【68】This Mr. Shen is really a great philanthropist!_1

Qin Yanan, after all, was the boss of Ya Garden and had far stronger mental fortitude than the average person.

Her earlier fluster had only been due to a guilty conscience, but now, feeling the strength in Tang Feng's hands, she immediately calmed down.

"Yeah, my dad will definitely like it."

Although the two hadn't coordinated their story beforehand, her response was incredibly smooth, instantly slipping into the role of a wife.

After speaking, she couldn't help but internally criticize how this guy was taking advantage of her.

Why did he have to call her "wife"? Why not "sister" or "boss"?

Forget it, let him take advantage for now; she'd settle the score with him later.

Wang Xiaodao's gaze lingered on the pair only briefly before moving back to the pottery jar in his hands, without harboring any suspicions about their identities.

Tang Feng and Qin Yanan both heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.