The Trouble with Freedom

This was for it to regain its freedom. To regain its hope for life.

Bai Youyun chose to release the Fire Sparrow and let it return to nature.

Even though she would have to bear all the responsibility for it, she was still determined to do so.

After all, having spent so many years together, she still had some feelings for the Fire Sparrow.

But of course she did not want to just watch it die, so letting it return to nature seemed to be the right thing to do.

After Li Yi made sure she was serious, he opened the cage.

The moment the cage door was opened, the Fire Sparrow opened its eyes wide. Hope reignited in its pupils.

Its gaze was one that yearned for freedom. It wanted to soar between heaven and earth just like those other wild birds.

Just as the Fire Sparrow was about to leave the cage, Li Yi took out the Recall Status entry with his left hand.

In order to use the Recall Status, however, it needed to be attached both to the human and the Beast.

In other words, Li Yi's Recall Status on its own was not enough. He also needed to attach a Recall Status to the Fire Sparrow.

By doing so, Li Yi would be able to call the Fire Sparrow back in the future.

Li Yi waved his left hand and threw the entry above the Fire Sparrow's head.

As soon as he did, it stood up, took two steps forward and came to the edge of the cage.

Then, it flapped its wings vigorously, jumped out of the cage and flew into the air.

Although it was a little difficult for the weak Fire Sparrow to fly, the joy of being free inspired it to flap its wings in excitement.

It shot straight into the sky and let out a crisp cry. It was as though it was thanking them.

Perhaps from its perspective, it had already resigned itself to a life without freedom, but Li Yi gave it a chance to regain the freedom it had lost.

The Fire Sparrow soared into the sky. After circling a few times, it shot off into the distance.

Bai Youyun raised her head to look at the bird flying into the distance. Her eyes were a little moist.

After all, they had been together for so long. It was not easy for them to part.

"Take care. We'll meet again in this lifetime," Bai Youyun said with a regretful expression.

Lin Ya hugged her shoulders and comforted her, "Don't be sad. You two are so close. You'll definitely see it again in the future."

Bai Youyun nodded slightly. She tried to stop the tears streaming down her face.

"Let's go back..."

Bai Youyun led the way back. Lin Ya and Li Yi followed behind.

Lin Ya could not help but complain, "Even after all this, I still say you're a quack. You didn't even cure it!"

Li Yi shrugged, expressing his helplessness, but did not say anything.

The three of them went down the mountain and arrived at the bus stop at the foot of the mountain, waiting for the bus to return.

When they got on the bus, the sky was already dark. The last traces of twilight had vanished and night had fallen.

Soon, they got off the bus at Yi's Beast Hall.

However, before they even reached the front door, Li Yi saw more than a dozen people gathered there.

They were dressed in uniform black suits. Their postures were all uniform, and they were arrayed in neat rows. One look and one could tell that they were a proper bodyguard team.

Li Yi was a little curious. Did he offend someone? So many bodyguards surrounded him at once.

Such brazen behavior was not something an ordinary person would dare to do.

"Why don't the two of you go on home? I have a situation here that needs to be taken care of," said Li Yi.

Bai Youyun had no intention of leaving. Instead, she walked toward the entrance of the hospital.

"I know all these people. It's alright..."

Bai Youyun and Lin Ya went to the front door.. Li Yi was a little suspect, but he still followed them.

Among the dozen or so bodyguards, there stood an old man wearing a black suit.

When he saw Bai Youyun walk over, he lowered his body slightly and rushed over to welcome her.

"Miss, you're finally back!"

"Butler Liu, what are all these people doing here? is something the matter?" Bai Youyun was a little unhappy. She was worried that Butler Liu's behavior would scare away her friends.

Butler Liu quickly explained, "Miss, I received some news and came here specially."

"What's the matter? Just tell me."

Butler Liu thought for a moment. Then, he turned towards Li Yi.

"You are Li Yi, right? Is Miss Bai treating her pet here?" Butler Liu asked coldly.

"Yes, she is," Li Yi said without hiding anything.

Butler Liu snorted, "Then I need to ask you something. Where is the pet? Where is my Miss's Fire Sparrow now?"

Butler Liu's tone was bulging with anger. He was very angry that they released the Fire Sparrow.

Li Yi said unhurriedly, "We released the Fire Sparrow. Is there a problem?"

When Butler Liu heard this, he flew into a rage. "Is there a problem? Of course there's a problem! There's a big problem!"

"You released the Fire Sparrow. How is Miss going to participate in the competition now?"

At that moment, Bai Youyun walked over. She was extremely displeased when she saw Butler Liu treating her friend this way.

"Uncle Liu, what are you doing here?"

Butler Liu turned around and his face changed from anger to smiles. "Miss, I'm helping you get justice. This man here has deceived you!"

Bai Youyun went on, "How did you find out that we set the Fire Sparrows free? Were you following us?"

This question made Butler Liu a little flustered. "No, no, I would not dare! It's mostly because someone happened to take a video of you releasing the Fire Sparrow on that hill by the zoo. I just happened to see it."

Though it sounded crazy, Bai Youyun had to believe him.

After all, there were tons of people watching the sunset on that hill. Moreover, she was a Jianghai City celebrity. It was very normal for her to be photographed.

"Let me tell you seriously now. I was not deceived. I did that to save the Fire Sparrow's life."

Butler Liu retorted earnestly, "Miss, how is that going to save the Fire Sparrow's life? Were it to remain in captivity, it would continue to enjoy endless comfort and luxury!"

"Now that you've let it go, how are you going to participate in the next competition?"

Butler Liu's thoughts were the same as Bai Youyun's were before. He thought the Fire Sparrow was better off staying in a cage with luxurious living conditions.

But Bai Youyun did not think so anymore.

"Uncle Liu, you're wrong. I let the Fire Sparrow go. I definitely made the right decision. If I hadn't, the Fire Sparrow would have starved to death!"

Butler Liu was a little surprised. He did not expect Bai Youyun to think this way. Now that the Fire Sparrow was gone, all the effort she had put into preparing for the competition had gone to waste!

However, he still had to follow orders.

"Miss, I came here this time to deal with this fellow called Li Yi according to the law. He set the Fire Sparrow free on his own accord. He should pay us compensation!"

As he spoke, butler Liu walked towards Li Yi.

The value of that Fire Sparrow was immeasurable. If Li Yi really were to pay it, he would have to sell of the entire hospital.

Bai Youyun rushed before Li Yi and shot back, "He hasn't done anything wrong. I let the Fire Sparrow go. I made that decision from the beginning to the end. It has nothing to do with him!"