Chapter 149: The Eternal Sovereign

"This can't be helped..."

As soon as Roman said that, he began chanting his [High-Speed Divine Words]. Slowly, reality is being bent to his will, albeit in a much weaker way than Touka's. The other reward that he got from the Chat Group, [Campione's Magical Power (SSR)], saturated his body with tons of mana that allowed him to use his magecraft properly once more.

While he didn't have his so-called "Authorities", Roman's experience as the King of Magecraft is enough to maximize its power.

What Roman wants to do is simple: To separate the entity called "Kaname Madoka" from the "Concept" that she's transforming into.

That way, the former would still keep her humanity while achieving her wish—the best ending that they could possibly reach.

However, they still underestimated the strength of that karmic weight that produced such strong [Miracles]. Even if Roman did his best... he could only separate them inwardly at best. Meaning, the final step, which is to completely separate the two, is missing.



The copied rings in Roman's fingers cracked one by one before they dissipated into thin air—all that's left are golden particles which followed its end. The mana in his body got spent completely, making him feel exhaustion comparable to an entire week of all-nighters.

"Damn, I knew this would happen. Most of my plans end up failing, anyways." Roman heaved a deep sigh as he sat down in the cold concrete. "I know your true intentions and all, but in the off chance that we do succeed... Will you let everything be, Akemi-san?"

Homura, who kept silent since she knew that the cold voice and Roman conversed, had her eyes wide open. Just as she was about to ask something, the cold voice, no, the Akemi Homura from the future spoke.

"I will."



Overwhelming power.

The sense of burning everything into ashes and giving life with a single speck of flame ran through Shiro's entire being. A golden ring appeared on her back, in which seven sword fragments are attached in it.

Instead of the normal mechanical armor, her wrists and legs are now properly covered with the new set. A light blue glint shone in each armaments of hers—a sign of the overflowing [Elemera] attribute that was converted into pure power that matched the level of Kyuubey. The emotions for twintails in all periods of time converged to create this one singular being, a god.

The aura that she emitted can no longer be compared to her previous self. In any onlookers' mind, they would immediately revere her as a god, an unsullied and perfect being.

Shiro's twintails floated for a moment before she can perfectly control her newfound power. With a "tap", she landed back to the ground.

"Hm..? What is this?"

Shiro sensed a strange 'connection' that was formed right after the transformation. It linked her briefly into an existence that possessed the same [Tail Gear] in another world.

Though, it soon dissipated, making her focus on her findings.

"That's why I couldn't break the billion-mark barrier... is the one above Main Gods, huh."

Right after using the [Tail Gear]'s [Ultimate Chain], some memories that were supposedly locked was unsealed, helping Shiro know of some information that he didn't come across before.

From her memories, there's a huge gap between

and , namely: life levels. Main Gods are extremely powerful and can destroy star systems at will given the absence of the world's suppression, but an is different. Due to the latter being in another level, any attacks from those below them won't work.

Their everything including destiny and futures will be shrouded, and only those who are in the same level can fight them.

The gods on the Fate Universe should be, at the very least, on this level. There might be even some that far surpassed it, being in the level that can influence the universe at will.

"Still... This is bad." Shiro murmured as she bathed the entire town in white flames, restoring everything that was lost in the battle. Be it living or non-living beings, they are resurrected. "Your death is long due if 'they' didn't help you."

Suddenly, three sword fragments from her back detached from the golden ring before it flew at Walpurgisnacht. Their speed being above comprehension, they appeared instantly in front of it before they pierced her. Black and white flames appeared from the holes that was created before it spread in its entirety, killing it instantly.

The sword fragments soon flew back in Shiro's back before she looked at the dark sky. To be more exact, the entities beyond the sky. Then, she looked at the bright pink pillar of light not far away from her.

"It's... no use. Sigh... Who would've expected that Madoka is trying to become a creator god? There's also those bastards from the sky."

Shiro's light amber pupils followed the movement of the entities in space. Each of them has a power of an . What's worse is that all of them are connected.

That's right! They are all link, making them a whole. If they willed, they would be able to erupt with a power that far surpassed theirs, temporarily gaining the power of a . Even if it's not enough to deal with Madoka's case as it is deemed "absolute" by the natural laws of the universe, it is enough to fight with Shiro.

Still, she is confident to win; although, she would've spent everything if she does fight.

Suddenly, a silhouette of a clock appeared in both of her eyes. Shiro had activated her only SSS-rated ability, [Ruler of Space-Time (SSS)].

[Ruler of Space-Time (SSS)]

Details: The evolved form of [Time Control]. At this level, the accompanying law of time, space, is acquired and combined. Through it, the possessor can control space-time at will as well as peer into the secrets "recorded" by them. The affinity for space-time is increased and manipulating concepts related to them will be very easy.

Surprisingly, it didn't contain any effects that detailed its uses. Though, Shiro instinctively "knew" all of its possible usages, which can be simply explained as "broken".

The arms of two clocks started spinning at high speeds as she used [Read] in the space that the Incubators are in. Immediately, Shiro knew how they arrived here a few seconds ago via an established [Space Point] which allowed them to teleport instantaneously.

Then, she went as far as detecting the space where each of them resided before using [Read] to see through the void's memories.


Soon, her ability stopped working as the twin clocks disappeared.


In a split second, Shiro's godly face distorted as she laughed madly upon seeing the truth of this universe.

"AHAHAHAHA... YOU F*CK*RS, THIS IS A LEVEL OF HYPOCRISY THAT SHOULDN'T HAVE EXISTED!" Shiro laughed for quite some time before she wiped off the tears in the corners of her eyes. "I knew such "for the greater good" acts are utter b*llsh*t! Even god-like beings can possess an unimaginable level of selfishness!"

Shiro shouted one after another, her voice reaching the hidden Incubators. What's mystical in this is that mortals couldn't hear it, only the selected audience will do so.

"Entropy this, entropy that. The heat death of the Universe. Turns out, it's your ass*s that wants to have a share of infinite high-quality energy!"

From what she'd seen, the "Incubators", entities who are at the top of high-level civilizations, did notice the eventual end of the Universe. While there's the Law of Conservation of Mass, Entropy worked differently from it.

Simply put, once a matter reaches its "resting state", it wouldn't emit energy anymore. Stars, suns, blackholes... they will all "disappear", leaving a universe where "nothing" happens to it.

However, this would only occur after countless years had passed. Even if 9 decatillion years had passed, it wouldn't be much of a problem. Therefore, here begs the question:

Why would the Incubators do all of this?

Surprisingly... or unsurprisingly, the answer is extremely simple. For the advancement of people and its civilization to happen, "Energy" is one of the most crucial things to have. The advancement of technology is directly connected to it. Kouzuki's inherited legacy, [Legendary Mechanic], emphasized this point the most.

With a high-level energy source, the evolution of technology comes next. Knowing that there's such a high-level renewable energy that can be acquired by throwing young girls in the pits of despair is possible, they didn't hesitate to jump right at it.

After all, it's on the same level as True Ether and Origin Power!

Only the ones who has the "right" moral standards for humans rejected it, but they were gradually being suppressed by the civilizations that accepted it. Internal struggles are starting to become more intense, leaving the "good" ones helpless.

As for the Incubators... they're all part of the ones who gladly accepted.

"Since I don't stand a chance on completing both objectives..." Shiro muttered as she summoned forth a [Time Card] in her hand and crushed it.

[Time Phantom is now being selected...]

[Time Phantom: Demon King Slayer—Shiro (Demigod)]

Seeing an unsatisfactory result, Shiro didn't hesitate to crush another one.

[Time Phantom: Wolf of the Bloody War—Leo (Main God)]

"Not it."

Crushing the third, she smiled after she saw the result that she got. As the time phantom merged to Shiro, her consciousness was put into a semi-rest state, leaving...

"It's finally playtime."

...a bloody wolf that caused the collapse of the Nine Realms.

[Time Phantom: The Eternal Sovereign—Leo (???)]