Chapter 22 -- Aldrich Fiaesen N-irueerri

She didn't slow down til she was at the forest. Even then she didn't stop until the trees covered the sky in an interlocking pattern of sticks and leaves and a river flowed past, looking untainted and welcoming.

Here she stopped, taking a moment to catch her breath and tend to her wounds. She rummaged through her pockets and found a knife, a small one stolen from one of the guards, and used it to cut off strips of cloth from her tattered shirt. She expertly tied the makeshift bandages around her wounds, remembering all those nights she used to spend, tending to sword slashes across her stomach, or removing an arrowing from her calf.

She was unsure if those were good memories or not.



She stirred in her sleep.


"Hurting you is far from my reason for being here, if you were worried. Rather, I would prefer if you came and ate some of this roasted Warg before it goes cold."

Aeryn slowly opened her eyes.

She... wasn't really awake.

"Can the one inside hear me?"

Aeryn snapped straight, flicking her knife out, chant ready.

Now, she was awake.

"Hold on! Don't jump to conclusions you blind bird. Consider your situation."

< mmm.. >

Aeryn relaxed, and sat down on a wet patch of moss that was only slightly less damp than everywhere else.

"He can hear you".

"Excellent! My name is Aldrich Fiaesen N-irueerri, I'm here to help."

"Aeryn, Lewis."

"I see.. Aeryn and Lewis.."

"How'd you find out about... about our condition? If a 'condition' is what you could even call it."

"Omnipotent Body. It's an art I'm quite proficient in." A smug smile taking over the latter half of his face.

Was it only smugness? Or was there something else hidden there...?

"That... sounds like an interesting skill... I'm sure it comes in handy," Aeryn said, sizing up Aldrich as he offered her a piece of the roasted Warg.

"Indeed, it has saved my life more times than I can count."

Aeryn took the offered piece of meat, not trusting the stranger but her stomach was grumbling, and she needed sustenance.

It was funny how Primal Needs just took over rational thought at times.

"So, why are you here?" she asked, chewing on the savory meat.

"Let's just say, the gods sent me to help you." He replied, punctuating it with a sly wink.

< Probably our 'guardian angel' again. 'God' my ass, I swear she acts like some castle attendant at times. >

< She.. did train you enough to get us out of the prison, Lewis. >

"Well, shall we get going? There's a fairly decent journey ahead of us... and you're..."

Aldrich studied the heavily pitiful sight of Aeryn.

"..not going to last long if the guards do catch up."

Aeryn nodded, still wary of the stranger but grateful for his help. She stood up, tightening the bandages around her wounds.

"Where?" Aeryn spluttered; her voice still not entirely awake.

"There's a large town, just further north."

"We'll start there. It's not far, and it's the best place to hide." He continued.

Aeryn followed Aldrich, taking a step forward and looking up to see the sunlight filtering down through the trees. It was a beautiful sight, and she felt a sense of hope wash over her.

But then she remembered the prison. All the people she left behind. What the soldiers might do to them because of our escape. The weight of what she had done hit her like stones against an already fragile window, and she stumbled, nearly falling to her knees.

Aldrich caught her arm, steadying her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

Aeryn nodded, swallowing down the bile that had risen in her throat.

"I'm fine," she lied, taking a deep breath and forcing a smile.

"Good," Aldrich said, smiling back at her.

"Let's get a move on."

They continued their journey through the forest, Aeryn's thoughts consumed with guilt and fear. She couldn't shake the image of her friends and fellow prisoners being punished because of her escape. She knew she had to keep moving, to stay one step ahead of the guards, but the thought of what might be happening to those she left behind was like a constant weight on her chest.

As they reached the outskirts of the city, Aeryn felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps they would be safe here, hidden among the crowds. But as they stepped through the gates and into the bustling streets, she was immediately on guard. The town was filled with soldiers, their armor and weapons a stark reminder of her recent escape.

"Stay close," Aldrich whispered, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"We should be careful, incase word has gotten out from the prison."

Aeryn nodded, her own hand slipping to the knife at her belt. She followed Aldrich as he weaved his way through the crowded streets, trying to blend in with the throngs of people. But she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, as if someone was always following her every move.

They finally found refuge in a small tavern, nestled in a dark alleyway. Aeryn collapsed onto a bench, exhaustion finally taking hold. She was grateful for Aldrich's help, but she still didn't completely trust him.

It was discomforting being tired and led around by an unfamiliar person. Even more so now that Lewis had gone quiet.

He was probably resting from whatever the hell he did earlier.

"...why are you really here?" she asked, her voice low.

Aldrich's eyes met hers, his expression unreadable. "Like I said, the gods sent me to help you."

Aeryn frowned, sensing that there was more to his story. Much more. But she was too tired to press the matter. She would find out the truth eventually, but for now, she was just grateful for a 'safe' place to rest.