Chapter 100: Messy Past Life

A/N: Yeet, it's the hundredth chapter! To those who kept reading up until now, thank you very much! Your comments, reviews, and power stones serves as a motivation for me to write~!



Seeing him standing still, Surtr went closer to him and tried calling him for a few more times. When he's still unresponsive, she tried shaking him, only for Shiro to hold her hand out of nowhere.

She couldn't see his eyes due to the blindfold, but she could guess that he's having the same experience as her based on his expressions alone. Even though she doesn't know why, she decided to help him still.

Surtr sat besides him in the couch as his gaze followed her.

For a good five minutes, they only stared at each other.

"Chat group, Kal'tsit, Kuroneko, Roman.... Surtr." Shiro mumbled the names of the people that he met since he woke up. Only then did he return to reality and stop being drowned by those years of memories.

Although he didn't change physically, Surtr can feel a different vibe from Shiro. If he's more carefree before, he's more calm now. There's also the killing intent behind his amicable aura, something that can only be developed once killing becomes the norm to a person.

"I see, I see... I used the Memory Cards before..." He paused for a moment after realizing that he's still holding Surtr's hand. "...Thank you."

Shiro let it go, but he couldn't help but remember how soft it is. Realizing that he felt something new, he thought, 'Am I mentally disabled before..?'

That time, the major reason why he couldn't reciprocate some feelings since he's somewhat similar to Solomon; he shut his romantic feelings since he thought of his wife before.

Now that he knew about his past, he regrets the fact that he did - he's speechless, even.

After all, he found out that he used to have multiple wives. That's right, he's polygamous!

However, what he thought about the most is the fact that he now has the memories of three people inside him.

He organized them under the "White Hair", "Fenrir", and "Shikikan" classifications.

What's more confusing is the fact that the first two happened at the same time period; there are some memories whereas the two of them met. As for the last one, he can only conclude that it's from a different world.

'Now, is it reincarnation..?'

The more you know, the more questions appear. This statement perfectly fits Shiro's situation right now. He thought about knowing more about himself before, but now, it only left him more confused.

'But... I will face a huge trouble, huh?' Shiro thought as he recalled his "dangerous" wife. There's also the other ones, such as the girl with the RGB sword and the calm and collected girl.

What's more, his "dangerous" and calm wives appeared on his "Shikikan" memories, too.

As for his other wives, he only saw some clues of theirs like their silhouettes and locations.

Though, he can conclude that he has three more wives based on those memories alone. In total, he has six. For now, he decided to keep this matter on the back of his mind.

"For now... What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"...Zaru Soba."

(A/N: Zaru Soba, also known as Cold Soba, is a noodle dish that uses chilled broth instead of the warm ones.)

"Soba, alright."

With that, he truly placed that important matter on the back of his head... without knowing how much mess it'll cause him.


In a world far away from Terra, the Second Singularity Septem, the man who betrayed Chaldea due to unknown reasons had revealed himself.

"Impossible... For a mere servant to defeat one of the 'gods'..? That's right, this is simply a miscalculation. I've left the temple for far too long that my cells began to rot, but I am entrusted with the mission to incinerate the future."

Lev began his self-talk to calm himself down after seeing one of the demon god pillars to be defeated by Chaldea's last master and a demi-servant.

"Thankfully, I have a contingency plan prepared." He said as he began doing something on the holy grail.

"Crap, watch out! I'm detecting the grail's activation! Mash and Ritsuka, something is about to happen!" Roman passed on his words as a virtual projection from Chaldea.

"By sacrificing ancient Rome, I managed to summon the strongest servant! Rejoice, Emperor Nero Claudius, Rome is about to be destroyed." Lev declared with such confidence.

"Rome is the world, and it shall never come to an end!" The fifth Roman Empress, Nero, replied with such conviction.

Even when she knew about Rome's downfall in the future, she accepted it. She is confident in the seeds that it planted that Rome will be eternal, for it'll exist as long as the world does!

"...You still babble on with your stupidity, huh? Then see for your own eyes the end of the world! We'll pull out the bottom of humanity - its foundations! By the esteemed words of our King! Come forth! Great hero of destruction, Altera!"

A bright light flashed before it died down, revealing the girl with tanned-skin and short white hair under her white veil. The girl looked calmly at Lev Lainur "Flauros" before she grasped the grip of her strange sword and-


-split him in half.

"Huh?" Lev murmured before he disappeared. Even at his death, all he thought of is his bewilderment upon this situation.

"What? Did Lev's signature disappear? But how?!" Roman said on the other side. Though, he only feigned surprise as he knew about their future. To be more specific, a part of their future.

Instead of taking them all, Roman chose to digest those information gradually; it wouldn't matter much if he knows everything since he might screw something due to his character, or so he thought.

"He... He was cut in half by the Servant that he summoned! Her true name is Altera, and she's probably a Saber. She's holding the grail-"


Mash's words were interrupted by Altera. Right now, what she's looking at is Roman's invisible projection.

"Huh? Yes?" Seeing this, Roman asked with a gulp.

'This isn't in the information. As expected, something is bound to change.' He thought.

"Where is he?"

"Huh? Who? Who are you looking for?" He asked in bewilderment.

"My husband."


At this moment, everyone became dumbfounded. When they prepared themselves to fight against this Servant summoned by Lev, they were asked this instead!

"Wait, wait, wait. Who are you looking for, miss?"

"My husband, the Emperor..."


For a moment, the face of his amnesiac friend passed in his mind. Things wouldn't make sense here, unless he's the 'Husband' that she mentioned just now.

Only that situation can explain Roman being singled-out here.

'Don't tell me...' He thought as he asked, "Does he have some relation to 'Fenrir'?"

"That's right. Now, where is he?"

This time, her tone became dangerous as she was about to use her strongest attack as a threat. The Sword of God, once owned by Ares, began spinning as power gradually accumulated in it.

"My goodness, it's really Shiro..." He mumbled with disbelief, as if he can't imagine how he got associated to a 'dangerous' civilization destroyer like her.

"Shiro?" Besides him, the man in a woman's body spoke. She is none other than Da Vinci, Chaldea's tech support.

"He's my friend."

"Friend? The one that gave you these confectionaries?"

She pointed out to the Tea Snacks that Roman brought from Aincrad. That, and it's Shiro's cooking.

"That's right. Man, I never thought that he's connected to someone like her..."

For now, they focused on calming down the dangerous Attila of Hun.


A/N: We finally reached 100 chapters! This really, really, really, means a lot to me since it only meant that I kept my initial motivation for writing this: to have fun.

Anyways, here's the Q & A and a special fact of the day~!

Q: How many chap is needed for him to stay in another world?

A: It depends, but it'll not exceed 100 chapters. Keep in mind that only the longest of arcs will have that kind of length; this'll be rare.

Q: What is your goal for the end of the book?

A: Basically to have all characters to develop to their utmost; to conclude their own stories. There's also a massive goal for this novel to end, but that'll be a secret for now.

Q: How was your day?

A: Its nice, thanks for asking o(〃^▽^〃)o

Q: Will you make an arc based on the rougelite event?

A: I'm still deciding for now, but many canon info in this fic is based on that (Like Tin Man).

Fact #54: Since this is a special chapter, let's go over my username, IdleYoungMaster, for today. The reason why I randomly thought of this name is due to me being bored as heck 2 years ago. It's summer back then, and I don't have much to do except read webnovels. With me reading so many brain-dead Young Master CN novels at that time, I named myself as such ('Idle' since I'm bored and the 'Young Master' from it). Now, I regret doing so, Uni is too much...