Eight hundred eighty-nine, no design is the best design!

Hao Meili and Lei Mi stood like the two generals of jest.

Lei Mi was the most nervous, constantly swallowing his saliva.

Hao Meili glanced at him.

"Why are you so nervous? Why don't you drink some water so you don't stutter on stage later?"

She said this directly to Lei Mi.

Lei Mi simply glanced at her after hearing this.

Facing her ridicule, Lei Mi was too nervous to pay any attention.

All his focus was on the press conference ahead.

Once the conference began, facing dozens of cameras and flashes, even the thought of it felt somewhat unbearable.

Although Gu Chen never looked at Lei Mi, he could feel the tense atmosphere around him.

"Don't panic, take your time, just follow the script given to you, and go at your own pace when you demonstrate the actual product," he said, reassuring Lei Mi, who nodded in response.

But the look of fear and unease was still present in his eyes.

This was his first time in such a formal setting.

He feared screwing everything up.