
"Uh." The girl was flustered, but she managed to hold on to Little Firefox.

Du Yu simply said nothing.


He thought he would be King Zhou in the future, but Little Firefox was more skilled and was actually the harem master.

"Did you bully her?" the girl asked quietly. Under normal circumstances, demon cubs were very dependent on their masters, let alone one who had already signed a contract.

Moreover, after signing the contract, the demon pet could enter its master's body to recuperate.

But the little Firefox had remained outside, unwilling to return home. It was reasonable to assume that something had gone wrong with the owner of the demon pet.

"No, no. This little guy is more active. Sorry to have troubled you."

"It's no trouble at all. You can take the luggage first," the girl said gently. Her face was full of affection as she looked at the clinging little firefox in her arms. She clearly had little resistance to beautiful, adorable things.

By the time the five of them returned to the campus with their luggage, they had already split into two groups.


The journey was silent. Du Yu carried his bag and pushed Li Mengnan's suitcase. He listened to the sound of the pulley grinding and turning on the yellow soil and felt very awkward.

"I'll introduce her to a new playmate," the girl said suddenly. As she opened her palm, a deep red rose actually floated out.

Du Yu's eyes lit up!

A dual demon pet of wood and fire. A rose spirit?

Oh my god! Not only did this girl bring her own demon weapon, but she didn't even use a school assigned demon pet?

It was understandable that she did not want the school's weapons. After all, the school only gave them inferior garbage.

However, the demon pets given out by the Demon Academy were carefully selected and full of potential! This girl…

The crimson rosebud was the size of a baseball. It had large eyes that were close to the color of the rose itself and not easily noticeable.

It had no roots. In its place were two small feet wrapped in flower petals.

Adorable and gorgeous.

A small sound came from the rose spirit's small mouth. It was very interesting.

"Woo?" Little Firefox poked his head forward, curious. Her little nose twitched as she inhaled the elusive scent.

The girl chuckled and sent the rose into little firefox's arms.

Du Yu hesitated for a moment before saying, "I still don't know your name."

"Lin Shiyi."

"It's a beautiful name." Du Yu had come for a live teaching session, thinking it was the right way to use the word "beautiful."

How could Lin Shiyi know what Du Yu was thinking? At this moment, she felt playful. She placed the rose spirit on Little Firefox's head and admired it for a long time before turning to look at Du Yu.

"Are you from Songguta?"

Du Yu said, "Yes."

Lin Shiyi nodded thoughtfully. She knew that before this student awakened, he probably didn't pay much attention to the world of demon tamers.

Songguta City—The Lin family was a major demon-taming clan and was extremely famous.

Perhaps the surname Lin was more common, but the appearance of a combination like the surname Lin + Rose Flower Spirit had already revealed the girl's family identity.

Earlier, when Lin Shiyi boarded the school bus, The teacher, Gong Cheng, had repeatedly confirmed the girl's choice.

After all, she could receive better private teaching at home. There seemed to be no reason for her to come to this training class.

Lin Shiyi stopped talking, and Du Yu did not insert himself into the conversation.

As he passed the student formation, he waved at Li Mengnan, indicating the suitcase that belonged to her, before walking into the old dormitory building.

This scene made Li Mengnan's anger surge!

How many minutes had it been? Du Yu was already walking with another pretty lady?

What was worse was that the "splat" that belonged to her was still in that young lady's arms with a rose on its head?

"Damn it!" Li Mengnan gritted her teeth. Under her mother's high-handed management, she, who had no romantic experience, tasted betrayal for the first time!

And from a fox!

"You! What are you doing? Have you mastered it?" Gong Cheng suddenly shouted, scaring Li Mengnan so much that she shrank her head and hurriedly mobilized the elemental demonic aura in her body.

However, the wind, fire, and lightning elements in her body were running around randomly. It was very difficult to concentrate them between her eyebrows.

Yesterday, she had found a way to contract with a demon disciple on the Internet. She did not manage to learn it and thought that her teacher would help her resolve her difficulties when she arrived at school.

Now, she had been assigned to such a fierce teacher!

The more Li Mengnan thought about it, the angrier she became. As she held the Dark Wind Sword tightly in her hand, she suddenly felt a breeze sweeping under her feet, and the Dark Wind Sword trembled faintly…

Li Mengnan was still fuming. Du Yu had already chosen a room for two at the end of the corridor.

Du Yu did not clean the room. He still remembered Teacher Gong's request. He carried Little Firefox and quickly walked out of the old dormitory building, heading straight for the northeast of the field.

He thought he was moving fast, but he was the last of the five to arrive.

"Sob~" Little Fox was still a little sad because of the separation, but when she saw Miss Lin Shiyi, she immediately perked up.

Only this time, Du Yu was more cautious. He didn't let go of Little Fox.


Heh, where are you gonna go, my beloved consort!

Lin Shiyi smiled at the fire fox and even winked mischievously at her.

"Mortal-level demon pets can learn one to two demon techniques." Suddenly, a low voice sounded from behind Du Yu's head. A huge shadow also enveloped Du Yu.

Gulp. Du Yu's Adam's apple bobbed. He didn't dare move.

Gong Cheng stood behind Du Yu. His tall and burly body was enough to reveal half of his face.

He scanned the four students facing him. "The canteen is on the east side of the dormitory building. Your lunch is prepared there, as well as a special meal for your demon pets.

After your demon pets learn one demon skill, they can start eating. Lin Shiyi."

The girl's face was full of obedience. "Teacher."

Gong Cheng: "Has your rose spirit learned any demonic skills?"

Lin shook her head. 'Not yet. He's a newborn cub. I only contracted him last night.'

Gong Cheng nodded. "Alright, wait for me."

As he spoke, Gong Cheng took out a stack of notes from his pocket and tore one off. He wrapped his arm around Du Yu's side and pressed his palm against his chest.

"Uh." Du Yu grimaced. As Gong Cheng stopped, he hurriedly caught the paper that slid down his chest.

The small paper was filled with condensed words, very useful for cheating during exams.

Du Yu found Little Firefox's information in the fire demon pet column.

"Little Firefox, fire-type demon beast."

Official recommendations for demonic techniques:

1. Bronze Hero Skill—Spark Splash: Condense flames in its mouth and shoot a fireball at the target area. The fireball will explode upon contact and burn the enemy.

2. Bronze Hero Skill—Fire Cloud Tail: Gathers flames at the tail that sways with the tail, and sprays out layers of fire fog. While hiding within, it will confuse and intimidate your enemies.

Demon Technique Level: 1 Bronze Hero, 2 Silver Victory, 3 Gold Glory, 4 Platinum Brilliance, 5 Jade Blizzard, 6 Diamond Eternity, 7 Starlight Shining.

Note: Even the lowest bronze-level demon technique can theoretically advance to a starlight-level demon technique.

I hope that all of you will train hard and grind carefully with your beloved pets to continuously increase your demon skills and climb to the top!"

Du Yu read it seriously. It was no different from the encyclopedia on the Internet, except that there were more encouraging words.

He didn't take these words seriously. The information on the Internet was complete, and the world record was clear: Currently, the highest level of Spark Splash was jade.

Countless demon pets had created this record, not worthy of notice.

There were tens of thousands of fire-type demon pets that could not be improved no matter how hard they tried. From this, it could be deduced that jade was most likely the limit of the demon skill, Spark Splash.

Du Yu put down the documents while Teacher Gong had already left with Lin Shiyi.

The remaining cadets looked at each other.

Four people, three demon pets. In addition to Du Yu's little fire fox, there were two wolf lake dogs and a little earth rhinoceros.

It was fine if the little fox and puppy were the size of a palm, but the dark brown rhinoceros was so small that it felt imaginary.

However, no matter how dreamy the other demon pets were, they could not shake the status of the Wolf Lake Hound Clan in the hearts of the people of Great Xia.

There were two Wolf Lake Dogs among four people. That was the best proof.

Great Xia's militant organizations all used Wolf Lake Dogs, but being common did not mean that they were cheap. Instead, it was the best proof of strength!

"Let's start learning. All the best, everyone." As the class monitor, Du Yu casually encouraged them before walking towards the archery target further away.

Little Firefox was interesting, too. There was no sign of reluctance.

Although Lin Shiyi had left with Teacher Gong, there was still a girl among the remaining students.

But Little Fox had no intention of opening a home and settling into a new bed.

'So… it can serve as a measure of female appearance?'

Du reached the worn archery target and half-knelt, setting Fox down on the yellow dirt. "I've got a name for you, you little slag."

"Woo?" Foxy lifted her head, her eyes lively as she nuzzled Du Yu's fingers affectionately.

When there were no pretty ladies around, Little Fox was so devoted and cute…

Du Yu pinched her big tail and said, "From now on, I'll call you Shal, for shallow."


"Grow up quickly! Shal, let's go appraise more girls!"


'Good! Now, use Spark Splash!'

Little Firefox blinked. She'd never understood what Du was saying, but with the help of the bond, she felt something.

Is he asking me to use a demonic technique?

Aren't you making things difficult for me…

Little firefox was stunned for a long moment, unable to force anything out.

A few seconds later, she turned her head, clutched her big tail in her mouth, and performed a circle jump for Du Yu.

"Hehe ~" Little Scorcher's laughter sounded in Du Yu's mind.