Chapter 114: The Deceived

'Mn... She only has Standard-level perimeters at best, yet her Arts is insane...'

Shiro thought of Kal'tsit's measurement used in Babel. From the lowest, it goes:


Strange enough, they corresponded to his power system. Those with Standard surprisingly has Grand Knight-level of stats of at least 100. It becomes even more ridiculous due to the originum, a high-level energy, that is spread in the atmosphere.

It's thanks to it that Terra's inhabitants have great strengths compared to Earth and other worlds.

As for the ones that has Excellent rating, they're the equivalent of Demigods, with each having 500 or more stats.

"A certainty... or a possibility?" The girl, Astesia, blankly murmured while dozens of thoughts ran in her mind.

When she came in contact with Astrology for the first time, she held great confidence with it. Even now, she trusted her divination skills with all her heart. Adding to that the advanced technology that her predecessors had designed, it further bolstered her confidence.

"My sister wouldn't be affected by this..."

In the end, she could only helplessly sigh, damage was dealt to her confidence. From the moment she saw a future change, it plagued her mind—more so when it turned into a blank future.

Shiro stood silently for a while before saying, "Just paid a visit so that you can stop what you're doing... Don't you know?"


"Your family is tracking your daily activity. Being overprotective with their remaining obedient daughter is reasonable, I guess."


Elena Urbica, Astesia's older sister. She's supposed to succeed their house of astrology, but chose to focus more on science instead. This made her parents angry, which led to her relationship with them straining.

While she's still their daughter on paper, they focused more on Astesia instead.

"I understand." She said, agreeing to Shiro's intentions.

"Well then."

In a blink of an eye, he disappeared.



Soon, Shiro finished eating the bento that Altera gave to him earlier. To his surprise, it's heavenly—far more better than the ones he cook. Though, he attached more significance to the "feelings" rather than the taste.

Shiro felt warm upon sensing her intimacy, as if there's someone who cares deeply for him. It's different from a friend's concern, maybe because of their status as "Lovers".


In that moment, a new prompt appeared in the Chat Group's panel.

[Gullible Magical Girl joined the chat group.]

Gullible Magical Girl: "Are? What's this? A messaging app?"

Shiro: "Welcome~! Before you get confused, this is a chat group that spans through other parallel worlds. You can think of it as a messaging app of sorts."

Roman: "Welcome..."

Roman: "...A magical girl?"

Kouzuki: "He's about to lose control. Anyways, welcome~"

Kuroneko: "This reminds me of someone... Welcome!"

Gullible Magical Girl: "Ah! Hello, everyone! Nice meeting you!"

Roman: "A real-life magical girl..."

Seeing this, a stifled laughter came out of his mouth.

Shiro: "What? You're about to betray your oshi?"

Roman: "No! Please, Magi*Mari is my only idol! Virtual idols are the best!"

"Huh. That's true, considering that virtual idols has the 'perfection' in them, unlike real-life idols... or magical girls in this case." He murmured, giving out his honest opinion from their previous conversation before.

Touka: "Magical girl? Do they exist in your world?"

Gullible Magical Girl: "Ano... They don't. Magical girls are fiction, right?"

Shino: "So... A modern-day Earth?"

Gullible Magical Girl: "That's right! Etto... What's this 'parallel worlds'?"

Shiro: "Do you know its definition?"

Gullible Magical Girl: "Hai! It's... the theory that many worlds exist simultaneously. They don't interfere with each other, but some might be similar to the others. My teacher mentioned about this, but I didn't understand it well..."

Shiro: "That's it. In this case, however, parallel worlds points out other worlds with supernatural powers. The meaning itself is vast, but you can think of it as other worlds present aside from yours, and some of them can have magic—basically what you consider as fiction is present here."


Magical girl.

Someone that exists in fiction—in every morning time slot when children are most active. Using their flashy transformation sequences and their choice of colorful weapons, they rain down attacks to their enemies, becoming the heroes of justice in the end of the day.

As a child who grew up in it, Kaname Madoka loves them. Her child self would always think:

'They always help people when they needed it. Amazing..!'

Now that she grew up, the admiration is still there, but this fantasy of hers to be one is no longer there. That is, until, it happened.

Magical girls are real!

Just the thought of it excited the 14-year old girl, someone who's immature and sought to follow her beliefs.

Shiro: "Only if we can see your world's store..."

Madoka: "It's fine, Shiro-san! Really!"

Fortunately... or unfortunately, the chat group has a function whereas new items would be added into the shop after completing the mission it gave. Meaning, they are completely blind in this world.

What's worse, no one found her 'anime' of sorts. Still, they didn't mind it much since it's a magical girl-oriented world...


"Madoka?" The girl beside her asked with concern.

She has a pair of aqua blue hair and eyes; the latter shone brightly, showing her liveliness. Though, she's completely boyish as seen from her walking posture.

"Mn, it's nothing!" Madoka replied.

"You really alright? You've been in a daze since yesterday."

"I'm okay, really..."

"...Be sure to tell me if you're sick."

While they are walking to their middle school, a figure of a white fox with scarlet red eyes is observing the pink-haired girl from afar.

"Such causality... I see."

Its confusion was cleared by some memories that he received from his 'other selves' of different timelines.

Soon, they arrived on their classroom, only to be surprised by the teacher's announcement. Their teacher, a woman with short brown hair, failed at her relationship once more.

"...Should a sunny side-up be hard or soft?!" Pointing her teaching stick at a student, she continued, "What do you think, Nakazawa-san?!"

"I-uh, either is fine!"

"That's right, either is fine! If you think..."

While the teacher is monologuing, Sayaka whispered to Madoka a seat behind her.

"It didn't work, huh..."

The latter could only smile helplessly at their unfortunate teacher.

"Okay! Akemi-san, come in!"

At the same time, a prompt appeared in her sights, distracting her for a while. If she's more attentive, she would notice how this girl looked at her briefly with complicated yet determined eyes...


A/N: Yup, it's Puella Magi Madoka Magica. That one anime that I really thought to be a normal magical girl anime, only to curbstomp me at episode 3 (Mami's death). It's also the Magical Girl anime that changed the prototype of usual Magical Girls, inspiring Magical Girl Nanoha, Spec Ops Asuka, and more. To be honest, watching this without any prior knowledge gave me the best experience... Which is to surprise me with a dark theme concealed under a bright and childish tone...

Anyways, here's the fun fact of the day~!

Fact #66: Gen Urobuchi, the infamous guy who directed the depressing and heavy Fate/Zero anime along with Nasu... is also the director for Madoka Magica. It's a miracle that I didn't realize this fact, considering that his name is literally plastered right in the opening. Well, I can only blame myself that I haven't noticed it since I'm always vibing with it (Connect by Claris). If I'd realized that, however... I would've known that Madoka Magica isn't as simple as it seems.

PS: Definitely one of my most memorable anime.