouted, still staying on Nadon's side in a flanking position. 

Tuskar nodded while repelling the nearest blades of hail with an aura of intense fire. "Yeah! … But so are we!" 

Next, the bladed hail gathered into two currents, like schools of bladed, frosted fish swimming through the air. And both assistant generals spotted a current coming in their direction.