Chapter 192: Ascension; Turning Point

The first thing that Shiro did after he came back is to "place" the artifact spirit back into her home, [Tail Gear]. It's an easy thing to do, more so when her mind is currently hazy due to them forming this connection for the first time.

Meanwhile, he didn't get out of this black sea yet as he could feel the increased rate of his [Devouring] concept. Right now, he's simply eating "him" without any inhibitions whatsoever.

Still, he decided to go another mile and crushed the [Time Card] that he has.

[Time Phantom is now being selected...]

[Time Phantom: Young Sovereign—Shiro (Main God)]

At that moment, a great power descended from the river of time. His appearance didn't change, but the aura that he emitted turned back into that of a king's once more.

He could feel that his [Devouring] power inexplicably got strengthened in this moment, so he didn't hesitate to strike the killing blow into the personification of evil itself.

With his current stats, it is now at 500,000,000 in average. It is the highest limit that a

could get, though he wasn't adversely affected by it thanks to his materialized soul.

"I didn't think that I would be the one spamming [Mana Blasts] this time..." He mumbled before exciting his Conceptual-level powers.

[Armament Convergence]!

[Armament Convergence]!

[Armament Convergence]!

[Critical Strike]!

[Lord of the Mysteries]!

Slashing into the space for three times, black light can be seen everywhere. Each touch of it can shatter matter itself, but there's still his space-time power that multiplied his attacks thrice.

Together with [Critical Strike] and [Paragon Martial God], a world-shattering attack was unleashed. If not for the fact that it is [Angra Mainyu]'s domain, this might be suppressed by [The World] and the two [Wills] outside.

Unfortunately for "him", it wasn't.


A strange sound, one similar to an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile being launched, rang out all over the place. It didn't have any effect to his hearing, but one could feel it using their so-called sixth sense instead. It is something that exists, yet it doesn't at the same time.

The paradoxical effect that can only be seen in Creator-attributes was produced by Shiro...

Suddenly, the surroundings changed again. It wasn't the black sea anymore, but one full of darkness instead. Turns out, he had completely devoured [Angra Mainyu] without any bones spit out!

Deactivating the [Time Card] and [Lord of the Mysteries], Shiro could feel that his entire body is saturated by power. Mana, True Ether, Origin Power... Even the Concepts held by [Angra Mainyu] such as [Evil] and his Noble Phantasm, [Verg Asta].

It is an authority that branched out from [Avesta], the holy text written by Ahura Mazda. Naturally, it possessed an attribute whereas all the wounds dealt to [Angra Mainyu] would reflect back to the attacker with certainty. However, the degree of power reflected are still affected by many factors such as [Magic Resistance].

'Such a good thing..?' He thought for a while before stopping. 'I should deal with this for now.'

Sensing his current oversaturated state, he immediately began his metamorphosis. This ascension would involve two stages: Partial Transformation and Complete Awakening. Simply put, the first stage would ready his entire being to become a god whilst the latter is the final push that someone would require to become a god.

First, he focused that power on his mind. Immediately, he felt his processing power have a massive increase. His thoughts began increasing rapidly, but he reined it easily through his max-level Willpower.


A metaphysical sound was heard by him, signifying that his partial transformation is over. Of course, he didn't dare get relaxed as he focused on his body next. Since the slight disparity between the three aspects of a self, body, soul, and mind, would endanger him, time is of essence.

This time, the changes that he has can be felt more clearly. His body became extremely hot as it withstood the influx of different high-level energies. From his organs and skeletal framework, this energy went as far as beyond atomic level.

The secrets of life is continuously being unlocked in Shiro's body. What's more, his appearance changed back to his normal self. his looks became way more extraordinary, forming a contrasting disparity inside this dreary cave.

One by one, he "saw" lights shining all over his body. Its original looks are still there, but its essence went into another level. It is similar to an Eastern Cultivator's or the 's 4th Sequence whereas they gain their Mythical Creature Form. Albeit, most of the latter are associated with weirdness.

Heck, the and pathway turns their bodies into crystal worms!

Simply put, it is a worldly difference between Shiro's metamorphosis.


This time, he "heard" his entire body cracking. This signifies the riddance of his mortal body, transforming it into a that could only get affected by [Concepts]. Moreover, his is not a simple one as his partial transformation is already as strong as a peak !

"Huff... Finally."

Shiro firmly set his concentration into his soul. This is supposedly the most difficult part, but [Heaven's Feel] made it the easiest one to accomplish instead. He activated it, urging his soul to materialize into another form, but he doesn't intend to finish it yet.

The moment his soul reached the final state before materialization, he urged another round of energies at it, instantly elevating it into another level.


The dispersed and unnecessary energies turned into motes of white light that surrounded him. There wasn't any shedding of "mortal shell" as a soul is already on a higher level. All that's need to be done is to gain access to its full potential, and this is what the partial transformation did.

"This should be enough."

He weakened the urging of [Heaven's Feel] for now and adjusted his three attributes in a perfect balance. Thanks to his max-level Control, it is easy to do so. His attributes started showing their might, running in perfect synchronization as they assisted Shiro to complete many arduous tasks easily.

'I'm ready.'

Sensing that he's in a perfect state, he didn't hesitate to urge all these energies to himself. With this energy saturation, he "felt" an imaginary switch inside him.

"Heh. Things should be brighter~!"

Through a thought, he flicked it and opened the infinite possibilities present in him. All those Partial Creator-attributes, Conceptual Powers that he devoured, the abilities that he got from the Chat Group, the True Magic [Heaven's Feel], and the aftereffects of [The Root] inside him went active.

At this moment, another legend would be broken... and another one would be born. The past had finally caught up with the present even though it couldn't do so completely.

Still, it is enough to regain his past and accept them completely.

As this turning point occurred, many people connected to him had also sensed it...


A/N: A little announcement. I thought of making a transitionary chapters in Terra (advanced chapters), but I ended up creating an entire "climax arc" in my mind. I finally put my sufferings from "Near Light" has finally been put to use since the setting would be Kawalerielki, the capital of Kazimierz. That 200,000 words and hours of reading through the dialogues had been a pain in the ass... That's literally a fourth of the Fate/stay night visual novel! (820,000 words)

Anyways, personally, I'm interested in Gravel's character, the crowned queen of recruitments...

PS: I bet most of our gold certs came from her Fast-redeploy and Specialist tags...