Chapter 93: Devouring the Seals

"I'm back..."

With a single blink, Shiro found himself back in Terra. He didn't even feel any side effects, making him wonder about the Chat Group for a while.

Removing his [Special Sunglasses], he wore the [Blindfold] in his eyes. Upon doing so, he found out that the ceiling of his [Six Eyes] became lower. It is due to it blocking the 'information' that his eyes receive all the time.


Details: Restricts the ability [Six Eyes] perfectly. While wearing it, the limit of [Six Eyes] becomes reduced; it prevented the huge amount of information entering the mind. If a normal person wears it, they'll only find infinite darkness. As such, 0nly the wielders of [Six Eyes] are recommended to do so.

"I can finally control it with my Control stat..."

Thanks to it, he managed to adjust his vision to be detailed only. He didn't see any microorganism in the ground nor he saw the souls of each person. At most, it allowed him to see from afar and have a insanely clear vision.

His sight's radius got reduced to 10 kilometers, but this is fine for him. If he detects an attack coming at him, he can dodge it easily thanks to his huge wisdom stat boost. Without the excess information that gets stuffed inside his mind, his calculation ability became free.


Opening the doorknob, he is surprised to see that Surtr is still here. She sat straight in the chair, as if she's a king's guard.

'The time ratio between Terra and the SAO world is 0.4 : 1, right?' He thought.

He spent around 16 hours there, thus around 6 hours had passed here. That's why he thought that she'll wander around the tomb once more, but he guessed it wrong.

"Mn..? What's wrong with your eyes?" She asked after seeing the thin black cloth covering his eyes.

"I awakened something troublesome. I now need to wear this to control it."


Suddenly, Shiro 'saw' something in her for the first time. He unfolded the right side of his blindfold upwards before using his [Six Eyes] at her - to be more specific, her soul.

Unlike the souls of ordinary beings, hers is on a different level. It's as if he looked on a goddess herself.

A strong power is slumbering deep inside her. Moreover, he assumed that it couldn't awaken due to the Outer God's interference.

After all, he is quite familiar with one of its factors, [Indestructibility].

Simply put, she wouldn't die even if she'd already met the pre-requisites of 'dying'. Instead, it'll even grant her immense power. Though, she'll definitely collapse after its usage.

Then, he looked at the direction of the tomb a few kilometers away from here. To his surprise, it also held the power same as hers along with the Outer God's aura!

"I see, this is how things played out." He muttered before covering his eyes with the blindfold once more.

Long story short, the Outer God wanted to fuse with that power to make its 'Incarnation' stronger before usurping the other power on that tomb.

While Surtr was mesmerized with his eyes this time, he asked, "Wanna go to the tomb? Unseal the thing inside it?"

Hearing this, she snapped out from her daze before thinking briefly.

"...Are you sure?"

"I mean, why not?"

Right now, Surtr only felt troubled. Ever since she wandered this world years ago, she didn't receive any act of goodwill, not even once. Her being a Sarkaz is the only one to be blamed by it.

People only saw them as dirty mercs, thus the common populace doesn't treat them well.

As for Surtr's case, many got scared by her strength. Ironically, they became scared instead of admiring her. Every time she reveals it, they wouldn't want to associate themselves with her.

Although, some actually did, but only for her strength.

Shiro saw this and further clarified.

"Don't worry, I also have something to gain from it. That part is only useful to you, but useless to me." He paused for a while before continuing, "You can rest assured."

After saying this, he went to the kitchen to whip up something for his breakfast here. He ate breakfast and lunch back in Shino's world, yet he chose to cook once more due to him wanting to taste his own cooking.

Surprisingly, he whipped up a normal ham and egg sandwich filled with lettuces, tomatoes, and onions.

[Ham and Egg Sandwich]

Description: A breakfast made by a Godly Chef, the only Chef who has entered the realm of unthinkable.

[Effects]: +20% Stamina Recovery, + 20% Strength. Lasts for 45 minutes.

A notification window popped up on his System all so suddenly.

Due to his Completed <> skill from Aincrad, he managed to bring it back at its strongest state. Back then, it actually served as a great support skill since it gave various buffs, ranging from basic attribute increase to a luck increase, albeit they're temporary most of the time.

However, he managed to cook something with a permanent attribute increase after using a bunch of rare materials, leading him to develop the hobby of cooking.

After slicing each of them in half, he placed them in a plastic container before going back to the living room.

"Do you know where's Kal'tsit?"

"She went out an hour ago."

"Hm..." Shiro nodded.

Knowing that she got something useful for analyzing originum's essence, he isn't surprised by it.

"So... Are we heading over there?"


Hearing this, Shiro opened an aurora curtain that connected straight to the tomb. He did this easily since he'd been there once, thus his presence and the coordinates there made him teleport to that exact location.

Surtr saw this, but she didn't mind and stepped in, too.

A moment later, they found themselves standing inside the tomb where they fought. The hole that she pierced through is already covered, though only on the surface. The rest of the holes are still there.

"This really went untouched." Shiro muttered as he saw the floating coffin with the golden chains. It remained untouched even after half a day.

'I'll have to transform first.' He thought as he urged his Fenrir Bloodline, making a pair of canine's ears and single bushy tail appear behind him.

Darkness began spreading from his shadows. After some time, it fully covered the golden chains that served as the seals.

Even after seeing all this, Surtr kept her stoic look - only Shiro's charms could surprise her now.


A wave of satisfaction went down his whole being as he slowly devoured the golden chains. Just as he thought, these are not normal golden chains. Rather, it's similar to the Divine Constructs in Roman's world.

When he devoured every single chain in this room, a message entered his sight. Disregarding it for a while, he focused on the golden coffin who shook intensely.


Fact #49: Did you know that many Arknights' operators has horns? Out of 220 Operators in game, around 50+ of them has horns. That makes it more than 24%! If we include the sprites (NPCs), then the percentage would only grow bigger. With this, we can safely conclude that Arknights is a 'horny' game.

PS: Definitely not the hyper-something that the guy from Twitter said, lmao.