The Lightning Rat

After walking out of the shop that sells Contract Crystals, Li Yi set off for the fifth floor.

Following close behind him, Jiang Ying suggested, "Now that you have the Crystal, are you going to contract a Beast?"

Li Yi didn't say anything. He couldn't contract a Beast right now. He was still one fragment away.

"Let's go to the Beast Egg area first. Why don't we see what kind of Beasts they sell there."

"Don't you already have a Gale Butterfly? Aren't you going to contract it first?" Jiang Ying asked with some confusion.

Li Yi didn't answer. Instead, he said somewhat mindlessly, "You're my assistant. Why are you telling me what to do now?"

Jiang Ying didn't take his words to heart. "I'm doing this for your own good. So ungrateful."

"Alright, stop talking nonsense. Just follow me there and we'll be done."

Li Yi said as he continued walking forward. Jiang Ying followed him helplessly.

Soon the two of them arrived at the fifth floor. It was full of shops selling Beast Eggs.

Li Yi glanced over and discovered that different shops were selling different kinds of Eggs.

Some shops mainly sold water-type Beasts, while others specialized in lizard-type Beasts.

All kinds of Eggs were neatly lined the shops' shelves, each one unique.

Some Beast Eggs had striped shells, some were spotted, and others were gradually changing color.

Even just a few steps in, Li Yi was enchanted..

Looking at the variety of Beast Eggs sold here, Jiang Ying widened her eyes in curiosity.

"They're all so beautiful. I'm very tempted to buy one."

"Really? Which one do you want to buy?" Li Yi asked.

Jiang Ying frowned slightly. "What if I want to buy all of them?"

"Hehe, dream on..."

Jiang Ying rolled her eyes at Li Yi, then went back to admiring all the Eggs around her.

Just then, Li Yi remembered the Strong Luck Status that he had obtained earlier.

If he added the Status to himself, then his chances of selecting a high quality Egg to buy would shoot through the roof!

Li Yi took out the Strong Luck Status and was about to attach it to himself, when suddenly a system notification appeared.

[ The effects of the Strong Luck Status arise from intuition. Since humans are rational, thinking animals, attaching the Status to one will have greatly reduced results. ]

Li Yi's eyes fell onto Garfield in his arms. The lazy Garfield was lying in the backpack in Li Yi's arms, fast asleep.

With his right hand holding the Strong Luck Status, Li Yi placed it directly onto Garfield's head.

Then, he grabbed the back of Garfield's neck. With one hand, he pulled the cat out.

Li Yi shook his right hand twice and woke up Garfield.

Having been awakened so suddenly, Garfield meowed automatically.


Hearing this, Jiang Ying looked over.

"What a cute cat. It's a little fat though..."

She reached out to caress Garfield's soft belly a couple times, but Garfield pushed her hand away.

"He has quite a temper..." Jiang Ying pouted.

Then, Li Yi put Garfield on the ground to let it move around more freely.

Garfield took a lazy step and slowly moved forward.

Li Yi and Jiang Ying followed behind Garfield. They too moved very slowly.

Jiang Ying was curious. "Why are we following this fat cat?"

Li Yi continued to follow the cat without responding to her.

Suddenly, Garfield's eyes lit up as his body leapt forward.

Jiang Ying exclaimed, "He's so fat. I didn't expect him to be so fast!"

Li Yi quickly followed Garfield. He found it squatting in front of a Beast Egg with a small paw resting on it.

Apparently Garfield was very interested in this Egg.

The Egg was light yellow all over, and it wasn't big. It was about the same size as Garfield.

Li Yi walked over and began to carefully observe the Egg. He was curious as to what was so special about it.

He then discovered, much to his surprise, that the Beast Egg in front of him was covered in tiny cracks.

"Is it about to hatch?" Jiang Ying said with some surprise.

Li Yi nodded slightly. "It sure looks like it."

He was somewhat looking forward to it. If it could arouse Garfield's interest, then it definitely was no ordinary Beast.

The very next moment, half of the Egg shell split open, revealing a bit of the interior.

Li Yi was surprised to find that, inside the Egg, there was a yellow-skinned rat.

What struck him more, however, was its red face and lightning-shaped tail!

This was clearly Pikachu. The one who can put out 10,000 volts of electricity!

Li Yi had no idea Garfield was about to find a powerful creature! He had to get it!

Even if he had to spend all his savings, it would be worth it!

Jiang Ying came over and looked at it carefully. She said, "Don't tell me you want to buy this thing?"

Li Yi nodded as if it were a matter of course. "Of course, I have to buy it!"

"No, that would be a mistake. It's not worth it, "Jiang Ying said.

"Garfield has chosen it. I'm gonna buy it. Mind your own business."

Jiang Ying felt a flash of anger. "Aren't you being a little childish? Cats are interested in rats. Don't you know that?"

She looked at it carefully and said, "This is just a Lightning Rat. It has just hatched, so its strength is only Iron-tier at most. Buying it would be a waste of money."

Li Yi completely ignored her. "I've already decided to buy it. I don't wanna hear another word."

Jiang Ying felt speechless. "Do you even know what Iron-tier strength means? It means that the growth potential of this Lightning Rat is very low. It may be F- or even E-tier!"

Li Yi was well aware what Iron-tier strength meant. Among all the tiers of Beasts, Iron was the lowest.

After Iron came Bronze, then Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Stellar, Lunar, and finally Solar.

These nine tiers contained pretty much every single Beast in existence. The logic behind it was very simple. If you multiplied the growth potential by the cultivation time, you would get a Beast's current strength.

Li Yi shook his head. "I don't care about what you say. I'm buying this Lightning Rat no matter what."

Hearing this, Jiang Ying had nothing to say. "Since you're so persistent, you must have your reasons. I won't say another word about it."

Standing at the side, she watched Li Yi make the purchase.

The shop owner came out and told him the price. "300,000 yuan. You see, it's an electric-type Beast. There's a lot of utility to that."

"What's more, this Lightning Rat has its own exclusive skill. It's a very fine Beast."

After the shop owner said that, Li Yi didn't say anything more. He took out his card to pay.

He didn't want to haggle over the price. He just wanted to buy it and leave as soon as possible.

However, just as Li Yi took out his bank card, a figure came out of nowhere and blocked him.

"Sir, I would like to buy this Lightning Rat!"

Standing in front of Li Yi was a young man in a white suit. He had his hair combed back and his hands in his pockets. He looked arrogant.

Li Yi patted his shoulder. "Hey, where did you come from, buddy? It's first come, first served, you understand me?"

The young man turned around and looked at Li Yi with a disdainful smile. "Do you think you're qualified to rob me?"