Chapter 96: Columbia


One of the powerhouses in Terra, rivalling the likes of the Ursus Empire due to their massive wealth. Albeit they're the youngest nation, their smart policies made it as such.

Behind them is the support of many companies like Blacksteel private military company and Rhine Labs. Due to their combat power being on the lower end, they focused more on building their army in the present.

By funding various mercenary groups, it became stronger. At the same it, they also used such mercenaries to target the Sargon Empire. Once Sargon crumbles, it'll be their time to plunder the massive wealth preserved by it.

In the border nearby Tkaronto, a Columbian desert city nearest to Sargon, two armed groups are fighting.

Projectiles flew out as arts-powered crossbows were shot at each other's heads. Some were using the smuggled Sankta-based guns, which allowed them to slowly push back their opposition.

Just as they were about to push on two different directions, they heard a sonic boom from the distance.


Though, they only saw a trail of blue lights once they came back to their senses.

"What was that..?" One of the Cautus mercenary mumbled, not knowing how to react. Still, they successfully pushed the enemies and killed them in one swoop due to their confusion.


"Phew. That's one hell of a ride!" Shiro said as he squeezed the breaks of the motorcycle.

In this long ride, they managed to cross lands and huge lakes alone due to their sheer speed and its special functions - it made travelling in water possible with [Motored Cuiraisser].

They stopped when they're just some distance away from Columbia's capital. As for the reason why...

"We need to set up our disguise. Do you remember your time in Columbia? Even your 'memories' would do."

"Mn... I see."

Based on some memories that she had, she knew that Columbian people discriminated against Sarkaz people. On top of it, the discrimination is severe, too.

It's to the point that they would face troubles just by being one.

"What's my disguise?" She asked.

Hearing this, Shiro only smiled and took out an ID from his [Dimensional Storage]. This is the identification that Kal'tsit had helped them acquire. He also has the dozens of papers inside his storage, which signified the amount of hard work that it took.

Shiro soon pointed out the picture on the ID and the "Race" stated in it.

"What... When did you..?"

Surtr was visibly surprised as she saw her own picture - nay, her edited picture. Instead of her Sarkaz horns, what she saw is a pair of feline ears that followed the color of her hair.

On the "Race" section, she saw "Feline" instead of "Sarkaz".

"That will be your disguise." Shiro said as he casted several dozen layers of [Light Magic] and [Dark Magic] to form her perfect disguise. Magic circles filled with layers of runes appeared as he waved his right hand.

Magic Circles are generally from 1st layer-9th layer since these circles are generally made out of runes. That's why it's necessary to become Rune Magicians before Circle Magicians - the level of complexity and calculations rises gradually thanks to this.

However, it becomes harder to cast higher-tier magic circles since the caster has to maintain the completed layers and calculate for the next; multi-tasking is important to it.

As of right now, Shiro can cast up to the highest 9th-layer magic circles. This is considered impossible as Circle Magicians can only cast 5th to 6th layers at best. Only Grand Magicians with their domains could manifest 7th to 9th layers and even insta-cast it through their Domain.

The next moment, they disappeared, leaving Surtr with her pair of feline ears instead of her Sarkaz horns. Her disguise is simply impeccable due to Shiro using dozens of 9th-layer circles. The only downside of it is that he'll have to input his mana every time she goes far from him, lest his magic would disappear.

"I'll have to ready mine too..." He mumbled as he took out his trusty [Archangel's Halo] and placed it in his head. The halo soon froze in place as he willed it through their connection.

Then, he manifested the Aura Wings, the power of Aura Knights, and made it look like a Sankta's wings.

It only looked small and has pointed edges, but it functioned the same way as the normal Aura Wings. Through his [Six Eyes] and max control stat, he could manifest it using Aura without much difficulty. His Aura also remained the same due to him constantly replenishing his reserves.

After buying [Racial Empathy: Sankta] for a few thousand points, they set off.

A 'blind' angel and a feline red-head went to the mobile city's entrance while riding [Motored Cuiraisser]. This time, Shiro deliberately lowered its speed.

The city has tracks below it to move from one places to another. It also has a wall, which is not too tall nor short, to mark their borders.

Unlike Acahualla's greenery, the soil surrounding this city looks dry and desolate. This is the result of years of originum mining.

If this is not yet shocking, there's still Rim Billiton who'd done much worse mining than this.

The two stepped in the slant passage before stopping in the outpost.

A man who wore a guard's uniform was yawning when he saw the new visitors of this city. His eyes were immediately caught by their appearances, simply because of how good it is.

The feline redhead looks fierce and cute at the same time while the 'blind' Sankta has such handsome appearance that he only admired it.

"Excuse me? We're here to settle our immigration papers." The Sankta spoke, pulling the guard back to reality.

"Ah, yes? Can I look at it?"


The Sankta passed more than a dozen papers for the guard to verify. After more than five minutes of cross-checking, he soon registered their identity in the database.

Their identities are more 'legit' than legit since Kal'tsit is the one who specifically asked for help. Heck, the guy behind all of this had to arrange so many things, ranging from their made-up traces years ago up to their identities.

"Welcome to the heart of Columbia."

The guard said as Shiro nodded at his direction. Then, they went off once more while riding the motorcycle.

As they entered the nomadic city, their sights were replaced by high-rise buildings and modernity. Originum-powered vehicles passed by while the noises of people rang in their ears.

In one direction, he saw a set of building. The one in the center has an infinity symbol in it - having the positive and negative symbols inside the left and right loop, respectively.

"Rhine Labs, huh." Shiro mumbled as he headed to a 5-star Hotel to stay for the day. After some finding, he finally found one.

"Stay here for a while, I'll go settle our lodging for the day." He said.


"If you see some people troubling you, feel free to beat them up, m'kay? Though, I'll prefer to be lowkey..."

Seeing her nod once more, Shiro then entered the hotel and settled for a week's stay in the reception's desk. He spent some money that the guy had sent them since he'll have to slowly make his Pure Gold into Columbia's currency.

Though, he noticed the female receptionist being affected by his max level charm.

Sighing, he left the hotel to 'park' his motorcycle. When he saw Surtr standing there peacefully, he only smiled as he passed on a room card to her.

"This is our room card. You might want to chill there for a while."


While Shiro left to park his motorcycle, Surtr used the elevator and went to the 15th floor. Just as she arrived in her room, the door next to theirs opened, revealing a girl with blue hair and starry eyes.

The girl looked surprise the moment she looked at Surtr's eyes because of the latter's fortune reading.

A 'reading' appeared in her mind, only for it to turn into something unreadable...


A/N: 4 more chapters before we hit 100! I am wondering if I would place in a QnA portion in the 98th and 99th chapter so that some people can ask questions regarding something. Of course, I'll only answer those that I can answer.

Anyways, here's the fun fact of the day~! It's Muv-Luv's this time!

Fact #51: Did you know that "Muv-Luv" is a contraction of Multiverse (Muv) Love (Luv)? It only makes sense after playing Muv-Luv Alternative, which is the third and final installment of the game. There, we'll know the reason behind the protagonist, Takeru's, isekai. Turns out, his childhood friend Sumika, her brain to be exact, got tortured by the BETAs too much by giving her immense pleasure (thus she's always at a state of cl*m*x) to the point that she became obsessed with the said protagonist. As a result, reality f*ck*ng bent and she pulled in another Takeru from a different parallel world to the BETA world. The quote "Love knows no bounds" came true in this scenario. I mean, just how obsessed did she become to the point that she broke the rules of reality, summoned Takeru, and even gave him "Return by Death" with infinite usage?

That's right. The protagonist failed at saving the world too many times, and only when the Alternative worldline occur did they finally emerged victorious against BETAs. As for the world where they failed, he simply died countless times before transferring back to another parallel world, whereas his memories got wiped; only his physique and muscle memories remained.