Chapter 89: Mission Rewards

"Hm... I guess this is a way to abuse my luck..."

After that meeting, Shiro took some time to obtain the currency here. Since hacking might pose some unexpected troubles, he chose the easier way - buying from the Chat Group.

Before, he was really stingy with his Points as he doesn't have much, but things changed now. With more than a year and a half's worth of daily log-ins, he obtained nearly 53,000 Points!

Plus the 10,000 that he received, it totaled to 63,000.

Though, he has to spend 3,000 Points each for every light cube, thus he almost spent the ones that he gained from missions... or not.

He looked at the notable prompt that he received back when he entered the real world. It only used a tenth of a normal world travel since it's technically from the same world.

[Verification Finished.]

[Hidden QUEST Complete! Retain one or more <> after the Mission Duration. Reward/s: 5,000 Points, 1 SR Discount Coupon (-50% Off)!]

[Hidden Quest Complete! Retrieve one or more Fluctlights and bring them to the real world. Reward Settlement...]

[Total Fluctlight/s Retrieved:3]

[Multiplier Applies! Times 3 to the designated Rewards!]

[+600,000 Soul Points]

[+9 Weapon Enhancement Cards]

[+1 Buff Upgrader (S)]

'I didn't expect to hit so many birds in one stone...' He thought.

Shiro then checked his current status. Definitely, it far surpasses his previous self a year ago.


Realm: 9th Rank Circle Magician (+)/ 9th Rank Winged Knight (+)

Soul Points: 1,020,000


Physique: 128 (+128)

Dexterity: 132 (+132)

Wisdom: 140 (+250)

Unlocked Special Attributes:

Aura: 138 (+138)

Mana: 275 (+458)

Originum: 60

Charm: 100 (MAX) (+5)

Luck: 89 (+10)

Control: 100 (MAX)

Willpower: 100 (MAX)

Acquired Masteries:

Arts Mastery (Expert--76%), Gun Mastery (Expert--99%), Apothecary (Expert--80%), Riding (Expert--99%), Cooking (Master--96%), Blade Mastery (Expert--99%), Tech Master (Master--2%), Bow Mastery (Expert--99%), Explosions Master (Master--35%), Mechanic (Expert--33%), Surgeon (Proficient--89%), Shield Mastery (Expert--99%), Negotiation Master (Expert--30%), Demonic Arts (Master--1%), Investment Master (Master--79%), Assassination (Master--50%), Trap Master (Expert--79%), Painting (Expert--50%), Hunting (Master--9%)

Due to his "A Wealthy Dragon" and "A Foreigner's Blessing", his base stats became like this. It'll be even more ridiculous after he wears the Concealment Mask.

[A Wealthy Dragon (S)]

Details: A Dragon must be wealthy! Thus, the wealthier you are, the stronger you will be! The higher your [Wealth Stack], the greater the enhancements would be.

Wealth Stack: 100% (MAX)

Effect 1: Increases Overall Parameters by 50%.

Effect 2: Grants the ability to see opportunities leading to wealth.

Effect 3: Grants the ability to summon the phantom of a Jewel Dragon for a minute.

Effect 4: Negates any curses below S-Rank permanently.

Effect 5: Once a day, a "Lucky Encounter" would occur randomly.

Ironically, the main reason why his Wealth Stack maxed out is not caused by his current wealth; rather, its the robes and the interchangeable weapon that he has. They are simply too precious that it maxed the buff immediately.

Suddenly, Shiro searched every nook and cranny of this 4-star hotel that he chose to stay in. Unsurprisingly, he found a hidden compartment beneath the floor.

With a single cut from his black sword, he found a safe inside it.


When he cut it open, he found stacks of Yen all over it. There's also a couple of USB and a single folder in it.

"It's this time of the day, huh."

Unfazed, he started reading the contents of the folder.

'A confidential document about the recreation of SAO's death game aspect? Wow, I'm surprised...' He thought sarcastically.

He sat down on the bed once more, mending the damage that he made from the floor by reconnecting the cut part on it again. It's a simple thing to do, considering that all he has to do is to use a bit of [Earth Magic].

Shiro took out his phone once more, showing the figures of Strea and Cardinal.

"Shiro, that was magic, right?! Magic in real life!"

"I'm totally baffled to see that."

Every since he arrived here, it's inevitable that they'll learn of this. That's why he didn't care much and showed his abilities immediately.

Since they can still connect to his phone while their fluctlights are on the [Dimensional Storage], they're free to watch all of his shenanigans.

""Can I use magic?"" The two asked on the same time.

Thinking about it, one of the few ways to let them do so is for them to have bodies. Obviously, the mechanical bodies here won't work, thus he's left with the option of Einzberg's Homunculi.

Well, it's not exactly necessary for him to visit them as he has other options, such as visiting Yggdmillennia on some time. Though, he doesn't have much clue as to how to do that, considering the two wills' repulsive behavior to him.

"We'll see in the future."

"Alright then!"

"I'll watch you for now."

Strea and Cardinal replied with understanding. They don't want to cause him much trouble since he'd gone all the way just to help them get out of Aincrad.

If not for him... they would've been deleted.

'Alright. It's time to buy that now.' He thought.

Opening the "Store" tab, he them ignored the Random Spins for now as he aimed for an item that would bring him the best benefits. After some more swiping, he found it.

"There it is..."

[Potion of Luck (SR)]

Description: A high-leveled potion that increases luck greatly.

Cost: 50,000 Points

Note: Only works for people below 90 Base Luck.

Ever since he found out his luck increased to 99, he thought of finding a way to level it up to 100. Since his base luck is at 89, this would totally work, or so he thinks.

Clicking buy, he found out his points being drastically reduce. Though, the Discount Coupon worked as it only costed him 25,000 Points instead of its original cost.

A moment later, he found himself holding a potion filled with shining golden fluid full of mysteries. Sometimes, it formed a rainbow, which showed its auspiciousness.

Without hesitation, he uncorked it as he drank everything in one go. Instantly, he felt something different.

[Your Luck has been increased by 1.]

[Your Luck has maxed out!]

However, a notice woke him up from reverie.

[Detected that the host has reached the max level through unorthodox means! Intervention is bound to happen. Forced Correction ongoing in 10... 9...]

"Shit! I need to pull quickly!"

Shiro swiftly took out his 2 Random Reward Tickets and tore it in the middle. Then, he clicked the "Random Spin" option and rolled using 1,000 Points every time.

[3... 2... 1... Correction Established.]

[Current Luck: 100 (99)]

The moment this prompt popped up, he sensed that he lost something.

"F*ck, I didn't expect that! This is a scam!" Shiro complained loudly.

Though, it has to be taken into consideration that 99 Luck and 100 Luck are two different levels. While their only difference is one, their effects vastly differ.

An example of it is the max-leveled Luck granting someone with unbelievable fortune. He or she wouldn't die no matter what, plus they'll encounter crazy things that would only bring them many benefits. One such thing is them encountering a dying god and usurping everything that he has.

Simply put, everything would turn favorably for them.

That's why he thought of abusing his luck to win some URs in the Random Spins, but things didn't go to his plan. Perhaps, something would 'correct' this loophole that he found, urging his system to move by itself.

In the end, he managed to do more than 120 pulls, and that's with him using the special ten pulls that he has.

"What the..."

He could only get shocked with the results that he got.


A/N: Hope y'all liked this cliff xD

Fact #46: One of the strongest people in Terra is the Witch King. In a nutshell, he mastered Arts extensively to the point that he's hailed as the STRONGEST Caster up to date. Even the mere fragment of his power is enough to destroy an entire city (Courtesy to Lingering Echoes). Sadly, we didn't see him and the former Sarkaz King (the man who conquered half of Terra before dying) duke it out due to him "dying" under the Twin Empresses of Leithanien. However, it is questionable if he's truly dead, as it was mentioned in Lingering Echoes that his fragments contain a part of his will. Who knows, maybe he'll pull out a xianxia body possession the moment someone contacts his largest fragment (which is all from his experiments).