Chapter 152: The Devil


With a single thought of mine, the built-in thrusters deactivated and allowed me to land in the ground.

Oh? Only Roman is here? Wait a minute.

I squinted my eyes for a moment and saw through the "strange" entity who surpassed space and time to interfere into this singularity.



The entity replied to me in a perplexed manner. Though, I'm quite perplexed at her existence, too. She's a Witch, yet one that surpassed her predecessors and became one of the creator god in this universe. As for the other one, it should be Madoka-chan.

Time paradox, it is.

Anyways, singularities are never meant to be affected by paradoxes in the first place, and entities at their level can completely screw space-time freely.

"Is that your new form?"

I looked upwards beside me. The former King of Magus, now a hardcore otaku, is interested in Magical Girls. Too bad, he never knew that the one behind that avatar is a guy who's trapped in that flower garden.

"Poor guy..."

"What is it?" Roman asked with a questioning look.

He definitely heard my mutterings, but who cares. It'll be more fun this way.

"Never mind. Yes, this is my new form."

As I replied, I summoned forth my greatest ability, [Armament Convergence]. During those wars, I am not limited to a single weapon. I killed using every weapon that I could get my hands into, which resulted in me learning dozens of weapon intents.

If a weapon intent is upgraded to god-level, it can transform into concepts. This is one of the main reasons why I'm stupidly strong. However, I had a fleeting thought when I was having a bath.

What if I combine them all?

This is the result. A weapon intent that has ALL the concepts of a weapon in it. Adding to that the "power" from , it now conforms to my will.

I opened up my [Dimensional Storage (SSR)] and threw all the Soul Gems along with two cubes in the air. Without hesitation...


I cut them. Bright light shone from each of them, startling Roman for a second.

They all broke, but what replaced them when they touched the ground are physical bodies. Through a single strike, I copied their soul's genetics perfectly and reconstructed a suitable body for them. It is similar to that [True Magic], but their body "exists" in this case, unlike it.

"Shiro, you..."

"Heh. Temporarily, I am the greatest." I grinned smugly as I looked back at him. "You want me to fix the problem in your body?"

"Would that affect your power?"

He's hesitant, I see. Even when there's something that could help him greatly, he still chooses to prioritize someone else. He's responsible, really. Though, I do see a bit of similarities that we have.

I used my [Ruler of Space-Time] and took a peek at his original future easily.

"What... What is that..?"

"The director... So it's Lev."

"Should I try those energy drinks?"

"Turning the simulation room for training purposes? And it's from EMIYA..."

In an instant, I saw the original trajectory that he had. The moment "Grand Order" has been implemented, I saw him work tirelessly and sleeplessly to lead Chaldea. I also saw his doubts when he recalled his plans and his eventual death.

"...Omnipotence is too much for humans to handle."

With that, the life of Romani Archiman, the infamous King Solomon of Israel, had ended. He brought down one of the strongest calamities that humanity had faced, Beast I. I have a feeling that Roman, no, Solomon saw me as I used this ability, but I didn't care.

For the latter to wreak havoc so much and screw with the space-time of their world, Goetia is a Creator God at the very least. As for the ones above him...

Yep, they should be almost at the beyond-creator realm, lacking a single step to further advance.

Damn, our neighbors became this strong...Tsk tsk, what kind of screwed up power system is this?

Enough with that.

"No, so I'll do it."


I took a stance with my [Tail Calibur] once more and focused on the "Mediocre" concept that is present in Roman's body. That wish of his is completed through the help of [Holy Grail] and [The Root], thus it's nigh impossible to remove.

That is, without someone as strong as the current me.


The moment I motioned to cut it down, the concept inside his body became tangible and tried to resist it. Though, it is fruitless as I obliterated it to nothingness.

"I feel light..."

I heard Roman murmur that before he tried something out. Magic Circuits, something that he couldn't access before, heeded his will at this moment. The nerves in his body inverted into Circuits that allowed the production of mana.


"It's not a big problem."

Now, I looked towards the bright pink pillar. My canine ears twitched as I sensed the power almost comparable to mine. Fortunately, I've been interfering with it from the moment I came back to Earth, so it couldn't "complete" its process.

"It's time to end this all."

Gathering all the "power" from the , I did a simple downward slash towards it.


Then, the miracles that descended became turbulent briefly, but soon turned into normal. A small portion of the light separated from it before it landed into the ground.


Homu-homu, who has been silent all this time, ran at her direction and checked her state. As for me, I staggered to the ground due to the immense power from before.

Blood came out of my mouth and nose, a usual sight that's very frequent during my early days.

I felt my own soul tremble as I got out of my . Even with all the entities as my protection, I didn't last for a minute and suffered intense injuries.

This is what I'd get for using power that far surpassed my current state. If not for this strange [Tail Gear] that temporarily bridged my life level all the way to level and the [Time Card] that further stabilized my existence to a [Creator God] level, I would've died without a trace as soon as I use that.


Roman approached me and tried using his magecraft to sense any irregularities, but to no avail.

"It won't work. I used a power comparable to [The Root] itself. It's a miracle that I'm not severely injured at this point."

"[The Root]? If that's the case... there's nothing that I can do."

While we conversed, the bright pink light ascended beyond the stars before assimilating with the universe itself, creating a new "law" that it would adhere.

I sensed that "law" affecting the past, present, and the future of this world. Magical Girls that are about to turn into Witches are purged and sent into a "heaven" of sorts before reincarnating once more.

Suddenly, this reality froze. It is no longer space nor time that stopped; it is reality itself. Roman, Madoka-chan, and Homu-homu of this world stood still as our current reality is being rewritten. Since that power affected the past, present, and future, it is inevitable that changes like these would occur.

Though, I have a company here.

"I didn't expect everything to end like this."

"You're really fine with this, Homu-homu?"

"...I am."

I turned back and saw Homura with her swaying black hair. Her ever-calm and void-like black pupils gazed at me. In turn, I saw all her suffering that she has to experience.

"I thought that I can only achieve my goal in that way, but I never expected the arrival of a foreigner like you."

In the future after Madoka became known as the "Law of Cycles", Homura didn't stop trying to complete her goal. She tried finding many ways and fooled the incubators countless times before she arrived at a single conclusion:

By turning herself into a Witch and steal Madokami's partial power, she would be able to "trap" the human aspect of "Kaname Madoka" into her labyrinth that encompassed the entire universe. That way, she and the others would have their "happy endings".

In the end, she turned into a single entity known as...

The Devil.