Four hundred and thirty-eight, I guarantee it for five years!_1

Xiao Yi and the others were all startled by this woman's reaction.

Just a few minutes earlier, the woman had not had this attitude at all; it had changed drastically in just a few minutes.

However, upon smelling the coffee's aroma, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

A cup of select coffee, brewed directly with coffee beans and Spiritual Spring water.

When it was placed back in front of the woman,

she was utterly defeated by the rich aroma of the coffee.

She had smelled it for a full minute earlier, but now she smelled it for three whole minutes before she came to her senses.

It was as if the coffee contained hooks that firmly latched onto her taste buds.

She picked up the cup and cautiously took a tiny sip.

But that small sip was like opening Pandora's Box, sending her into an even more intense frenzy, almost uncontrollable.

Her whole body was trembling as she looked at the coffee in the cup, and finally, unable to resist the temptation, she chose to gulp it down.