Chapter 10: Just a Passing-by Magus

1 day had already passed since Shiro entered this world. Using the money that he borrowed from some kind strangers, he checked in to Hyatt Hotel since he wanted to see in-person this hotel before it collapsed due to "gas leaks".

"Gas leaks aside, this hotel surely did have a nice foundation.", he chuckled as he left the hotel to eat something good.

Last night, he scouted the Matou household mansion in advance. There, he found out that they have strong bounded fields even though the the family itself became trashier as time went by.

"Circle Magician, Circle Magician..."

Luckily for him, the character card that he got back in Terra could help him in this regard.

[Character Card]

Details: The character card of one of the 100 God Heroes who led the demon kingdom to collapse. The user could attain his power up to the level of a 9th Rank Circle Magician for 3 minutes upon usage.

Included spells:

Light of Judgement (Circle)

Turbulence Wind (Circle)

Heaven's Protection (Circle)

Wind Pikes (Circle)

Light Barrier (Circle)

Lightweight Ray (Circle)

Light Spear (Rune)

Wind Spear (Rune)

Wind Blades (Rune)

This card could temporarily raise his rank to 9th Rank Circle Magician, and it also allows him to use spells of a higher rank than him. These included spells function similarly to a Magic Crest and Archive Sigils. Moreover, it can also compensate for his lack of spell variety since he still couldn't use the mana on his circuits outside the Thaumathurgical Foundations on Fate.

Shiro looked at the mark in his right hand, which is the result of the fusion of 2 Magic Crests and 2 Archive Sigils. It looked like a pair of wings, with the left wing being full black while the right wing is shallow (It only has the black lines, quite sharp, and is not fully shaded).

[Magic Index]

Details: A brand new item created through the fusion of various spell storage. It can store a great deal of spells up to one realm higher than the user. As a result of the fusion between items of different systems, it could be utilized on these said systems. There are also other functions, such as casting acceleration and increased spell effectiveness.

Looking at this and his current power, he thought that the way he gained his powers is unprecedented. If used well, he guessed that he might be able to fight against a 9th Rank Circle Magician or someone equivalent to it.


Realm: 7th Rank Rune Magician (+)/ 5th Rank Aura Knight (+)

Soul Points: 975


Physique: 20

Dexterity: 19

Wisdom: 26 (+130)

Unlocked Special Attributes:

Aura: 33

Mana: 43 (+130)

Originum: 35

Charm: 100 (MAX)

Luck: 89

Control: 100 (MAX)

Willpower: 100 (MAX)

Acquired Masteries:

Arts Mastery (Expert--76%), Gun Mastery (Proficient--99%), Apothecary (Expert--65%), Riding (Expert--23%), Cooking (Expert--45%), Blade Mastery (Expert--14%), Tech Master (Proficient--78%), Bow Mastery (Expert--9%), Explosions Master (Proficient--32%), Mechanic (Expert--33%), Surgeon (Proficient--89%), Shield Mastery (Expert--12%), Negotiation Master (Expert--30%), Demonic Arts (Proficient--10%)

Aside from the masteries that he got before, there was more than a dozen new masteries that he got. Some were new, but some were merged in the pre-existing masteries, causing them to be upgraded instead.

"The rescue and the balrog quest were a huge harvest."

Though, he has to say that the most special one out of these masteries is "Demonic Arts". It's not some kind of martial art, but a type of originum application that he got from the balrog replica. Unlike what "Arts Mastery" does, "Demonic Arts" lets originum flow in the body to create certain enhancements on it.

These are also the special skills of the extraterrestrial demons that are situated within Terra's borders.

By using "Demonic Arts", he could have a 2-fold enhancement on his physique and agility alone. The other effects that it brought remains a mystery up until now, which is why he's planning to study it more thoroughly after the matter with the Rhine Labs is over.

"Hm... I should try some street foods next."

Okonomiyaki, yakitori, gyoza, dango, taiyaki... For his lunch, he ate amount of food for more than 5 people. As for the money that he used this time...

He, of course, got it through the help of his "Tech Mastery". It's bullying, to be honest. Using technology hundreds of years ahead of this world is like breaking into a bank that has only a wooden fence. Even, that wooden fence was broken by a customized bulletproof van filled with advanced robbery tools.

At this point, he could become a millionaire just by using his hacking skills...


Another day passed and the night of the second day arrived. Earlier this morning, Tohsaka Sakura arrived in the Matou household and became their adopted daughter, changing her name to Matou Sakura. Just as expected, Zouken planned to bring her into the worm cave in their basement tonight to start his sadistic experiment.

[Private] Shiro: "Shinji-kun, are you ready?"

[Private] Shinji: "Yes, aniki."

In their plans, Shinji would be responsible for finding the main worm while Shiro will be the one responsible for distracting Zouken Matou.

[Private] Shiro: "The moment the boundary fields are broken, it is the start of our operation."

[Private] Shinji: "I understand."

While Shiro is chatting with Shinji, a quest prompt popped up in his sight.

[Official Quest: Rotting Man]

Details: For 500 years, Zouken Matou had done almost everything to extend his natural lifespan. Still, it is with flaws as he didn't possess the Third True Magic, Heaven's Feel. This resulted in his body and soul rotting due to not having a proper anchor.

Objective: Truly kill Zouken Matou

Reward/s: 30,000 Soul Points, Elemental Affinity (Fire and Wind), Latent Potential Accessor (Element & Origin)

"Whoa... Is this the benefit of having two panels? Double the rewards?"

His mind didn't dilly-dally longer as he grabbed the character card from the [Dimensional Storage (SR)] that he got in his first single pull.

Shiro pinched the character card before it turned into white light. The white light merged into his body, giving him vast power. Though, he already had this feeling before when he first awakened his mana circuits.

"Light of Judgement."

The sky above the mansion lit up as if it was the middle of the day. Rays of light descended on the Matou household mansion before they started destroying the bounded fields set in their perimeter.

Then, it did not take more than 10 seconds for the bounded fields to shatter.

Boom-! Boom-!

Shiro deliberately avoided damaging the mansion too much, to avoid the trouble Shinji would face in the aftermath.

That's right, he has enough confidence to play with this old guy for a while.

"Old man, where are you~"

He stepped his foot inside the mansion. There were some horrified civilians such as the maids and the cooks as he entered, but he made them sleep using his mental interference spell.

He walked to the corridors that lead to the basement. That is until someone interrupted him.

"W-who are you?!"

Shiro looked back and saw a man similar to Shinji in appearance, but much older. With him having dull eyes, it is not hard to guess that this man had been broken by being born into this family ages ago.

"Oh, the one who acquiesced to the old man. Lightweight Ray."

An invisible ray went straight to Byakuya Matou's left and right arms. Since he is vastly weaker than Shiro, he couldn't even react before being nailed to the wall by them.

"Kgh.. Argh!"

"Let Shinji decide your fate, then."

"Y-you... What do you want?" While panicking, he asked Shiro a question.

"Me? The death of that bug geezer."

He shot his wounds again with Lightweight Ray.

Shiro didn't explain further as he left for the basement. He didn't care about Byakuya's cries of pain as he himself is a perpetrator of this abominable household. Furthermore, he would also go to the basement and silently acknowledge Zouken pushing Sakura to the worm pit.

If he was asked about this, he would surely kill him. But right now, he is still the father of Shinji, his prospective disciple.

Soon after, he arrived in an empty room with an ancient-looking metal door.

'He should be there, right? I'll go all out then.'

Sensing the presence in the basement, he didn't hesitate to cast Light of Judgement again.


The metal door went flying to the other end of this room, which is the notorious basement of the Matou's. Upon entering it, Shiro saw the disgusting sight of it.

Thousands of strange bugs proliferated the ground. There's also Zouken Matou who's about to push off a young girl with short black hair in that bug hell.

"Tsk. Tsk. I blame Tohsaka Tokiomi for all this."

"Who are you?"

Zouken looked at him calmly, though there was also unconcealable confidence as if he held Shiro's fate in his hands.

"Me? I'm just a passing-by magus who decided to contribute to society."

The silence served as the buffer time before the fight broke between the two of them.