Chapter 184: +1 Sniper Kill

While Shiro is dealing with Sasaki Kojirou, there is an ongoing fight in front of the Einzbern Mansion.



Due to the unstoppable force that Shinji had encountered, he was pushed back easily by the man in blue jumpsuit.



Bullets rained at him, all of which are sent by Mami, but to no avail. Still, she continued on doing so as she kept trying to project a rifle. In fact, that rifle is probably the strongest that she'd ever seen.

Though, she has to multi-task and suppress the movements of the man in a priest suit. The black keys between his fingers cut down the bullets that came at him as if he's used to it. With the same dead look, he threw a batch of black keys at her whilst closing the distance.

"It's done."

Upon projecting once more, Mami found out that she had succeeded. In her hand is a pump-action shotgun that contains eight projected bullets. It has a silver sheen with some carvings of unknown runes in its body. It looks similar to Remington 870, though it is more modern.



She fired a round of bullets to the lancer opposite of them, but she didn't expect its enhanced power to send him flying momentarily. At the same time, Shinji didn't let that flaw pass as he let his blood drip onto the blue spear. Soon, it turned into a longer bident that has two prongs surrounding the blade.

Surprisingly, Shinji got the [Pluto Ichor (Mutated)] from the round of miracle that he received. While it needed his life force to be used properly, the fortunate thing is that he can replenish it by eating herbs that contain magical power.

With this, he can fully utilize his trump card.

After he started charging to Lancer, his spear glowed blood red. A sonic boom was produced just by the virtue of the tip of its blade cutting space. It didn't even take a second before its power peaked.

[Ichor Eos—Blood of Dawn]!


Lancer didn't hesitate to use his [Noble Phantasm] to block this strike. An ominous air appeared in his cursed spear before he threw it at Shinji's face.


Shockwaves flew from their direction, though the other two prepared well-enough that they weren't affected by it. Kirei had enhanced his legs even stronger while Mami formed a transparent barrier around her.

By the time the aftereffects died down, Shinji can be seen standing on the ground with his spear as a support. Meanwhile, Lancer wasn't as injured as him, but he retained some injuries when Shinji's blood energy touched him.

"Death concept... This reminds me of the old days."

"Hah... Servants are really monster-like!" Shinji replied as he took out another [Restorative Potion (SR)] and drank it, immediately rejuvenating him out of his fatigue and injuries. "If I didn't have the money, I wouldn't be able to fight against you..!"

Lancer had an ominous guess when he heard this, but he put it aside for now and concentrated on fighting the Shinji look alike kid.

Meanwhile, Mami fired another shell at Kirei, to which he avoided using his immense combat experience. One has to know that this fake priest is not only a genius in many fields, he also has decades of experience as an Executor.

Hence, he had seen numerous abilities and the way to solve them. However, the child in front of him is an entirely new existence. She has magic power that far surpasses him, projected guns that surpassed his former rival's, and a pair of eyes that are as messed up, if not even more, than him.

While he has nothing, the girl in front of him held onto something tightly—so tightly that "obsession" isn't even enough to describe it perfectly.

Nevertheless, both of them kept the silence in the battlefield and continued on their attempts to kill each other.



Each time a shell was shot, it formed a half-meter deep crater in the ground. Of course, Kirei is one step ahead and barely avoided them. For those that he can't avoid, he used the Command Seals in his arm to defend himself.

By the time the eight shell was shot, Mami ran out of bullets for a while. This change was seen by Kirei who started rushing towards her.

Since she'd been taught by Shiro, she knew how she shouldn't allow Kirei to come closer to her. Even if she's comparable to servants, who knows as to whether she makes some mistake and end up being injured with his Bajiquan.

Suddenly, she opened up the telepathic link between her and Shinji and said:

"It's time."

The moment Shinji heard the signal, he initiated his killing move for the fourth time.


Kirei did the same thing as before, with him keeping an eye to Mami. Though, he never expected her to bring out yet another gun—a sniper rifle.

He felt his impending sense of death, yet he was helpless to act against it.


The bullet fired by the rifle immediately pierced Kirei's forehead. Blood started falling from the extra hole before he collapsed into the ground with his eyes wide open.

"He's dead." Mami murmured as she saw blood drip from her shoulders. When she used the sniper rifle, she held the stock in her shoulders to better control the recoil. But, her Magical Girl constitution isn't enough to fully offset it, causing her to have injuries.

In the end, her shoulder was dislocated, few of her bones are broken, and she was wounded. If not for the fact that she can disconnect her sense of pain, she wouldn't taken quite a bit of effort to ignore it.


She first fixed her arm back expressionlessly. Then, she took out the [Healing Pills (SR)] from the black ring on her thumb finger and took more than five of them.

In an instant, her bleeding stopped and she regained the majority of her combat power once more.

Lancer, who is facing this pay-to-win player with god knows how many [Restorative Potions], saw this and was amazed.

"Damn... Why are all children abnormal these days?!"

To his surprise, Shinji stopped attacking him further and asked him, "Do you still want to fight?"

"I really want to, but it's already pointless. After all..."

The next second, an aurora wall appeared before Shiro walked out of it.

"...he's already here."

He looked at the blindfolded boy who had arrived just now. Since he recently fought Sasaki Kojirou in terms of the sword, Cu can still feel a part of his power.

"I see..." Shiro randomly mumbled as he looked at Kirei's corpse that contains a hidden will in it. He then came closer to Mami and tiptoed before patting her head. "Thank you."


Just as Shinji is about to make a slightly disappointed face, Shiro also patted his head.

"So aniki still hasn't forgotten about me..."

"I wouldn't, Shinji-kun."

Hearing this, Cu widened his eyes. With a disbelieving voice, he said, "SHINJI?! That kid is Shinji? How in the world?!"

In the past few days, Cu already has a clear understanding of Shinji. He's simply a weak and coward man, one that is more pathetic than pathetic scumbags. As a hero, he disliked this personality very much, so he didn't talk with him whenever he's present in the church.

Now that he found a kid with the characteristics of a hero, it turned out to be that pathetic worm instead?!

"It's not the Shinji that you know." Shiro casually said. "He's the good boy of Chaldea, isn't it, Shinji-kun?"

"Well... I wouldn't call myself like that..."

Shinji's ears reddened due to embarrassment. Actually, he still liked to be praised, but he's ashamed whenever it's an excessive one. That, and his humbled personality made him like this.


Suddenly, a figure flew out of the mansion. Another huge figure followed her and jumped on her, but the latter counterattacked using her dragon factor.

From the hole in the house, a white-haired girl jumped out together with two Einzberg homunculi.

"Ah? Who are you?" Illya asked upon seeing the eye-catching Shiro.



For a moment, she got confused. Naturally, she was also added to the group of people who confused Shiro (white) to Shirou (Emiya)...