Chapter 139: Shiro: I Taught Her Too Well...

Touka's [Tyrant's Eye] is so far one of the most broken abilities that Shiro knows. It forms a 'reality bending domain' around her, which they prefer to call [Imaginary Domain]. Simply put, everything that she can imagine WILL exist here. Although, she wouldn't be able to directly affect others.

Still, it is a broken ability. If she imagines that there can be no concepts in her place, there won't be any. While her 'imagination' gives her mental exhausting, it doesn't matter due to her ever-growing mind.

Now, the ability that the fake Quasi-Demon Sayaka had used is something similar to it. Her ability allowed her to overwrite reality, making it so that his attack never reached her.

Fortunately, he saw that it has a limit, or else his [Infinity] would've been broken in their first direct clash.

'It can provide her some sort of 'immortality', huh. This is sounding more and more like Walpurgisnacht.' Shiro thought. 'Homura did say that only magical attacks can affect it.'

During the last 10 days, Homura had surprisingly changed her approach with him. Instead of being apprehensive like she usually was, she gave more useful information about many things. When she told him about Walpurgisnacht's strength and nigh immortality, she did it in a detailed manner.

She mentioned how the conventional modern weapons wouldn't work against it as only a Magical Girl's magical attacks can do so. Other than that, she told him how hard it is to kill.

In most cases, she believes that even a group of 10 or more Magical Girls can't defeat it—only a veteran Magical Girl can face off against it. That, or an extremely talented Magical Girl with unparalleled power.

Shiro noticed how she seemed to have faced against it herself when she told everything, thus he concluded his conjecture of her being a time regressor.

'Immortality... How should I go with this?'

After having thought of a plan, his perception of time went back to normal as he began his preparations for the second round.

[Time Accel]!

[Time Accel]!

[Time Accel]!

[Time Accel]!

[Time Accel]!


Casting a total of 20 [Time Accel] on him, he's now 20 times faster. Though, injuries began appearing left and right in his entire body. Blood spilled out from it, but it regenerated the next moment. His [Phenex's Regeneration] is also triggered, covering his wounds with golden flames.

Shiro adjusted his perception to be 20 times faster too. Thanks to his [Time Accels], his body can now follow his slowed perception.

'She can now project 90% of her swords, huh. I'll hold them off for now.' He thought as he began summoning his own projections stored in his [Library of the End].

[Eternal Sovereign's Throne].

The moment he thought of it, his Reality Marble overwrote reality as their surroundings had now changed It is the same place where he fought with Surtr, the ancient throne room where the Fenrir had resided for millions of years.

Instantly, the faker Mermaid Witch in front of him is weakened by 120%. Her presence dropped down while her strange reality bending powers were strangely silenced.

On his side, Shiro went back to his Fenrir form, spawning a pair of black canine ears while his pupils turned blood-red. Slowly, an ability similar to [Eternal Arms Mastery] activated, giving him random fighting experience in every second he's here.

'This should be-'

Just as he finished his preparations, his pupils went wide. He suddenly felt a chill in his spine as his body send danger signals in his mind. He immediately took out the Ability Upgrader Card that can go to SSS-rank.

Then, he used it on his [Time Control (SS)].

[Confirm the usa...]

[The Ability [Time...]

Shiro didn't give a damn about the prompts. When he saw the completion of the upgrade, he immediately used it to corrode the time of his surroundings. He seemed unsatisfied by it as he casted [Infinity], [Space Barrier], [Nullification] and dozens of barriers.

He didn't even got to finish his defenses before he got attacked by a pitch black sword. As if everything around him is paper, it cut through them and reached him.





Shiro blacked out for a moment, confused on what happened just now. He recalled that he used up his Ability Card for his [Time Control] and then...

And then...


Blood spurted out like a fountain from the cut in his abdomen. His light armor is completely obliterated on his right side, dying it with red blood. He can feel that the pitch black sword had cut his internal organs, and that it has something that hindered a portion of his regenerative abilities.

The amount of his blood that spilled on his mouth is large in volume, too. Right now, he got smashed in the wall of his throne room and is lying on a slightly deep pit in it. He slowed down his perception once more, but another attack came at him.


He didn't even have a time to rest as the pitch black sword, now coated with dark-blue light, came at him.


In that moment, his Reality Marble disappeared on its own as it couldn't withstand the level of attack that was sent to Shiro.

On the other hand, he is now found lying on the cracked road. His severely injured state is the worst that he had been up until now.

"Huff... Huff..."

'That final debuff worked...'

Just as the attack is about to hit him, he concentrated the power of his Reality Marble, which weakened the blast from the A Ranked Noble Phantasm, [Arondight]. He also corroded its time with [Time Corrosion], hence around 30% of it simply disappeared before it hit him.

As for his barriers, it didn't help him due to the fact that his [Infinity] has a flaw where it didn't work for those absurdly higher than it (i.e., concepts), it served no purpose than a paper shield.

'It appeared all so suddenly, which means... She can manipulate space, time, and erase my attacks.' He paused before adding, 'I really taught her too well, for her to plan meticulously like that...'

Since the beginning of their fight, he saw many swords that he asked Sayaka to analyze. This included some strong Noble Phantasms, which she couldn't project even now.

However, her current form allowed her to freely do so, with 70% similarity nonetheless!

'My [Energy Box] is all spent...'

Many thoughts along with these ran in his mind while he opened his [Dimensional Storage] and took out a [God-level Restorative Potion (SSR)] and drank it.

After that, his injuries miraculously healed and his fatigue went away. His Aura and Mana tanks were full once more, displaying the effects of a SSR potion.

'I only have one left.'

Just as he is about to fight once more, he felt a light tap on his shoulder before everything went gray.

Shiro immediately knew what happened and said, "It took you quite a while, huh."

Ignoring his playful remark, Homura replied, "This is unexpected... because of you."

She added, "Don't remove my hand if you don't want to be frozen, too."


Shiro went silent for a moment. He seemingly stared at a distance, but it is him using his 20,000 Wisdom stat. He calculated everything that happened up until now, allowing him to dissect a bit of the attack from earlier.

'It's something that I can't fully replicate. I need to use [Ittou Rasetsu] first, add my [Armament Convergence], and...'

Finishing his thoughts, he snapped back to reality once more. He turned his head and looked at her, prompting the latter to speak.

"Miki Sayaka... What did just happen to her?" She asked.

"She... She's not a Witch."

"I know that. She gave the same vibes as the Walpurgisnacht."


A window appeared in his sights. After reading it, he froze for a moment and cursed, leaving Homura confused.



As to what it was...

[Official Quest: Descent of the Walpurgis Night]