Chapter 136: Ninth Heaven's Nine Doors

Looking at the blue-haired girl in front of him, Shiro helplessly sighed. While perplexed, he asked:


"Sensei... Is it wrong to be selfish?"

Sayaka replied while avoiding his gaze. During the past few days, he often mentioned the perils of being a Magical Girl. Still, she didn't heed his warnings properly... all because of this single desire.

"It's not. I answered you like this before, right?" Shiro replied.

"Then... I don't regret it."

She proceeded to match their lines of sight. Instead of her usual eyes, they now carried a hidden charm, similar to Shiro's max-level charm stat. With a gaze like that, she could easily make someone fall in love with her.

Knowing her circumstances, it didn't take Shiro long before he figured out the gist of everything.

"I would still fight against Witches for the sake of others. This is the price that I have to pay, after all. I will give the Grief Seeds to you, Sensei."

Since Sayaka knew about his plans to cleanse Grief Seeds and revert them into Soul Gems, she didn't hesitate to give them to him. At her roots, she was still a justice-headed girl.

"Don't forget to call me to purify your Soul Gem."

"I won't."

At that moment, Shiro realized that his teachings may have influenced Sayaka's behavior. His thoughts were always concerned with his personal interests, so he might've made her change her mind about something.

Her crush, Kyousuke, had his hand healed when Sayaka asked a favor from Shiro. It was not troublesome, so he did it. However, Shiro didn't expect her to make a wish for Kyousuke to fall in love with her.

To be honest, Shiro thought this Kyousuke bastard didn't deserve her. He saw how poorly he treated Sayaka, even when the latter cared for him for 5 years STRAIGHT. He used her as a vent whenever he felt insecure and depressed about his lost talent.

Sayaka, being Sayaka, didn't mind it and tried to understand him deeply instead.

Shiro also saw that guy talking with Sayaka's best friend, Hitomi. From this, he deduced that Hitomi confessed her love for Kyousuke to Sayaka, which led to Sayaka taking desperate measures.

If not for Sayaka's mentality warping due to his influence, she might've accepted the failure of her love instead.

Noticing the anguish and desperation in her eyes, Shiro chose to respect her and support her choice. In the end, this is what he taught her. Shiro didn't care about strangers, but he would definitely ensure his students' safety.

'Not again...'

Shelving the bad memories, for now, he gave her some items that would help her current situation.


Crackle-! Crackle-!

White flames set ablaze around Shiro. The labyrinth's environment was in a constant state of churning and fluctuation, like an oil painting. But the anti-evil attribute of his flames granted him immunity to his strange surroundings.

'The fifth door.'

As he thought of it, he unlocked a 'door,' the so-called 'limiter' within him. It allowed him to break through his current state, granting him a substantial boost in his body and soul-related stats.

[Ninth Heaven's Nine Doors (SSR)]

Details: A special martial art created from a universe whose timeline is manipulated by a very special world will. The art consists of nine levels. By opening each 'door,' the user would experience a permanent increase in body and soul. However, the fifth door and onwards could only be in a 'semi-opened' state due to their overwhelming stat increases. A special ability would also be granted from the fifth door on.

First Door (Opened): Body and Soul attributes x 1.10

Second Door (Opened): Body and Soul attributes x 1.25

Third Door (Opened): Body and Soul attributes x 1.5

Fourth Door (Opened): Body and Soul attributes x 1.75

Fifth Door (Opened): Body and Soul attributes x 2.00, Strong Healing Factor

Sixth Door: (Locked)

Seventh Door: (Locked)

Eight Door: (Locked)

Ninth Door: (Locked)

This was one of the most absurd techniques he won from his previous random spin. If someone else tried to practice it, they might take a week at the shortest, but Shiro was a monster.

With his max-level control stat and insane comprehension, he only used a single day to practice the skill to the fifth door. Opening the sixth door and on would be strenuous and harmful to him instead, so he quit there.

Even so, the technique was already absurd in its own right. Simply put, it would increase Shiro's strength as long as he progressed through it. Moreover, the increases would stack instead of combining into one!

Once the fifth door was semi-opened, he could already receive an enormous boost from it. If the fifth door fully opened, that boost could scale even higher. The increments would be higher than the amount stated in the description!

[Physique: 12,487 --> 22,703]

[Dexterity: 12,506 --> 22,739]

[Wisdom: 20,407 --> 37,104]

[Aura: 11,494 --> 20,898]

[Mana: 4,129 --> 7,508]

For starters, the technique worked in sync with [Six Eyes], allowing it to showcase more of its potential. This made it so that Shiro's Wisdom stat became the highest out of them all.

There was also a passive increase to all his stats. Right now, he could overwhelm Kyoko with his stats alone!

Shiro wondered if he would ever need to use his trump cards at this rate, but he knew just how strong his opponents would be. A terrible match-up like Touka's reality-bending powers was enough to render him nearly useless. How much more so if he fought against Kyuubey, a literal god?

Overflowing power ran through his body, but Shiro's insane perception immediately noticed an anomaly; the enormous shift in his stats slowly destabilized and destroyed his body. This is the reason why he didn't use the fifth door all the time.

Nevertheless, he was annoyed today, so he decided to vent his frustrations through a Witch hunt.

"Sorry, young girl, but this has to be done." He murmured before he gathered most of his power into his right fist. He based this new technique on another absurd technique. The latter would give him a terrifying backlash, so he could only keep it as a trump card.

His stats were distributed proportionately throughout his body, meaning his punch would not have the power of 22,703 Physique alone. He needed to consciously accumulate strength until he could no longer bear the strain it placed on his body.

When a punch that could shatter a few mountains or half of a city gathered in his right fist, he coated it with his white flames before using his movement technique combined with [Space Jump].

In the blink of an eye, he was right behind the strange-looking robot, Gisela, the Witch of this labyrinth...


A sound akin to a dozen missiles exploding rang throughout the labyrinth. Air compressed by the force of this punch formed shockwaves that bounded through the depths of the maze, decimating everything in their path.

With the Witch eliminated, it didn't take long before the surroundings returned to normal. While in mid-air, Shiro quickly deactivated the fifth door as he landed softly on the ground.

Harvesting the Grief Seed on the ground, he noticed his bleeding right hand, among other injuries, started to heal when golden flames enveloped it. The golden flames, working in tandem with his [Strong Healing Factor] from the fifth gate, restored him to a flawless state a few minutes later.

Tap-! Tap-!

Shiro looked above, only to see dark clouds forming.

"The objective on Madoka's wish isn't marked as 'Complete,' and there's the Walpurgisnacht coming more than a month later..." He paused before continuing, "This feels ominous."

He didn't know if it was because of his bad day, but he couldn't shake off the ominous feeling invading his heart.


A/N: Hello, I would like to welcome the new editor/proofreader of this series, Absolute-Melody! Tasukaru! (TSKR)

Also, this is the way I computed his new stats:

(Stat) x 1.10 x 1.25 x 1.5 x 1.75 x 1.1(Semi)/2(Fully)

That's why I didn't state a clear answer on the total boost; it wouldn't make much sense. If we try multiplying it by 2.1/2.7 (or by percentage, which is a total of 260%/270%) instead of the formula above, we'll get a completely different answer. The gist of this technique is so that the multipliers stack, thus multiplying the already multiplied stats (Since the increases are permanent). Anyways, this technique is from Ending Maker, one of my favorite Action-Fantasy-Romance KR novels.

Anyways, here's the (not) fun fact of the day~!

Fact #85: In PMMM's opening, Sayaka's doom is already foreshadowed. While Madoka always has Kyuubey on her lap, what Sayaka had is a black cat. All of you must know that it symbolizes bad luck and misfortune. If only I were as sharp on looking at the openings before, I would've immediately found out that there's something wrong with this anime. I've only learned my lesson when I realized Junpei's death (Jujutsu Kaisen) through the opening...

PS: Junpei is supposed to have been a student at Jujutsu High, but here in the opening, there wasn't any 'badges' present in his uniform (Sorcerers have badges/pins). Moreover, what he's wearing is a middle-school uniform, hence showing that he wouldn't be a Jujutsushi (Sorcerer), ever. It got confirmed when he died a couple of episodes later.