Five hundred fifty-five How did it become cannon fodder

"Auntie, your hospital stay payment is already half a month overdue, and it has reached the maximum limit our hospital can allow. The beds are in high demand, so you and the patient must leave our hospital now."

Several female nurses were gathered outside a hospital room at the time, speaking helplessly to an old woman with white hair.

Other patients in nearby beds and their relatives were all watching the scene unfold.

The moment the old woman heard this, she became unwilling.

"I've said it before! We were beaten by those people at the dance hall; it should be them paying the money. Go ask them for it; why are you asking us for money?!"

She was very emotional whenever the incident at the dance hall was brought up.

"My son is the victim! Do you understand victim? His leg was broken by them, and they won't even pay for medical expenses. Now they won't let us stay in the hospital—how could there be any justice in this world?!"

She said this with extreme agitation.