Chapter 111: First Step

[Trans-am], a special feature only available in the GN 00 Units. By undergoing a state whereas all GN Particles accumulated in the Gundam is fully released, it enhances their speed and defensive capabilities for THREE times.

Meaning, their GN Fields alone could absorb dozens of lasers with ease! Moreover, their thrust capabilities will be so high to the point that every movement produces afterimages.

However, this amazing state came with a cost, namely: its duration and the reduced performance post-usage.

It is noted that 00 Raiser, the prototype 00 Unit that has TWO GN Drives, can only last for 3 minutes in a non-combat state. Meanwhile, Exia only has a single GN Drive, plus the fact that it's leagues lower than 00 Raiser.

That's when Shiro saw that it can only last for 30 seconds theoretically. With the buffer that he gave, it can only last 15 seconds at best.

As for the post-usage problems, it'll reduce Exia's combat capabilities by 70%. That is, until the GN Drive generates enough GN Particles that could re-fill its body devoid of it. Though, this is enough for him to finish the fight.

Exia appeared red in this state, signifying the release of all GN Particles stored within it. The GN Drive generated more particles in this state, further emphasizing this strange "TSF" in the battlefield.

"The g-force sure is intense!" Shiro commented as he went to the rest of the high-value targets. "Definitely not recommended if your Physique isn't at Aura Knights. I see why wearing those suits are a must."

Kouzuki: "Oh, those fan-service skinsuits?"

Kuroneko: "..."

Touka: "..."

Kal'tsit: "..."

Roman: "You could've used a better wording..."

'Uh... Kal'tsit too?'

While he became dumbfounded over a completely unrelated thing, the massacre began. The moment he landed nearby 2 Heavy Laser-class, dozens of Grappler-class and Destroyer-class BETA swarmed at him.

Unfortunately, Exia moved at an extremely high speed, soon arriving in front of his main targets.



Holding a GN Beam Saber and the GN Sword on its right, Shiro managed to behead them in one go. Then, dozens of Tank-class BETA tried to climb over Exia, only to fail once it became airborne once more.



Using the GN Vulcan, basically a pair of cannons located in its forearms, he shot the Fort-class that is about to spew out more annoying poison.

Throwing the GN Short Swords and Beam Daggers, he managed to kill six targets that he has. Coupled with them being pre-occupied, he eliminated two more Laser and Heavy Laser-class using his GN Sword.


Right now, only three Heavy Laser-class and a single Fort-class remained in the battlefield.



Shiro spammed the GN Rifle Mode in the face of a Heavy Laser-class, all the while the other two attacked him with their lasers.

A translucent semi-spherical field made out of GN Particles manifested, effectively blocking their attacks. This is the GN Field, one of the greatest defensive capabilities of every 00 Gundams. Simply put, it manifests a shield made out of GN Particles, blocking any energy-based attacks effectively.

Though, it has two downsides. They can't block weapons coated with GN Particles (or something equivalent to it), and shooting beam attacks at a single place continuously can also break this GN Field.

Shinji: "This is a mecha... So cool!"

Shino: "I understand how those Gunpla collector feels..."

"Wait until I pilot Exia during space battles. It'll feel more amazing, I believe."

He chatted while he clasped the GN Beam Daggers that came back naturally a second after their contact. This is one of the convenient abilities bestowed upon this mecha, which is something that allowed more options for combat.

Gundam Exia is dubbed as "Gundam Seven Swords" for a reason. Its main combat style is close-combat. Unlike the other 00 Gundams, all Exia has for long range are his physical GN Short Swords and the GN Beam Daggers, excluding the GN Vulcans and the Beam Shooters that he has in the GN Sword.

(A/N: Those Vulcans and Beam Shooters can serve as a cover fire at best, thus Setsuna used his GN Beam Daggers to cut through most enemies from afar.)

This is why many close-combat battles happened in the anime, such as his fights with Graham Aker and Ribbons Almark.

Shiro threw those daggers once more, effectively ending the lives of every Laser/Heavy Laser-class in this fight.


A neat cutting sound was made after he cut down the final Fort-class. Along with it is the de-activation of its [Trans-am] state. The originally glowing red Gundam turned back to normal, albeit Shiro personally saw its drop in performance.

"It's time to say goodbye."

Gundam Exia flew farther from the battlefield before it disappeared in its place, surprising the ones who are monitoring the situation through the radars that they have.


"That light of hope."

After Shiro finished off every single Laser-class, they were cleared for air support. The carriers in the sea didn't hesitate to send their bombers. With no hesitation, they sent their strategic bombers.

Unsurprisingly, this entire BETA fiasco ended in less than an hour.

This is the might of humanity's air support—with them, they would've been able to push back these BETAs. Alas, reality isn't this simple.

"Kaichou, did you know who's that person?" The man from before quickly approached her and asked enthusiastically. This made sense, however, since this is his first time winning against BETAs in such an overwhelming manner!

"No, but he did state his organization." She replied.


Seeing her superior summon her personally, she knew it has something to do with the TSF that crushed the BETAs thoroughly.

'Is this the start of a change?'



Kouzuki couldn't help but hum happily as she finished her papers related to the 5 billion superconductors that'll serve as 00 Unit's central processor. Thanks to the information that she partially saw from Roman's [Void Archive], creating this superconductors became easy.

After 5 days, she succeeded in her theory. Heck, it's even stronger than the original plan that she has, with it having TEN billion superconductors.

This only meant that 00 Unit's psychic capabilities had doubled. It also allowed Kouzuki to place another function, which is the blockage of the BETA's connection with it.

In the first place, they learned humanity's tactics through her. If this espionage function of theirs are to be removed, they'll have more advantage on the upcoming battles.

Meanwhile, Yashiro Kasumi, a young girl stared at her with a bit of confusion. Her sky-blue eyes glanced at her silently until the door to her office opened.

A man wearing formal clothing appeared in her sights. From the looks of it alone, she found that its design is much more detailed, making her wonder if it came from the future.

Though, what caught her attention is his appearance—rather, his eyes underneath the black blindfold he's wearing.

Just now, she sensed his gaze. She felt that it saw through her, something that made her shocked for a second. She's the strongest Esper produced by Alternative Plan III up to date, yet this newcomer made her feel unfathomable.

For the first time, she felt something not out of someone else's memories, but to her own accord...


Fact #64: F/GO's timeline is actually interesting. When the Main Story (Singularity F) began, Mash is only 15 years old. But, she's already 16 by the time of Babylonia Singularity (Basically halfway through it). This meant that Chaldea took a year to progress through 7 Singularities. That's why you'll see this side of theirs in this fic (Such as their breaks, vacations, etc).