Chapter 134: A Step Closer

'So I got a 50% increase out of nothing? Neat.' Shiro thought dryly as he didn't expect that he would receive these gifts out of nothing. The 3 S-ranked Upgraders is enough to power him up, but the SS and SSS ones can bring an ability of his to new heights!

'I'll keep those two for now and use those two first...'


[Confirm the usage of Ability Upgrader (S) on [Critical Strike (A)]?]

[Confirm the usage of Ability Upgrader (S) on [Identity Theft (A)?]


The moment he mentally confirmed it, the cards made out of golden light submerged into him. Then, he saw another set of prompts appearing.

[The Ability [Critical Strike (A)] evolves into [Critical Strike (S)]!]

[The Ability [Identity Theft (A)] evolves into [Faker's Replica (S)]!]


Dumbfounded, he could only check their descriptions.

[Critical Strike (S): Gives a 100% increment to the attack damage once activated.]

[Faker's Replica (S): Allows the user to replicate an attack that they witnessed and understood. However, it won't truly be the same as the user's understanding will be taken into factor, giving the replicated attack a different route from the original's. The replicated attack can't surpass the original, but its power can match 60% of the original attack. The duration to copy the attack once seen is 12 hours.]

Upon reading the description of the funny name that he saw, Shiro inevitably thought of the other Shirou's quote in the Visual Novel.

Similar to this, his new ability can replicate the attacks of the opponent, albeit they can't surpass the original. Still, Shiro looked at it with great interest since that 60% cap didn't matter. To him, what made this ability valuable is that it'll allow him to counter some of his opponents.

An example of that would be Shiro copying a Servant's Noble Phantasm. Let's say he copied Enkidu's [Chain of Heavens]. With it forming a combo to his ripoff [Heaven's Restraint], he can fight gods more easily than before.

There's also Reality Marbles, Age of Gods Magecraft, and more! Though, it has a limitation of him seeing and understanding the attack and that once 12 hours had passed upon seeing it, he wouldn't be able to replicate it again.

"What did you get?!"

Just like a child unboxing her gifts on Christmas, Strea couldn't wait to hear the rewards that he got. After telling them of it, she became very excited while Cardinal 'congratulated' him.

Clapping, she said, "Wow, you are now officially a Faker."

Of course, Cardinal meant about the other Shirou. Not only do they have very similar names, their abilities also involved replicating others'. If that's not coincidental, she can only be amazed at the wonders of his luck.

"It doesn't mean that a fake-"

Before he could finish quoting it, Cardinal interrupted him.

"-can't surpass the original, is it?"

Shrugging, he teased, "Well, that's what Internet does to someone."

"Working while being a hikikomori is one of my abilities I'm thankful for."

"...Since when did you start watching anime?" Shiro asked.

"The moment you brought us out. That makes it a total of 34 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, and 19 seconds."

Hearing this, Shiro subconsciously smiled as he said, "I'm glad you found something you like."

Aside from his friends and Altera, Cardinal and Strea are the only ones he trusted deeply. He directly interacted with the former while he's with the latter all throughout the Aincrad mission.

While he wouldn't care much about strangers, he treasures the ones closer to him.

"...You idiot." She retorted, mimicking the ones that she saw in some anime. Yes, she watched many anime, but she'd done so for Shiro's sake. She knew that some other worlds must've been written in formats such as that, thus she decided to gather information beforehand.

Shiro could only smile helplessly after hearing that. Unlike some dense people that can bend light around them, Shiro is more sensitive to emotions due to his max-level willpower.

One of its extra abilities is to convey his will properly just like what Mami saw yesterday. There's also another one that allows him to sense emotions more clearly either by a person's tone or by looking at them in their eyes.

Thus, he's aware about her budding feelings. Still, he also couldn't bear to reject her properly since he knew that... Cardinal's the way she is right now due to him. If she loses him, it would only harm her.

Thankfully, he accepted the polygamous mindset from his previous selves or else he would've felt guiltier than now. Though, an innocent girl had to ruin their stalemate.

"Are? Is this what it is..?!" Strea said with a squeal before continuing, "Did Cardinal fall for Shiro?"


Coincidentally, they both choked on air at the same time. As a result of this, the atmosphere turned awkward for a while. Shiro didn't know what to do while he waited for his food, so he decided on doing something productive for now.

He took out the [Hidden Heaven Concealment Array (SSR)] that he got from the Random Spins. It looked like an oriental trigram, though it didn't have the eight characters in the usual trigrams. Still, it can be spun in 4 different sets that signified the level of concealment that it can offer.

It wasn't stated on its description its limits, so he assumed that it can work against the Main Gods in his power system at the very least. Furthermore, it can also serve as an illusion while he conceals himself.

However, it also needed a power source, namely: Origin Crystals.

Fortunately, he has a bunch of SR and SSR-rated [Origin Crystals] which made him filthy rich, or else this would've been a painful expenditure to him.

Placing a crystal on the slot in its middle, the characters inscribed into it began glowing before Shiro spun it in a set of pattern for the first level. He started moving it from the outermost disk to the 4th disk, making it release a mysterious aura that enveloped him.

'Alright, this should be enough.'

Shiro called out his current status panel.


Realm: 9th Rank Circle Magician (+)/ 9th Rank Winged Knight (+)

Soul Points: 51,002,900


Physique: 128 (+128)

Dexterity: 132 (+132)

Wisdom: 2,140 (+2,270)

Unlocked Special Attributes:

Aura: 378 (+158)

Mana: 515 (+478)

Originum: 300

Charm: 100 (MAX) (+5)

Luck: 90 (+9)

Control: 100 (MAX)

Willpower: 100 (MAX)

Acquired Masteries:

Arts Mastery (Expert--99%), Gun Mastery (Master--15%), Apothecary (Expert--80%), Riding (Expert--99%), Cooking (Master--99%), Blade Mastery (Expert--99%), Tech Master (Master--19%), Bow Mastery (Expert--99%), Explosions Master (Master--35%), Mechanic (Expert--55%), Surgeon (Proficient--89%), Shield Mastery (Expert--99%), Negotiation Master (Expert--70%), Demonic Arts (Master--1%), Investment Master (Master--79%), Assassination (Master--50%), Trap Master (Expert--84%), Painting (Expert--50%), Hunting (Master--9%)

His Mana and Aura stat had increased tremendously due to his Originum stat while his Wisdom stat being in the thousands is the work of his [Six Eyes].

"Time to level up."

Without hesitation, he clicked on the "+" button besides his two jobs.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of comfort go through his entire being. His body became way lighter than what he's used to, feeling as if he went from a cramped space to a wider space.

On the other hand, his mind went blank as he received a huge upgrade all at once. His [Six Eyes] adapted to his current life level, causing its boost to increase from 2,000 to 5,000. Adding the enhancement that he received from two of his buffs plus his base stats, his current Wisdom stat increased all the way to 10,420.

His thoughts ran wild at this point to the point that he started to become quite dizzy due to the sudden increase. With his max-level control stat, he made this under control a second later.

For now, he would keep it the way it is before.

Once these changes stopped, Shiro exhaled lightly as he checked his current realm.

[Realm: 1st Rank Grand Magician (+)/ 1st Rank Grand Knight (+)]

He's now at the third realm, being only two realms away from being a god...


A/N: It's time for the start of his power-ups. Not only that, y'all might be surprised on how strong he will be by the end of this arc. After all, he has to catch up with the reality-bending monsters in this series...

Fact #83: Did you know that [Connect], PMMM's intro, has a hidden meaning? To be exact, it hinted on Homura's attempts on saving Madoka. When translated in english, you'll see that context. An example of that is the first verse of the opening, from Madoka's close-up to the title:

I'll never forget the promise we made— (Kawashita yakusoku wasurenai yo)

I close my eyes and remember each detail. (Me wo toji tashikameru)

I'll dispel the encroaching darkness and forge onward! (Oshiyoseta yami furiharatte susumu yo)

From the first line, it references to Madoka's wish to her, which is to: "Stop the silly me from contracting to Kyuubey."

Meanwhile, the second line meant Homura not forgetting each of their memories as she regresses again and again.

Lastly, the third line shows Homura's belief that there will be light (dispelling the darkness) by the end of her struggles (darkness). She doesn't hesitate to move forward (regress through time) just to save Madoka...

PS: Interesting, right? This also reminded me of... well, a certain character with a song called Regression as his memorable song... Both of their dedication are commendable!