Tough Acting King? (2)

"Be careful," Lin Shiyi warned Du Yu.

Du Yu pressed his shoulder against the tree, his gaze fixed on the distant thicket. He didn't turn around, just waved his hand.

"Wuu!" Shal quickly climbed onto Du Yu's long legs and landed steadily on Du Yu's shoulder. Her long tail hooked around Du Yu's neck.

Battery One, Fox Shal, ready!

"Go!" Du Yu whispered and darted out.

'I'd like to see who opens this road today!'

At the same time, beside the northwest border, behind a big tree.

Gulp. Zhang Qiming pressed his back against the tree and swallowed. He, who had always been a hunter, suddenly felt like prey. It was an unusually bad feeling.

"Meow?" On his shoulder, Lightning Cat sensed his master's mental state and couldn't help but whimper softly to calm Zhang Qiming down.

"Shh!" Zhang Qiming hurriedly gestured for Lightning Cat to keep quiet.

"Wuu." Feeling wronged, the lightning cat turned away.

Zhang Qiming quietly stuck his head out and tried to look around. However, he realized that there was no sign of anyone where Lin Shihang had been defeated.

Zhang Qiming's heart sank!

It was embarrassing to say. He was truly afraid.

Under the siege of a group of people, Du Yu displayed terrifying strength!

He relied on his archery skills to force back the four people chasing after him!

The little fire fox was even more terrifying. It directly blew up Sun Beizhi and made him withdraw from the assessment. It also frightened the other three people.

He had thought that if Lin Shihang seized the opportunity, he and the Lin family's young master would be able to deal with Du Yu together. However, he did not expect Du Yu's actions to be so cunning.

One jump, two turns.

Now Zhang Qiming's greatest reliance was gone.

When others faced the Lin family's young master, without thinking about strength, most people would be afraid and not dare to say anything. So they would use demon crystals to buy peace.

And this Du Yu…

Fuck him, he really dared!

Not only did Du Yu dare to resist, but he also dared to shoot Lin Shihang in the head!

"Gulp." Zhang Qiming's Adam's apple bobbed again. The more he thought about it, the more flustered he became.

Damn, he'd hit a snag!

Zhang Qiming stuck his head out again and saw Lin Shiyi and her female roommate walking leisurely.

No Du Yu!

"MEOW!!!" Suddenly, the lightning cat on his shoulder bristled. More perceptive than a human, it sounded a warning.

Zhang Qiming didn't know where the enemy was, let alone where the attack was coming from, but he couldn't care less. He kicked the tree behind him and leaped forward.


Sparks exploded and heat waves surged!

Back to a few seconds ago…

Du Yu took a small detour and quietly approached Zhang Qiming's left rear. Although the other party had hidden very well and did not reveal himself at all, according to the signs of the bushes moving, the other party should have rolled and hid here.

For the first time, Du Yu did not order Shal out loud.

Under the contract, Du Yu pointed to the tree not far away and tried to communicate with Shal telepathically.

Following the direction Du Yu pointed, Shal also sensed that her master was about to attack. She tried to gather a small fireball in front of her mouth.

Delighted, Du Yu gave a quick thumbs-up.

Shal sensed her master's approval and tried even harder to gather the fireball.

Bronze Hero Skill • Sparks Splash!

Whoosh ~

A fireball spat towards the tree and smashed into the ground!

The fireball naturally couldn't hurt the person hiding behind the tree, but don't forget that a spark splash was a secondary damage.

Du Yu's judgment was accurate. Before the fireball landed, a figure had already darted out and dodged in a hurry. "F*ck!"

Du Yu was overjoyed. He hurriedly took a step sideways and drew his bow. He muttered to himself, "Damn, Du Yu, you're really sinister!"

Zhang Qiming, who had pounced out earlier, clearly had some skills. He did not fall to the ground in a sorry state as expected. Instead, he rolled forward and stood up.

Even so, Zhang Qiming gritted his teeth and was shocked by the demonic aura that spread out.

Although the explosion was a little far away and did not shatter Zhang Qiming's Demon Breath Battle Robe, the feeling of being injured was real.

"Captain Du! Let's discuss this!" Zhang Qiming rushed forward and suddenly turned around and jumped to the side.

Du Yu was about to loosen his fingers on the end of the sinew-string arrow when he froze.

'What does that mean?'

'Running in a zigzag pattern, consciously dodging?'

As it turned out, Zhang Qiming had succeeded!

Du Yu turned his aim slightly, and Zhang Qiming stopped running to the right.

Just as Du Yu predicted his opponent's position and thought that Zhang Qiming would turn around, Zhang Qiming, who had stopped on the spot, actually started moving again. He did not change direction and plunged into the back of a big tree.

Du Yu: ???

"Class Rep Du, I admit defeat. Give me a way out please." Zhang Qiming's voice came from behind the tree.

Due to his hiding position, he could see Lin Shiyi as she walked.

On one side was the pursuit of life and death, and on the other was a pleasant outing.

This scene was simply too interesting…

"Sister Lin, please help me. I'm Shihang's teammate." Zhang Qiming looked pitiful and attacked Lin Shiyi.

"Ha-ha." Lin chuckled, unmoved. "With your looks, you should plead for mercy yourself."

The female roommate beside her hugged Lin Shiyi's arm. Her face was slightly red as she secretly sized up Zhang Qiming.

"Du rep…"

"Meow!!!" Before Zhang Qiming could finish, the Lightning Cat bristled again.

He hurried forward, and right next to the big tree where he had just been hiding, a fireball exploded again.

There were naturally trees in the terrain ahead, but most of them were very thin and could not hide their figures.

At the critical moment, Zhang Qiming used all his techniques. He stopped and charged, swaying left and right in the forest.

'Good God ~ Iverson?'

'Are you with me in this butterfly through the flowers?'

In the face of danger, Zhang Qiming displayed an astonishing desire to live. Before the fire arrow could reach him, he also saw a glimmer of hope!

The finish line!

Forty meters away was the finish line!

"Hu ~"

Demon Weapon Black Wood, ignited fire arrow.

"Damn it." Du Yu kept adjusting his aim slightly. His eyes were fixed on Zhang Qiming, and they were getting brighter.

No, he couldn't hit him like this. Zhang Qiming!

"Hiss…" Du Yu suddenly gasped. His eyes were burning. He subconsciously wanted to close his eyes, but he was unwilling to let the enemy go.

So much so that Du Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. At the same time, he seemed to have entered another world.

Only Zhang Qiming's back was left in the world.

Meanwhile, the target's butterfly-like footsteps became slower and slower…

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat!

He had inadvertently activated such an image before.

Just now, just as he was dragged by the vines of the rose flower spirit, he jumped up and drew his bow sideways…

To him, the stumbling Lin Shihang seemed to have slowed down.

Could it be… that the previous scene was not an accident? Nor was it my imagination?

Du Yu's eyes were shockingly hot. Just before he couldn't take it anymore and closed his eyes tightly, he finally let go of the arrow.


Tendons straightened!


Fire Arrow Meteor!


The Demon Breath Battle Robe shattered!

"Ah! Ahhh…"

The flying butterfly in the forest fell heavily to the ground after being accurately shot by an arrow!

Lin Shiyi and her roommate stopped in their tracks.

The teachers behind the line and the surrounding students also watched in a daze as Zhang Qiming covered his head with his hands and rolled around in pain at the finish line.

The "Zhang Butterfly" danced dazzlingly, and Du Yu, who refused to attack, was either lucky or really confident?

Li Mengnan and the wind witch's small mouths formed an "O" shape as they looked at Du Yu in the distant forest.

At this moment, Du Yu…

His bow hung naturally in his left hand. His right was rubbing his eyes.

They were clearly on the battlefield, but Du Yu looked like he had just woken up?

At this moment, Li Mengnan's mentality exploded.

We agreed to be sneaky together,

'Why did you secretly become the Tough Acting King?'