635 Internet Cafe's first price reduction


Gu Chen left the Wei Family and didn't go anywhere else, the first place he went to was the internet cafe.

Upon arriving at the internet cafe, the first thing Gu Chen did was to observe the current situation of the customers inside.

In fact, it was obvious that the number of customers in the internet cafe had decreased significantly compared to that time.

Back then, every single computer in the internet cafe was occupied! But now, it was clear that some computers were already empty.

At this moment, Gu Chen quickly made up his mind.

Continuing to charge the same one yuan a minute as before was definitely not going to work, and even though forty yuan an hour may be relatively cheaper, the majority of people still couldn't afford such high expenses.

Gu Chen directly said to the network manager, "Starting from tomorrow, our internet cafe will have its first price reduction, after midnight it'll be fifty cents a minute, twenty yuan an hour."