Chapter 36: Quests All the Way!

"Is it really alright..?"

"Mn, Exia can protect itself with GN particles anyways."

Right now, Exia is hovering away from the ground. GN particles can be seen on its back more prominently as it plays a huge role when it comes to its flight.

Slowly, the view changed as they saw the entirety of Acahualla from above. The huge rocky formation that served as a mine looked nothing compared to the various waterfalls and greenery that the scene offers.

A mountain range can be seen in the distance, further emphasizing the natural beauty of it. Perhaps, this is one of the remaining places in Terra where they could see such view; catastrophes ruined most of natural habitats such as this.

""It's beautiful...""

Looking at the sight outside them, the two muttered out subconsciously. They took some time to engrave that sight in their minds before landing down. In doing so, Shiro activated its optical camouflage.

As the two leaped down, Tomimi finally woke up. She saw them talking to each other with slightly flushed faces (due to excitement). Getting closer, she was about to ask something when she noticed the strange atmosphere between them.

'Did something happen when I'm asleep?' She compared the Zumama that she knew, someone that wore a serious face all day long. 'That man really is dangerous. What if he'd already laid his hands on Sister Gavial?!'

Even she felt the max-level charm that he possesses and how dangerous it is to women - scratch that, men and women aside. Who made it so that Shiro's face looked androgynous?

Suddenly, her thoughts are interrupted when she stubbed her foot into something and fell down face first.


Her voice caught their attention as they ran towards her.

"Is it bleeding?"

"Wait a second."

Small magic circles appeared on Shiro's finger before it turned into a gentle green light. Swiping Tomimi's forehead, the strain on it disappeared, relieving her of pain.

"Was that healing arts?"

"Yes, you can say so. Wait a minute..." He interrupted her as he sensed something below with his mental power. "There's something where you stubbed your foot into."

He tried pulling it out from the sand using his fingers, revealing a fragmented and rusty black sword. The diamond-shaped pommel is actually the one revealed to the ground.

"...A sword?"

"It's already this rusty. It must have been so old."

"Hm..." He tried to look at it with his system's appraisal, surprising him greatly.

[Unorthodox Slayer (D)]

Details: The former sword used by the Golden Empress to severely injure an Alien God in the mortal world. Before it could even retrieve its cut arm, it is forced back from Terra due to how it came close on killing it. This broken sword has a great effect on "unorthodox" beings.

Note 1: Its former rank is SS.

"Mn. This is really something else. Too bad its broken."

"What do you mean by that? Is it powerful before?"

"Yep. Though it isn't now."

In the end, Tomimi decided to give it to Shiro. After all, it has no use except some historical value.

'Is this the effect of my new luck?'

When his luck attribute was increased by 0.05, it became 93. Somehow, he felt that he crossed a huge threshold when it hit that.

"I can already sense the future troubles I'll be into..." Sighing, he and the other two went back to the village.


After Shiro separated from the two, he started walking aimlessly.

"What a shy girl, haha!" When he saw Tomimi give him a "thank you", he suddenly felt bad for not explaining things. Though, he focused more on the fact that she's somehow irritated around him before due to certain reasons. "Oh, the rewards."

Taking out the 3 Random Ability Cards first, he pinched them all at the same time before they turned to white light as they entered his body.

[Random Ability acquired. Gained the ability "Energy Box (S)".]

[Random Ability acquired. Gained the ability "Counter (SS)".]

[Random Ability acquired. Gained the ability "Bullet Time (A)".]

Seeing the abilities that he got, his jaws dropped. Never had he ever expected that his luck will be this good!

"...This is the might of 93 Luck?" His thoughts became more and more dangerous as it went towards the "Random Spins" of the Chat Group. "No, no. This is becoming more dangerous. I should save my points. Yes, save my points..."

Shiro forcibly changed the direction of his thoughts to his remaining Soul Points.

"More than 400,000, huh." He thought for a while before deciding to upgrade his Winged Knight occupation first. After upgrading it thrice, he spent what's left to upgrade his Circle Magician once.

Shiro immediately felt the increase of his power. Surprisingly, his Physique and Agility had increased by 21 while his Mana increased by 4. As for his Aura, it increased by more than 16 points.

Opening his system interface, Shiro felt satisfied by how much he'd become stronger.


Realm: 2nd Rank Circle Magician (+)/ 4th Rank Winged Knight (+)

Soul Points: 2,009


Physique: 50 (+25)

Dexterity: 49 (+24)

Wisdom: 45 (+130) (+87)

Unlocked Special Attributes:

Aura: 71 (+35)

Mana: 80 (+130) (+105)

Originum: 58

Charm: 100 (MAX) (+5)

Luck: 89 (+4)

Control: 100 (MAX)

Willpower: 100 (MAX)

Acquired Masteries:

Arts Mastery (Expert--76%), Gun Mastery (Expert--99%), Apothecary (Expert--65%), Riding (Expert--23%), Cooking (Expert--45%), Blade Mastery (Expert--99%), Tech Master (Proficient--78%), Bow Mastery (Expert--99%), Explosions Master (Proficient--32%), Mechanic (Expert--33%), Surgeon (Proficient--89%), Shield Mastery (Expert--99%), Negotiation Master (Expert--30%), Demonic Arts (Master--1%), Investment Master (Master--79%)

(7 Acquired Mastery Chances Remaining)

(1 Acquired Mastery Upgrader Remaining)

"The buff that the "Foreigner's Blessing" gives is absurd. Quests are really good!"

If he had it before his fight, he'll have a much easier time fighting against Surtr. After all, the enhancements that it gives is based on his total stats, not base stats.

Meaning, his Magic Circuits are included in it, giving him a huge boost when it comes to his calculation abilities and mana reserves!

"Another Time Cards, which is nice. There's also a Buff Upgrader? Hm..."

[Buff Upgrader (A)]

Details: Upgrades a permanent buff below A-Rank once.

Looking at the brief details of it, he decided to use it on "Blazing Heart (B)" later. Its quality is high and is only limited by quantity, so he hopes that it could give him a stronger buff.

"There's also the Time Dilution Lenses, but I think I'll 'devour' it later..." Shiro stared at the final set of rewards that he hadn't touched yet: 3 Black Box stored in the system interface digitally.

[Open 1 Item Pack] [Open 3 Item Packs]

He didn't hesitate to click the latter option, making the interface shine in black light as things popped up one after another to a list.