I stood frozen and l think l was not the only one surprised by the King's outburst. Some members who were in the throne hall surrounded the king urging him not to harm Luc. Big Brother Zoe stepped Infront of them and for the first time ever in his life, he stood against the king to speaking our gibberish language. ( YOULVIA___ The language of the Red Vampires also known as the language of the Wise Ones).

' Quar dem Vue, father.' he said holding on the King's wrists.

' Quar dem Vue? Why? Are you supporting this two traitors.' he fumed his fangs disappearing.

' No, they are not trying to be traitors, they are telling what they see it's true.' he added with a serious gaze onto the King. King Bildad dropped his head disappointedly then his hard gripped on Luc's collar loosen with just a nod.

' But! You have one option. He said moving back to his golden seat throne,' you must marry her, Aezil. Wether you like it or not if you don't want me to banish you and your brother out of this kingdom. And l mean it. '

' King! But!

' No buts and whys this time. Have already made up my mind. And it is only for the sake of the kingdom, please do so. ' he spoke raising his finger at Aezil.

' I understand your opinion my King. But can't you give me more time l berate on myself before rushing into things?' Aezil quickly spoke despite the warnings.

' Hmm! Time? Fine, your wedding is still on process so l guess you have around two weeks for you to decide. I won't rush you but don't you dare try to do something stupid, I'll finish you.' he threatened as he dispersed the meeting. With his mouth quiet, Aezil walked out quietly but anger in his face was already noticed to anybody that he passed across him. He stormed inside his Mansion angrily slamming his body on the bed as questions runs into his head.

' No, l can't marry! She can't know am... No.... No one must find out. Even myself. I can't get myself into women right now, it's too dangerous, fuck! He whispered moving up and down the room hands on his waist.

' How could father be so cruel! Has he already notice that l have... No! he can't have known it. Am the only one who knows about it, l myself, nobody else. ' he whispered still holding on his escaping breath.'


Ever since the school principal announced the school trip, the school has been in confusion. Not because of learning but when will the time arrive for them to venture even though it might be dangerous. My friends and l quickly took a glance through the window, staring at the snow ontop on the trees and few rocks. Yeah! I can't deny that the journey was long and tiresome but it was great. Who could have thought that we were missing so many things according to what we were seeing.

' Ah! Ah! Black Michael, make sure you write down everything you're seeing, don't just drool at everything, we're not in some kind of a trip, we're hear to study as we observe.' Mr principal said with a serious nod.

' Yes master, l swear l won't drool even at the passing fly, l might swallow it you know, Haahh! Michael answered as some of the students chuckle at his sudden reply. Mr principal gave him a quick glance then turned his head annoyingly.

' Ziddy, why haven't you said anything ever since we started the journey? Are you afraid of travelling? I slowly asked holding onto his warm hands.

' Uhh! Me! Yeah! Ofcourse no, why would I be? Infact l love it so much.' she blubbered but l got a little suspicious.

' Hmm! If you say so.'

After a short silence, Chaden quickly tapped on my hand showing me something which have been yearning for so long. The great ancient mountains. Though we've read from books somehow about them, but we never knew how they originated. Whenever we asked, the respond never changed. I moved near him to have a wide view since l was sitting between them as Principal talks again.

' We are here, we need only fifteen minutes to rotate these mountains inorder to reach at the main entrance. ' he muttered surprising all of us.

' Fifteen? Isn't three minutes just enough for us to stop? Silo one among the fat guys in the school groaned .

' Silo, do you know you're stupid? The principal said as we laugh somehow feeling at ease.

' Yes Master! So many people have told me that.' he said with an angry pout.

' Good, and I'll keep on reminding you.'

Am pretty sure no one noticed that that fifteen minutes meant five minutes. The school bus finally stopped into its destination and l can say by coincidentally, one tire got a puncture, leaving a strong purse of air in our wide mouth.

' What the fu...!

' Shut up, fatty! We've already reached our finals, now slowly walked out of the bus and start to set where you'll lay tonight as l call a mechanic.' Mr principal cut before fatty could add more.

The strong breeze and the silent movement that came from the trees made my nerve to cool down. I took few breaths then took few strolls around the pavement observing its surrounding. After five minutes or so, l found myself in a place that l couldn't furthertold how l reached there but according to the view, l knew l wasn't that lost. I took few steps Infront of one of the biggest mountains then my hands rosed on itself trying to touch the peak of the mountain but it didn't reach even a quarter of it. As l struggle, l tripped then l heard a strong shake of the underground releasing the fear inside of me. Before l could think, the mountain l was trying to touch opened on itself right Infront of me leaving me stunned from where l was standing. It got on me that l've stood there for long and what opened the Mountain l didn't catch even a glimpse. With few steps, l entered inside the dark cave switching on the light on my phone l was holding on but still my heart wanting to quit. I swallowed my fear as curiousity takes over me and with another strong breath, l moved forward not knowing where the long road will lead me to but hoping to find something interesting yet leaving me with one option. To move on.