Chapter 529: Vitality Greatly Damaged_1

Lord's courage stemmed from the fact that his assault team was utterly annihilated, yet all other positions remained unscathed, so he still had the strength to launch another attack.

If Gao Guang and his team dared to leave the safe house, needless to say, they would be completely wiped out within minutes.

This was only a cease-fire, not the end of the fight. Gao Guang had just finished negotiations with the Lord and had barely seen him out before receiving a phone call.

"Hold on, our people are on their way!"

The caller was Dawson, and to be honest, Gao Guang was extremely surprised by this outcome, followed by a burgeoning gratitude towards Smith.

While at war with someone else, a friend didn't just stand by idly, didn't merely offer moral support, but in the end chose to join the battle. It didn't matter whether they actually fought or not, this favor had to be acknowledged.