The Terrifying Plan

A long time ago, countless cracks appeared across the earth's surface. From these cracks emerged myriads of Beasts.

Some of them had docile personalities. These became the friends of humans, they became Monster Pets. Together with the humans, they cultivated and became stronger.

The rest of the Beasts had fierce and violent personalities. They became the enemies of humans, but they also served an important role: maintaining ecological balance. These were known as the Ferocious Beasts.

However, the two in front of Li Yi actually believed that this world belonged to the Ferocious Beasts. They believed humans destroyed the natural environment and wrecked the habitat of the Ferocious Beasts.

Moreover, there was actually a large-scale organization upholding this idea. They were even willing to destroy humanity for their ideals!

It was not an exaggeration to say that they were an anti-human organization.

Li Yi could not be bothered to waste his breath on these two people. Anyone who joined that organization must be brainwashed. No matter what he said, it would make no difference.

How should he deal with these people?

There were two choices before him now. One was to hand them over to the Academy and let it deal with them. Doing so would help to tighten the security of the Competition.

However, the Beast Master Competition was a relatively secretive matter. The starting time was very well-protected information, as was the location.

Most importantly, the sending out of invitations was kept very low-key.

Normal people would not be able to tell who was a participant and who was not.

However, these two had not only gotten an invitation, they had also come to the right place at the right time. On top of that, they had a well-thought-out plan.

Obviously, they knew too much.

Li Yi had reason to suspect that there might be Mountain and River Society members on the inside of the Academy.

It was very likely that they had infiltrated the higher-ups in order to get such accurate information!

If Li Yi handed the two of them over to the Academy, he was afraid that he would alert the enemy.

After thinking for a moment, he decided it was more appropriate to hand them over to the police.

Li Yi planned to file a police report right away. It didn't matter if the competition was delayed.

He couldn't take the two people in front of him with him. It would be inconvenient for him to move.

So, he planned to tie them up first and place them nearby. After he got the police, he would bring them back here.

Before going to the police, Li Yi also planned to search through their belongings. Maybe he would find something good.

Li Yi threw Liu Chang on the ground and started to search him.

The first thing he found was a nameplate hanging around Liu Chang's neck.

Li Yi pulled it off and took a closer look. The words "Mountains and Rivers Society" were printed on it. The lines were very exquisite.

Li Yi guessed that this must be the membership ID for the Society.

After taking it, Li Yi continued to search. Next, he took Liu Chang's Contract Crystal.

"This one is purple too, and you haven't used it before. Looks like your organization is quite wealthy."

Li Yi put the Crystal into his pocket.

Now he could contract another Beast if he wanted to.

As Li Yi kept plundering, Liu Chang said with a sullen face, "Brother, please stop. Leave some things for me, will you?"

Li Yi ignored him and quickly took a small ceramic bottle.

Looking carefully, there were a few big words carved on the bottle: [ Experience Candy (small) ] .

When eaten, it increases the rate at which a Beast gains experience by a small margin.

Li Yi opened the bottle cap and poured out some of the candy. A pink, spherical candy rolled into his palm.

Then, he gave the Experience Candy to the Lightning Rat.

When the Lightning Rat saw the candy, his eyes widened a little. He grabbed the candy with both hands and swallowed it in one gulp.

After eating it, a big smile appeared on its face. It ran and jumped onto Li Yi's shoulder, rubbing its furry head against his cheek.

Li Yi pet the Lightning Rat twice, then his gaze fell back onto Liu Chang and Ye Qing.

He needed to constrain these two people before they escaped. After thinking for a moment, Li Yi decided to tie them to a tree.

There were many trees here, and the sky was dark. Nobody would ever see them.

Hence Li Yi was willing to take the risk. Using two thick ropes, he chose a thick tree and tied them to the trunk.

The two of them were tied to the tree. Their bodies were constantly writhing, and they were letting out pathetic whimpering sounds.

However, no matter how hard they struggled, they could not break free.

Without their Monster Pets, they had barely any strength. So, they had no chance of breaking free.

Having constrained them, Li Yi opened the map on his phone and looked for the nearest police station.

Soon, he found it. It was not far away, so he started heading that way.

Relying on the weak streetlights to navigate, Li Yi soon came to the police station.

Just like the restaurant, it was located in the suburbs. There were no other buildings nearby, so it seemed like a very lonely place.

Li Yi walked into the police station and went to the reception desk.

"Hello, I'm here to report a case," Li Yi said.

As Li Yi spoke, he scanned his surroundings. The people sitting in the hall were all either middle-aged or elderly. They were busy drinking tea and reading the newspaper.

"Chen, have you heard? That Mountains and Rivers Society has been stirring up trouble again."

"Who hasn't heard that? Our people were transferred to another region just to deal with those guys!"

"What is there to even say about them? Those bastards want to destroy humanity. They just aren't right in the head..."

Li Yi was a little speechless. The main bulk of the police force had been transferred somewhere else. These were the only officers left. This didn't seem good.

"Please give me a detailed account of what happened."

The receptionist took out a pen and paper and began to record.

Li Yi said, "I have caught two suspects. They are both members of the Mountains and Rivers Society. They are plotting something huge."

"You need to call back the rest of your police force here."

Just then, an old policeman in a uniform walked over.

"Young man, don't joke around. You ought to know just what they are capable of, no?"

"I suspect that you are making a false police report. You said that you subdued two suspects. Can you prove that?"

Another old policeman walked over. "Young man, do you know how high the reward money is for members of the Mountains and Rivers Society? Just one member is five hundred thousand yuan!"

"Do you understand? Five hundred thousand, for one member! Not even the most vicious criminals have bounties that big hanging over them!"

"And now you're telling us you caught two? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?"

Li Yi didn't argue any further. Instead, he took out the nameplate and threw it on the table.

"This should be enough to prove it, right?"

The old policeman picked it up and looked at it. His brows immediately furrowed.

Something about this nameplate struck him as familiar. He had seen a nameplate just like this when he was studying before.

" indeed a nameplate exclusive to the Mountains and Rivers Society. But who knows if this is real..."

He was now inclined to believe Li Yi. It was very likely that the young man in front of him was not lying!