Fire (1)

Scorching Solar Crow, Scorching Solar Crow…

Du Yu, burnt all over, was also a little confused in the heat.

Although he studied in an ordinary school, in a world where demon culture was prevalent, there was no lack of demon beast related subjects in basic education.

Even from primary school to high school, schools specially opened martial arts courses. Before adolescence ended and the opportunity to awakening powers was gone, Great Xia would not give up on any child.

All the preparation was for the children to win that 30% dice roll for success.

Du Yu vaguely remembered that during the two weeks of the college entrance examination, he seemed to have read the story of the Solar Crow Clan. Where was it, where was it…

"Wow! A miracle. It's a miracle!"

"Mom, Mom, where are you?" The crowd was jubilant or crying. Endless paper cranes were being held in the arms of ecstatic people or scattered in the air. The traffic police were loudly maintaining order.

In this movie of all living beings, it seemed that only Du Yu was standing still.

He lay limp in the sea of paper cranes, sinking his whole body in. Only his face was visible, staring up at the azure sky.

'Yes, I remember now!'

Du Yu's eyes lit up. The Ancient Solar Crow Clan!

The obscure knowledge point was that the mysterious Solar Crow race was extremely rare. They were called auspicious divine birds by the world.

For thousands of years, the Solar Crows had left many legends throughout Great Xia.

It was said that they would save those lost in the Otherworld, grant people light and warmth, and guide people home.

"Are you still, okay?" the little girl asked timidly in his mind.

Before Du Yu could respond, he felt his vision go black. The blue sky disappeared, replaced by an endless void and a floating illusionary figure in front of him.

The outline of the petite body was transparent.

The only bit of color in her body was her big orange eyes, like the color of a beautiful sunset.

Innocent and wonderful.

Du Yu tried to calm himself and heaved a deep sigh of relief.

This bizarre alternate world had struck his understanding of the world again and again. Perhaps he should have been used to it long ago?

'Only… a little girl?

Is she a legendary auspicious Solar Crow? Her cute appearance did match her soft voice.

He asked carefully, "Are you one of the fabled Solar Crows? What do you want?"

The little girl's voice broke as if she were struggling. "I. Rest. In. You."

"If you're injured, I can find a demon pet doctor to help you…"

"No, don't!"

Before he could finish, the little girl interrupted anxiously, "Creatures. Dangerous. Eats me."

With that, the little girl looked pitifully at Du Yu with her big orange eyes. "Don't tell anyone."

Du Yu looked troubled. "But I'm just an ordinary person. How can I help you?"

"No, you can."

"Oh?" Du Yu was delighted. Could it be that he could awaken new powers?

He was exactly 17 years old this year, which was the correct age.

"Don't, chase me away. I can, help you, with cultivating, okay?" The little girl looked like she was crying. Her soft voice with a sobbing tone made Du Yu feel very uncomfortable.

People were really interesting.

Even though he was having a rough time, he could not bear to see others suffer.

"Okay, okay, okay." Du Yu nodded repeatedly. "So how can I help you?

'You are pure. Pure, few.'

Du Yu: ???

'Did she say I was purebred?'

'What do you mean, are all the others mongrels?'

Uh… Forget it. I'm not the one getting disrespected anyway.

"Purest. Fire." The little girl lowered her head toward Du Yu's chest.

"Huh?" Du Yu didn't dare move. He watched the little girl crawl directly into his chest.

Whoosh ~

The void quietly disappeared.

The blue sky appeared in front of Du Yu again, and the noise of the crowd surged into his ears.

How amazing. Had I just been dragged into some inner world?

Scorcher, Little Scorcher? Du tried to call in his mind. I'm willing to help you. Can you tell me what happened?

'Me and, a big tree, fight. I can't beat it.'

Du Yu was speechless.

If the little Scorcher's escape technique was so terrifying, then how strong was the tree that defeated her?

The more Du Yu thought about it, the more worried he became. If the enemy came looking for me, wouldn't I die?

Du Yu was about to vomit from the two college entrance examinations. He did not want to go to the next examination venue!

Du Yu said, "What tree? Where is it? Trees don't walk, do they?"

"Well, no. It binds me and eats me. I strip its bark and run."

Du Yu was more willing to believe that it was a world-shaking battle, but from what Scorcher said, it sounded like a play date…

"I used the bark, turned into many birdies, and flew around. Finally. Pure. Fire. You."

For a moment, Du Yu's mind was in overdrive.

There were a total of six elemental attributes in this world: wind, fire, water, lightning, earth, and wood.

When a demon tamer awakened, their elemental attributes would be activated.

Demon tamers could not release wind, fire, thunder, and lightning by themselves. They could only sign a contract with demon beasts and nurture powerful demon pets to give themselves a foothold.

As for what elemental attribute the demon tamer had activated, it would determine what type of demon pet he could sign a contract with.