Chapter 125: Monstrous Magical Girls

Inside a Witch's labyrinth, only darkness propagated. In the midst of it, a dark red swirl is present on the background. Though, what's more important is the two people not far away from each other.

One of them, a girl with red hair and golden eyes, thrusted her long yellow spear towards the other person. Unlike the traditional spear, it is two times longer, making its reach extremely large.


Fortunately, he managed to block the spear tip using a silver handgun in his right hand by turning it sideways. With a blink of an eye, he disappeared on the spot, reappearing a few meters on his south.

"This is really a misunderstanding!" He shouted while he channeled his mana to the gun, allowing it to charge the bullet with the lightning element.


The man, Shiro, pressed the trigger in an attempt to buy more time.

Yes, buy more time.

As if on cue, the long spear separated, with chains connecting each part of it up to the spear blade. With a single flick, she managed to destroy the bullet using the blade.


"I knew it! You are really stalking me since that day!"

A voice of a young girl resounded in this space, but it is one filled with irritation. Her strength became more evident as she travelled the distance between them in a single leap.

'It's no longer the time to play around.' Shiro thought as he stored the [Cosmic Destroyer] in his [Dimensional Storage]. Then, he summoned forth his trusty light armor before taking out his unknown black sword and [Fragrant Olive Sword].

'How laughable it is that the moment I became serious, it's against a Magical Girl...'

At this moment, the young girl, Kyouko Sakura, manipulated her spear in a chain-like state, and like a snake, the spearhead went straight towards him.


[Aura Enhancement]!

[Space Barrier]!


Shiro casted four spells consecutively, with the [Infinity] serving as the one in the surface.



In a single confrontation, his [Infinity] was broken and the [Space Barrier], which froze the surrounding space that worked similar to [Infinity], also broke. Left with no choice, Shiro took the attack directly.


A sonic boom is created when he met her attack with 80% of her power in it. As a result, a huge and strong shockwave was generated by it, prompting Kyoko to close her eyes for a moment.

Though, it went well as Shiro's plans as he teleported right behind her using the [Space Jump] spell.

'Enhance Armament.'

With his absurd calculation abilities, he managed to chant the necessary syntaxes in less than a tenth of a second, prompting the command circles to pop up in the golden blade. Then, it turned into countless osmanthus flowers that bore down a heavy weight.

Having no time to react, Kyoko met the attack head-on, creating a transparent barrier out from nothingness.



The osmanthus flowers soon proved that Shiro's 735 mana stat can't be shrugged easily, even if his opponent is someone akin to a Demigod. What's more, he sensed that Kyoko's mana stat had reached 10,000 at the very least, the pinnacle of Demigod-level. The only reason why the barrier broke down is due to her unable to react faster than him; thus the barrier she made is hastily created.

This indicated that a Magical Girl's stats is not as balanced as it is.

Shiro pressed further on the flaws that he saw.



In less than 3 seconds, the flowers broke through and continued their descent with a loud "Thud!" to the ground. However, Kyoko is nowhere to be seen. That is, until he sensed her presence not far away from him.

Her outfit, a maroon dress with white frills in its ends, is riddled with cuts along with her arms. Blood continued to drip to the ground, yet she looked unfazed by it.

"Magical Girls are really... monstrous." Shiro murmured.

"You're strange."

Suddenly, she spoke with a frown in her childish face. She then continued, "You're not contracted to Kyuubey, but you can use magic. You're weaker than me in some aspects, but you surpassed me in some."

Surprisingly, she immediately noticed the difference between them. While her strength far outclassed Shiro in terms of magical abilities, his reaction time is simply monstrous. Shiro responded to each of her attacks perfectly, making it look as if it's a battle of equals when in fact it's not.

His pale face, which is the result of completely depleting his soul of mana twice (defending and attacking), soon regained color once he recovered it fully in a matter of a second. As for Kyoko, her wounds closed itself after a while.

She chewed on the taiyaki in her left hand while she asked, "Are you the one mentioned by her?"

"Her... You mean, Mami-chan?"

Hearing him speak with familiarity, Kyoko created a disgusted expression as she said:

"...You creep."

"What?! I'm older than 30! How should I address her?"

Since Shiro is more familiar with the formality of Terra, he never actually followed the formalities in Japan. That's why he's very casual on addressng a person, unlike the traditions in Japan where they say suffixes such as -san and -kun.

"You're older than 30..?" She replied with disbelief.

Looking at her, Shiro thought, 'Just how did this start...'


A few minutes ago, Mami found another Witch through the traces of its minion, Ulla. In contrast to the flower-themed labyrinth from before, its entrance is simply a rectangular portal with darkness within it.

Casting the [Mental Link] spell, Shiro said to Mami telepathically:

"I'll be guarding from the back."

"...Thank you." She replied.

Even if she casted one of her Enhancement Magic on Sayaka's metal rod, it might not be enough to fend off the minions in the labyrinth. It only allowed her to react automatically to attacks and counter them, not initiate the attack herself.

[Private] Shiro: "I'll be guarding your backs. Feel free to try fighting with your Magic Circuits."

[Private] Madoka: "Thank you, Shiro-san!"

When Shiro and the rest tried to help Madoka to different power systems, the only thing that worked is her Magic Circuit awakening. Moreover, she'd awakened around 38 Magic Circuits of high-class, which is just a little bit behind Rin.

For a few days, they taught her the basics of the magecraft and how to proper utilize the 3 magecraft that she learned as a Hidden QUEST reward. Luckily to her, one of them is the most needed fundamental, [Reinforcement].

While she's not a proper match to the monstrous Magical Girls here, she can stand on her own ground given her power.

Of course, Sayaka and Mami knew about it, which is why they were surprised that someone can really become a magus.

Right after they stepped inside, they were separated into group of two's. Coincidentally, Kyoko decided to tail Mami and verify the veracity between her message, thus resulting in her being paired up with Shiro.

As a veteran Magical Girl, someone who's formerly Mami's apprentice, she immediately noticed his gaze and presence even if he's wearing the [Concealment Mask]; thus leading to the events now...


"Nevermind. So the thing about Walpurgisnacht is true?" She said after finishing the taiyaki in her hands.

"Why would I lie?"

"Why would I trust a stalker like you?"

Shiro became speechless at this girl who have a sharp tongue. It is evident that her self-centeredness shot through the roof, yet he saw through her and knew that it's only a facade—something done by someone who'd gone through a lot of things.

Just as Kyoko is about to create another taiyaki using her Magical Power, Shiro took out something similar to it and threw it to her direction.

"Hey! What if it fell?!"

As someone who experienced extreme hunger, food became very valuable in her eyes. That's why she valued it very much, to the point that she'll beat up someone who dared to waste food.

"I swear, it wouldn't fall even if you wanted to."

After hearing this, she stopped paying attention to him and tasted it. As if it is poisoned? It wouldn't matter with her soul being in her Soul Gem; even her sense of pain is dulled thanks to it.

With it, someone fell down to Shiro's godly cooking...


Fact #76: Through rewatching some clips, I found out a very interesting thing about Magical Girls. The moment they contract with Kyuubey, they gain a Soul Gem. Inside that Soul Gem lies none other than... the Grief Seed itself. It'll be small at first, but the Soul Gem would be more overwhelmed if a Magical Girl experiences despair and other dark emotions; therefore corrupting the Soul Gem black. Once the Soul Gem couldn't take it anymore, it'll break, which also signifies that the girl had transformed into a Witch. The despair that the girl had felt will manifest physically, forming a labyrinth while the small Grief Seed becomes larger until it has the size of a Soul Gem. For short, everything is planted to them from the start. The Grief Seed doesn't come out of nowhere; it's hidden and only grows stronger the more the dark emotions there are.