Chapter 306: Second Challege (2)

The solar ray landed on Quard's back. If it was a normal person, even if they don't die, they would suffer burn injuries

The sun might not be made from fire but it was far hotter than normal fire. Naturally, it could burn humans to death

However, Quard proved himself to be someone from a rich family. He does not lack items that could increase his power or help him win a battle

As soon as the solar ray landed on Quard's back, magic inscriptions automatically appeared and glowed on the mage robe he was wearing

The inscriptions automatically blocked the solar ray even without Quard's control and not only that, it was even deflected back to its creator

This surprises Rezen a bit but it was not something that would cause his defeat. The solar ray was sent back to him and his hands skillfully moved his magic wand and rotated it as if he was a cheerleader holding a baton