Chapter 169: Safety




Dozens of Daoist techniques were being blown left and right in the four gates of the Heavenly Court. Uncountable amounts of corpses littered the walls as the disciples of the Ren, Chan, and Jie School. These are the three Dao Sects formed under the teaching of Hong Jun, who is also known as the Three Pure Ones.

Upon his disappearance, the three schools had more disagreements, causing havoc in the mortal world. Wanting to change this status quo, the Dao Ancestor himself made a grand scheme that involves the entire eastern world as the chessboard.

By ordering his youngest disciples, also known as his errand boy/girl, a huge organization called 'Heavenly Court' is created. Later on, these children will be known under the name of Jade Emperor and Queen Mother of the West.

At first, this organization has its growth rate limited due to the invisible suppression of the three Dao Sects as well as the Buddhist Sects, but this changed when the former took out the 'Divine Investiture Board'.

Simply put, the Immortals killed by the Heavenly Court will be put under their control. Thus, be it the twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan School or the First Human Xuan Du of the Ren School who has the [Taiji Painting], none could escape it.

In the end, the world was united under the banner of the Heavenly Court for many years to come... which led to it entering the time of peace.

...or so it should've been.

"Mmnn??? This world is ending?!"

A woman wearing a blue hanfu suddenly stopped chowing on her bowl as she felt the earth-shattering battle that occurred in the skies. She sensed the death of countless 'Cultivators', one who had successfully used the spiritual qi in the environment to become Immortals. From the basic info that she knew, the highest-leveled beings here are the Saints (wise man).

Just as she thought that this world would be destroyed, she sensed that the souls of the deceased didn't overload their reincarnation cycle, which is the [Underworld]. Instead, they all converged to a singular golden tablet.

"What's this... A Creator's power? No, this surpasses it."


Leaving ten gold taels, she disappeared from the stall, making the chef wonder if he's hallucinating or that one of his customers is a ghost. Unfortunately, the valiant woman didn't care as she reappeared in the Heavenly Court's vicinity.

"Hm... I see, I understand. What a pity..."

Just as she understood everything, a phantom made out of inexplicable Daoist rhythm spawned besides her. It has the appearance of an old man with a long beard, but the most noticeable characteristic is his eyes that contained boundless wisdom.

"Everything's but for a naught under a supreme being. Isn't that so, the strongest Saint of this world?"

"A necessary action to restore the world's equilibrium. For the good of all common people."

The woman's eyebrow rose upon hearing those words. Somehow, it reminded her of herself—to be more exact, her philosophical thoughts that was influenced by Enlightenment for the first time. It was something that she wouldn't forget; with her feeling melancholic when she chased the so-called "void" and cut it down herself.

It caused her life, yes, but she doesn't regret it.

However, it seemed that life has more things to offer when she lived beyond that and...

'Heh. Why did that thought pop up just now?'

The thought that she pertains to is none other than her husband's child form. She'd only imagined it as that's the last thing that he would've wanted to do, yet the thought of it excited her.

Anyways, her mind returned to what the Saint in front of her said. While this may not be the entire truth, she can still feel that it's partly truth, which is enough for her.

"It may be so, but their bravery surprised me." She added internally, 'Moreover, this end is just the beginning; for this world, that is.'

Soon, she disappeared from her spot, though she left the words:

"I'll be going."

With that, the founder of the Niten Ichi-ryuu School continued travelling around this world.


As soon as Shiro woke up, the first thing that he felt is the sensation of someone hugging him. She wore a modern set of peach-colored pajamas, letting him feel her skin more through the thin clothing.

He's not completely unfamiliar with it as Altera used to do this, but he felt the difference between them. Since he's in a vulnerable state before, the feeling of relaxing completely is something else.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the colorful world once more.


It even became more colorful as he saw the sleeping face of his wife, something very adorable to look at. The last time that he recalled seeing her is when he helped her magecraft research. Even though he unlocked more of his memories, it's still incomplete. Though, it helped him accept more about his past identity(s) as himself.

With that, he learned to appreciate more things. For an hour, he did nothing but to look at her peacefully sleeping.

'Just like in the past...'

Their first encounter is quite unique, so as to say. One of Shiro's experiments is to create a mirror that could view the statuses of other worlds, but it turned into a two-way communicator instead. Obviously, the receiving end is none other than Artoria, who had been cleaning her new workshop's basement.

Due to their similarities when it comes to the pursuit of knowledge, they hit it off immediately. One has to know that he already has a relationship with Nimi (Z23) at that time and made it clear, but well... she's too persistent.

After dealing with all the problems in her world (i.e., Underworld Insect, Cerunnos' corpse, and the Calamities of Beast and Flame), she left her own world to travel through space-time, reaching the 'present' whereas Shiro lives.

This made it so that the Lostbelt fixed by her single-handedly turned into a world line independent of the main world line—existing solely as a different world than the original Pan-human History or the Fate Universe itself.

In the end, Chaldea gained their energy thanks to her while retaining the world where she's born.

All of that happened due to Shiro's help who, despite not knowing about its future, can predict it by reading its current trends. This led to her personality being more of playful than the dignified Artoria Pendragon who shouldered the responsibility of ruling Camelot.


Seeing her wake up, he separated from her not-so-flat chest.

"Good morning."

"Mn... Morning."

Unexpectedly, they were too lazy to get up from the bed, and ended up cuddling for 30 minutes more. Albeit, what they didn't know is that there are two girls who guarded in the room's door all-night, just to keep their mentor "safe".

As for his "safety", it all depends on the context...


A/N: The Eastern World where "she" was in is all based on Chinese Mythologies. Though, this world is from "Senior Brother is too Steady!", a fully-translated Chinese webnovel on well... Webnovel.

Anyways, the waifu reveal is complete! That last line before the line break should be obvious enough, even for people who's unfamiliar with it. Her true identity pops up in the front page if searched!

Now that we're done with this, all that's left is to develop the characters of his wives. For me, this is just as difficult as introducing a new potential love interest...

PS: I do apologize if I can't upload yesterday. We did an all-nighter for our Physics subject (which went well), so I could only finish half of the chapter at best. Happy reading~!