Chapter 66: Traitors

Mage Ellery's whole being shuddered. How did Claude know that?

This situation made her even more afraid but she still decided to keep her lips tight, she cannot spill her secret

"C-Captain... I-I don't know w-what you are t-talking cough—!!"

Claude's hold on her throat tightened, causing her to be unable to finish her words

Claude raised his other hand to comb the strands of hair that fell on his forehead as he looked at the mage in his hand with despise

"Ahh... I really hate vermin like you..." he said in utmost disgust before throwing the mage to the ground

Ellery's body landed on top of a dead wolf, drenching her robe with blood. The squishy flesh underneath her didn't disgust her but increased the fear she was experiencing

"C-Captain... i-if you continue to hurt me... I-I will report you!" Ellery said, her wind-type mystic gem appearing on top of her palm

"Report?" Claude sneered. "Will I allow that?"