Chapter Five -- [De]Void of Souls

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"And now, one soul floats within the void; waiting for its partner to die."


My eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness that swallowed my surroundings, feeding off the minuscule amount of the moon's light that managed to creep in through cracks in the wall.

It was an excellent place to hide, unnoticeable and tucked away deep within Werven's forest. I maneuvered around the storeroom with wind-infused boots towards the door, avoiding the mix of glass shards, wood pieces, and metallic objects that littered the floor in landmine-like piles. It led outside, I thought, but upon further inspection, it seemed to be a courtyard. From my scouting; high above in that tree; there were two courtyards within the fortress. In front of me, the old inner walls towered high above, consumed by age and nature.


The old fortress walls were covered in vegetation, allowing for my iron claws to grip and climb. There was the occasional guard, surprisingly, although I should've suspected something was hiding on the overgrown battlements. 'Move faster. Faster.' My mind chanted to myself as if it was a separate entity.


I blasted a soundless gust of wind, pushing myself to an almost instant stop, just before a tower entrance, and a lurking soldier. I projected my power into his mind and my vision blinked darkness, deeper and deeper.



Then complete black which lingered for a moment.



My vision faded out from the darkness, first, a dark grey, then monochrome normality.

Around the corner, the soldier was on the floor, arms protecting his chest as tentacles slowly dragged him into the floor, mentally. I walked through the entrance and observed the path ahead. The wall stretched out and curved to meet the base of the main building, the spire of the fort. From up high in the tree, I saw movement, however, it was brief… That was where my target was, I hoped. I glanced back to the guard, who was still on the floor. He would recover, physically. Although… his soul would never recover completely. Would I be feeling remorse here if I was a 'normal' person? I guess 'normal' is subjective…

'Faster' my mind echos to myself. I've got a king to kill.


A burst of fire erupted from my hand, streaking towards the foe in front. No thoughts dared to enter my mind apart from the rhythm of battle, the thrill of the fight. The ground beneath me compressed on itself under the weight of my starheilem battle armor, and the vegetation of the old, overgrown courtyard was either burned to cinders or completely crushed. Beads of sweat lined my brow like a low-hanging crown; my muscles either shut down or dying, knives protruding from them like thorns. My assailant seemed to be unwavering; a black cloak with the hood pulled back revealing sharp green eyes and black hair that flowed like a rough sea as she dodged any manner of attacks I threw at her. She wore chained armor under that cloak, imbued with wind to silence any clinks. I saw her withdraw another eight knives from within the dark folds, and steel herself for another assault. I activated the air around me, readying an obstacle course of burning mana. She launched herself forward, and I released the mana in that instant.

I watched as she flung herself around the streams of flame.

I watched as she pulled her wrists back and threw her hands forward.

I watched as the knives flew through the air like falcons in flight.

I watched as the darkness flowed through my sight.

And then I watched no more.

Better to die to a worthy opponent than to a ravaging sickness.


I collected my knives from the dead king's body and slid them back into the hidden straps within the folds of my cloak. He was a good fighter, not as good as the stories told, but he fought with the pride of a king. I set his sword on the ground next to him and left two knives crossed over his chest. He deserved at least this much respect.

"Well done, assassin. I didn't think you'd be able to kill Richard that easily" A voice said, behind me

"I did think that battle was too easy, King Richard," I replied, turning to face him.

"Figured it out already, you really are quite quick on your feet. We had that Richard change his name and spend ages covering my true identity."

Silence. It hovered in the air for a moment. Then two.

"Still want to claim my head? I'm sure that whoever you're working for won't know the difference between myself and him."

He was mainly hidden by the shadow of the ruins across the courtyard, but the gleam of his silver eyes was sincere.

"I'll… still fight you. My mission is to kill King Richard. Not a body double." I replied, my weapons already drawn.

"And here I thought I could have a new assistant." He said, punctuated with a sigh.

He turned his side to me.

I imbued my legs with wind and launched myself at him… I thought.

My back felt warm, and my erratic heart seemed to be pumping within my ears.

I hadn't moved from the spot at all, my legs were crumpled beneath me.

I fell backward.

My chest shot outwards, my flesh surrounding… a blade.

The nerve drug I had been taking stopped all the pain, but my mind screamed with it, filled my body with it.

I felt my lungs; pierced and struggling to keep the oxygen within them.

My eyes felt like they were made of lead, but I managed to strain them upwards.

Then, I felt the blade sever my spine, and my vision went out.

My final sight was of the one who stabbed me.

The image of his shiny, light green eyes, and the soft-gold, blonde hair.

'I wonder what happens to me, a person devoid of a soul….' I said to myself as my final thought.