
There was a heavy thud as the bathroom door was pushed open again.

It was so strong and fast that the nurse standing at the door could not dodge in time and was knocked a few steps back.

From his side view, he saw a girl stumbling in.

Tsk tsk ~

'Nice legs! Longer than my life!'

These words might be a joke to others, but to Du Yu, who had been run over by a truck… they were quite appropriate?

After all, he was seventeen in his previous life and not even a month old yet in this one.

"Water! It's so hot." As soon as the girl spoke, Du Yu felt that something was wrong because her voice sounded very familiar.

'Li Mengnan?

Du Yu couldn't be blamed for not recognizing her. Li Mengnan usually had a refreshing long ponytail, but now her hair was disheveled and she looked very worn out.

Du Yu looked around curiously, while Li Mengnan, who had rushed in, pressed one hand on the tap and stopped.

"Du Yu?" Li Mengnan was clearly stunned and couldn't help but exclaim, "Your eyes are so beautiful… Ah, hot hot hot!"

Li Mengnan couldn't admire Du Yu anymore. She hurriedly turned on the tap and plunged her head into the sink.

At the same time, the girl urged, "Don't just stand there, silly Du Yu. Help!"

"Oh Oh." Du Yu hurried to the corner and turned on the tap. He picked up the rubber tube under the tap and aimed it at Li Mengnan!

He also blocked half of the outlet of the rubber tube to increase the strength of the water shooting out, washing it back and forth on Li Mengnan's tall and graceful body.

"Um?" The head teacher, Li Hong, walked in and looked at her daughter, who was buried in the sink, and Du Yu, who was working hard…

'You washing cars here?'

"Mmm~ Awesome!" Li Mengnan enjoyed it for a long time before holding the sink with one hand and her chest with the other. She lifted her beautiful face.

Crystal water droplets slid down her fair face, but she had no intention of admiring her beauty. She only looked at Du Yu in the mirror. "You've awakened too?"

Du Yu shrugged and turned off the tap. "That's about enough, I think? You'll catch a cold if you keep going."

He's a seasoned caring man.

"Oh." Li Mengnan looked impatient and glared at Du Yu in the mirror.

"Let's go out!" The nurse hurriedly called out to Du Yu.

Li Mengnan's gaze chased after Du Yu, who was leaving. Her fierce expression gradually disappeared, and her face turned slightly red, as if she was recalling Du Yu's bright eyes.

"Hello, Teacher." Du Yu nodded politely at his head teacher, Li Hong.

Seeing that Du Yu was fine, Li Hong remind, "Go to the hospital bed and rest first. I'll go over to see you later."

"Okay," Du Yu said softly, sighing inwardly.

'It's all gratitude!'

Ever since he entered his third year of high school, Du Yu's real boarding place was Li Hong's home.

Li Hong was a very strict head teacher and a kind woman.

Ever since she took over Du Yu's class in her third year of high school, Li Hong learned about Du Yu's miserable background and saw how hardworking he was day after day.

She knew the atmosphere of the school dormitory very well. Out of kindness, Li Hong let Du Yu move into her house for nearly a year.

All along, Du Yu had relied on the financial support of philanthropy and did not have much of a source of income. He did not have the ability to repay his head teacher and could only repay her by his improving grades. And the crazy cleaning-ups he did for her helped.

The relationship between the teacher and student was very good. One was gratified, and the other was grateful. Only one person's hatred for Du Yu was great—Li Hong's daughter, Li Mengnan.

This girl had perfectly inherited all of her mother's good points. She was fair-skinned, beautiful, and tall. Especially her long legs, even surpassing her mother's.

Unfortunately, the lassie had a bad temper and didn't get along with Du Yu.

Reason being?

Du Yu was a "learning role model"!

Ever since he moved in, how could Li Mengnan, a child with average grades, have a good life?

Du Yu sat down on his hospital bed as he wiped his face. His head buzzed at the thought of Li Mengnan.

He'd only been in this world for two weeks, and already he couldn't stand her. He wondered how the original owner of this body had endured it.

A few minutes later, Li Mengnan wiped her long wet hair and changed into a dry hospital gown. She followed her mother, Li Hong, and the nurse and sat down unceremoniously on one side of Du Yu's bed.

The nurse said, "Since your physical condition has stabilized, you can be discharged at any time.

In addition, the people from the Demon Bureau are outside the inpatient department, providing testing for free. If there's anything unclear about all the changes that have happened to you, you can ask them."

"Alright, thank you. Sorry for the trouble," Li Hong said as the nurse left with a smile.

"Mom, let's go and test. I must have successfully awakened!" Li Mengnan said impatiently.

The position of demon tamer was the dream of ordinary people, and it was a highly respected profession!

In the world, demon realms could be seen everywhere. There were also dire beasts that appeared out of nowhere and wreaked havoc everywhere. If you were to become a demon tamer, you could become a guardian angel and be respected by everyone. Wouldn't that be great?

You can also cultivate divine pets, adorable pets, and compete on the world stage while enjoying endless flowers and applause.

You could even become an explorer and travel through dangerous foreign lands to record rare beasts and leave your name in the history books.

The demon pet industry filled all aspects of human society, and the direction of personal development was naturally countless. Once you became a demon tamer, you would completely enter a new dazzling life!

Taking a step back, if one could contract a divine pet, who would be willing to be an ordinary person?

However, Li Hong was grim. Looking at the abnormally agitated Li Mengnan, she casually said, "After your hair is dry."

"Aiya, Mom! It's so hot outside. It's fine," Li Mengnan said coquettishly.

Li Hong was the impartial Year Three Head teacher. What kind of children had she not seen before?

Her expression was stern. "After your hair dries!"

"Oh." Mengnan was so frightened that she shrank back and pouted. She didn't dare say anything else. She just dried her hair frantically with a towel.

At the same time, Li Hong looked at the silent Du Yu.

Since the children were fine, Li Hong's occupational disease kicked in. "How did you do for the exam?"

Although it was an inquiry, Li Hong was pessimistic. It was really a pity. Ever since Du Yu had an accident and fell down the mountain, he had changed a lot.

Although his personality had not changed drastically, his mind did not seem to be very bright anymore…

Du Yu, Du Yu. People say that people live up to their name, and your name literally means "dumb".

Sigh… what else could be said.

Seeing Du Yu lower his head without saying anything, Li Hong sighed in her heart and said in a rare gentle voice, "The results are not out yet. There's no need to be so depressed. When the time comes, I'll help you look for a better school."

"Yes, okay." Du Yu nodded obediently.

Li Hong said, "In addition, even if you don't perform well in this exam, there's more than one college entrance examination in your life."

Du Yu was speechless.

I have too much say in the matter of having more than one college entrance examination in life!

Wait! Teacher, what do you mean? Do you want me to repeat my studies?

Don't! Over and over, I'm already numb from it ~

"He's probably awakened too. Why will he bother with an ordinary university?" Li Mengnan muttered softly.

In an instant, Li Hong looked over with a sharp gaze.

Li Mengnan trembled in fear.

The world-famous painting: The Head Teacher's Gaze.

As Li Mengnan's hair gradually dried and flowed down her shoulders, the three of them finally left the ward and walked towards the entrance of the inpatient department.

"You two have been sleeping until now. You have to eat. Nannan, go to the supermarket and buy some. Eat it when you're in line." As she walked, Li Hong took out her daughter's phone from her bag and handed it over.

There was a chain supermarket at the entrance of the courtyard. Du Yu hurriedly strode forward. "I'll go buy it!"

He didn't have much, but he could afford a few sacks of milk and bread.

Actually, the fact that he currently has no money was not scary. The real problem was that Du Yu had no financial source.

Now that the college entrance examination was over, although Teacher Li did not say anything, Du Yu could not stay here forever.

It was Du Yu's original plan to move his luggage from the teacher's house today and return to the school dormitory to live. He would work a few jobs during the holidays and go to McKentucky to be a cashier.

But now, after experiencing such a fortuitous encounter, if he could really embark on the path of a demon tamer, perhaps his future would have some hope?

As he thought about it, Du Yu took three loaves of bread and three bags of milk from the shelf and put them in front of the register.

"Hello, that'll be eighteen yuan please," the cashier said with a smile. "Want a bag?"

"No." Du dug into his pocket and counted the bills in his hand. Only sixteen.


The hospital supermarket was a little expensive…

With a soft click, a fair hand picked up a phone and swept the QR code on the table, relieving Du Yu's embarrassment.

"Hurry up, there are so many people lining up for the test," Li Mengnan urged. After paying, she turned and walked away.

"Oh." Du Yu looked slightly embarrassed. He followed her out with the milk bread and whispered, "I'll pay you back."

"You're not the only one eating. There's no need to return it." Li waved her hand dismissively.

She hated him, that was for sure.

However, in terms of poverty, background, and so on, Li Mengnan had never ridiculed Du Yu.

It wasn't easy. You know, even adults sometimes inadvertently say the wrong thing, not to mention the world is full of malicious people.

Du Yu lowered his head and followed Mengnan. "Thank you," he whispered. "I'll return everything."

Du Yu had a lot to repay. Not only this meal, but everything he had used at Teacher Li's house in the past year.

However, although the cost of food and accommodation could be quantified, Teacher Li's meticulous care for him could not be measured with money.

His thoughts were also very simple. Since he had used this body to revive once, he would try his best to repay any benefactors of the original owner, Du Yu.

Du Yu's voice held a hint of stubbornness. Li Mengnan heard it and chuckled softly.

The word "all" made a lot of sense to her.

Perhaps it was because she was in a good mood or because Du Yu looked good today, Li Mengnan wanted to take a few more glances. At this moment, she actually stopped in her tracks and waited for Du Yu to catch up.

As the two of them walked side by side, Li Mengnan turned to look at Du Yu's side profile and whispered, "Then the person you're returning the favor to is also my mother. It has nothing to do with me."

'I'm sick of you!'

'Before you came, my mother and I were sleeping in separate rooms.'

A year! A whole year. Do you know how I got by?"

Du Yu was speechless.

Indeed, having a head teacher as a mother, they would be together in class during the day and in the same room when they got home at night.

'Any child would be devastated, wouldn't they?'

Du Yu was only surprised. Even though Li Mengnan was watched 24 hours a day, this girl's test results were only average.

The world's unsolved mystery belongs to…

As his thoughts ran wild, Du Yu felt something strange. He turned around and saw Li Mengnan secretly looking into his eyes.

For a moment they stared at each other.

"Hmph." Li Mengnan blushed slightly and hurriedly lifted her beautiful face. Like a proud white swan, she quickened her pace and walked forward.

Du Yu's expression was strange, as if he had discovered a new life option. Why don't we go find a sugar mommy?

"Dear, Hungry, Food" and so on. Easy money.

Easy and fun…