Chapter 146: Unexpected... Yet Expected

Grasping the twin blades in her hands, Shiro's thrusters went off once more. It broke the speed of sound, which made a loud bang in Mitakihara Town's airspace.

Touka appeared beside her, manipulating the realities of two different spaces to do so.

"Shiro... Are you alright?" She asked.

Seeing the huge torrent of power that came from Shiro, it is a no-brainer to think that it doesn't have any repercussions. More so when it amplified one's powers by 100 times.

"For now."

"I see."

She didn't say anything else and proceeded to charge up her attack instead. She, just like Shiro, can converge all of her [Imaginary Power] inside her [Imaginary Domain] to create a simple but deadly attack.

[Swift Stride]!

[Ocular Enhancement]!

[Critical Strike]!

[Faker's Replica—Sharpness and Causality]!

[Time Accel x50]!

At this moment, her body became much faster than what her mind could process. It is a mystifying feeling since all this time, her Wisdom stats far outclassed the others.

[Demonic Arts]!

She also mobilized the Arts from Terra, which is something that he can only use briefly at her state. It did provide an enhancement of 3x, but it can only last for less than a tenth of a second. This is due to Originum's high quality, on the same, if not surpassing True Ether by a small margin.


[Aura Enhancement]!

At this moment, Shiro's Magic Circuits were 'switched on', turning her nerves into circuits that contains mana (od). Though, what she didn't expect is that it'll turn from bright green to bright white.

"They are..."

Surprisingly, their quality is starting to match up the ones that Roman had described, the Magic Circuits from the Age of Gods. Instead of being rejected by the body, it is wholeheartedly accepted by it—another disadvantage of modern day magus.

Even if she's in the midst of this battle, she didn't miss this opportunity. She immediately purchased [Magic Circuit Enhancement: Quantity] twenty times, spending 100,000 points out of her 400,000 points.

In an instant, her circuits increased from 140 to 200. By the time the quality enhancement had stopped, they can now hold 10 mana stats instead of the previous 1 stat, providing Shiro with another 2,000 points.

She doesn't know the standards between her system's mana units and Fate's mana units, but she can confidently tell one thing: Her circuits are the strongest in the modern setting.

All of this happened in under 1 second, hence it didn't affect the present much.

Bright white lines crawled from her arm up to her face, making her appearance truly a mystifying sight.

Soon, the duo came close to the Walpurgisnacht's main body once again. It responded by forming a blue spherical barrier that blocked them out of her, but they brute-forced through it with their converged powers. Arriving there, they saw it being tied by shiny golden ribbons that came from the ground.

[Armament Convergence]!


[Ittou Rasetsu]!

A hundred fold-increase erupted from her small figure. Her stats immediately went up to a billion, but it couldn't surpass it further, as if there's something blocking it.

Right after saying that, she swiftly converged her twin blades into its Blazer Blade form and threw it. Then, she took off her Progress Barettas and turned them into [Slash Mode], which transformed them into a bladed weapon. Lastly, she took out her short blade, the Blazer Blade, and threw it too. Due to the accels that she casted beforehand, it only took her 0.05 seconds to do all of these.

Her armaments formed a straight horizontal line in the direction of the strongest Witch. Gesturing upwardly with her hand, her amber eyes glinted with a sharp look as she said, "Die."

[All-Blade Divider]!

The moment she gestured her hand downwards, it happened.

The armaments lit up with fused flames before it followed her command. The overflowing power that she has are all transferred into this one singular attack, mixed with every single abilities that she used up until now. Unbearable heat emerged with her as the epicenter. It bore heavy conceptual weight that could almost rival Fate's Chief Gods.

Strangely enough, Shiro's mind are all about twintails—so much to the point that she's becoming one with the twintails herself.

Together with Touka's [Judgement Descent], an unimaginable amount of power, one that could wipe out star systems with its controlled state at will, is unleashed. However, a mysterious power that existed in all of past, present, and future protected Earth as well as Mitakihara Town.

That, together with Shiro's will, protected the environment from the direct and secondary effects that the attack can bring.

Thus, everything targeted Walpurgisnacht alone...





"Cough... Cough... Uhn..."

On a crater hundreds of meters deep, a pale-faced girl is bleeding from her seven orifices. She's tearing up tears of blood, with it also dripping from her mouth. Her aura is so weak compared to her previous self, as if she's a candle on its last dregs. Buzzing and crackling sounds can be heard from the [Tail Gear]'s mechanical armor. The armor, which is something that can withstand god-level attacks, got severely damaged...

Still, this didn't diminish her appearance completely. Just it alone can invoke the feeling of protection to others!

Her vision is very clouded as she felt that the world's spinning. An intense headache added to this feeling of discomfort.

"Potion... Potion..." Shiro uttered weakly while she activated her [Dimensional Storage]. She waved her hand in it, messing up everything inside it. It is only until she felt the cold touch of a glass vial did she stop.

She took out five of those before drinking everything in one go. Some spilled in the corners of her mouth, but she didn't care.

After downing all of them, Shiro felt a little bit better. The buzzing sound on her mind disappeared, the headache reduced considerably, and her severely exhausted body is more comfortable.

Still, it didn't regenerate her mana and aura. Moreover, the damage done by the [All-Blade Divider] is even worse than what the [Time Skip] did. Her soul is damaged by more than 10%, which made even breathing stifled for her.

Her [Six Eyes] is an all-time low, barely covering a few kilometers around her. Truly, Soul Damage is a couple-fold worse than physical damage. With her abilities, she might need to rest for half a month while using her cheat abilities to fully heal.

"That potion..."

Fortunately, he came across a [Soul Restoration Vial (SSR)] during his Random Spins. It is also the reason why she's confident not to consume the SSR-rated potion to heal herself.

Taking it out, it's the same color as the moon's. It glowed brightly, with images of stars being generated in it every now and then. Shiro popped off the vial before drinking it, but this time, with full caution. She didn't let a single drop wasted and drank it all.

Instantly, her foggy mind cleared up. Her soul fully recovered to her previous state, wiping off the exhausting that she felt together with the discomfort. Using the [Phenex's Regeneration], she healed herself while she recovered mana from her [Energy Box].

While she's in the process of doing so, she heard a familiar laugh once more.

"Haha! Haha! Haha!"

"F*ck*ng hell?! It's still alive?!" Shiro exclaimed. "It actually f*ck*ng happened!"

The next moment, all she saw is a pillar of pink light descending from the sky. She also felt a distinct life signature from the one she's most wary from, Kyuubey.





[Official Quest: The Final Struggle]

[Hidden QUEST: A Critical Juncture in Destiny]

[Official Quest: Death of the Deceivers]

[Hidden QUEST: Karmic Retribution Enforcement]

Four prompts popped up in front of her, telling her of the general information right now. Connecting the dots on her mind, Shiro immediately comprehended what happened just now.

"We all expected this... but for it to actually happen..." Shiro paused for a moment before looking at the pink light. "Madoka... So you made your wish."

From the start, Shiro knew that protecting others isn't her true wish. It didn't complete the mission objective on the Chat Group, and she also has a few guesses on what could happen in the future. Roman, with his experience with EX-ranked [Clairvoyance], also arrived at the same conclusion as hers.

Madoka's true wish is simple. She's a selfless being, working for the sake of others without no care for herself. Knowing her karmic weight from the three, she knew that she can make any wish that she can think of. No matter how ridiculous is it. No matter how impossible it is to accomplish.

She can do it. Knowing the suffering of Magical Girls, she empathized with them. She knew how Mami broke down, how Sayaka turned into a Witch, and Homura's hidden suffering.

Thus, they all came to a conclusion, one that the greatest chance of occurring:

Kaname Madoka's wish is to erase all Witches before they are born, be it in the past, present, and future.

As to why? It's simple. She knew from Shiro that even if she somehow removes the Magical Girl system, the Incubators would only find another way to harvest this extremely efficient energy source called "Young Human Girls". If she made a wish based on that, it'll be simply useless.

This time, Madoka knew how to be pragmatic and became clearer with her own desires. Albeit, it also led to this one single conclusion that she reached after 108 timelines.

Looking at the bright pillar of light, Shiro's eyes glinted with blazing courage—another tail gear manifesting on her left arm. She exhaled slightly, thinking that she wouldn't have believed that she'll be like this more than a year later. Saving a single girl from her foolishness is something unthinkable, after all.

Determined to truly end this entire fiasco, she declared:


A light rivalling Madoka's descended into this world, marking the final battle that would ever occur here.