Two Happy Guests & One Not-So-Happy...

"Bolton, Leena, meet Rex. I found him young and abandoned, some years back. I've been raising him ever since. And trust me, he's a docile little guy. Aren't you, Rex?"


That purring growl astonished the married couple. Even more so as the monstrous, gold-rank beast nuzzled up to Bil. 

"Bil… I'm sure you understand how rare and ferocious wyverns are known to be," Bolton reasoned. "So why are you treating him like a housepet?" 

"Because that's what Rex is. He's my pet. No different than a dog would be." 

"But… how? I've horror stories of how the Briston Empire struggled to breed such beasts."

Laughing, Bil answered, "Well yeah. Wouldn't you get pissed off if someone stole you from your wife and locked you in a cell with a random woman to mate?" 

It was Leena who shouted in reply, "That–! That's quite a comparison. Why is that relevant to a beast–"