Chapter 218: Mangaka In Another World

'It's time.' Shiro thought as he activated his [Wisdom] and summoned forth the logbook that embodies the entire [Library of the End]. He immediately began intercepting the real-time information in this battle and processing it using his authority. At the same time, Kal'tsit began using her [Great Sage] to do the same thing.


Suddenly, the black figure flew right in Shiro's direction. Just as it was a few centimeters from hitting him, a 'barrier' stopped its impact. This also dispersed the force acting upon the black figure, Mon3tr.

"Hoh. Interesting."

Light blue pixels enveloped the manifestation of [Wisdom], something akin to it being 'rejected'. It became static in Shiro's hand, almost disappearing from this world. If not for the fact that it is HIS origin, his power, it would not be able to resist the white-haired girl's 'powers'... rather, it is the 'world' itself rejecting such 'powers' from existing.

"Another magician? You are..." Her musings were cut short as she realized something. Her countenance became serious as she said, "Strange. I can't find your 'story'."

"A 'story'. Something colorful yet complicated."

Much to everyone's surprise, Shiro spoke. His voice carried his usual max-level charm, emanating an ethereal voice that sent them into a trance. Only Kal'tsit and the white-haired girl got out of their trance swiftly.

"Would you be able to say that after knowing that your story is nothing but mere entertainment for some atrocious gods?"

Each of her words carried her disdain and arrogance towards the world—to everyone and everything that constituted it. Her voice is very expressive, yet a faint feeling of emptiness at the same time. She has an air of vanity around her that concealed it, making it so that only Shiro can notice something wrong with her.

'Story, huh. I do wonder how Romani and the others felt.'

Shiro recalled their first discovery about the aspect of the chat group. It is the one responsible for telling their stories—be it public or private matters—to the denizens of another world. Naturally, it would feel quite annoying, knowing that many people had intruded on your privacy without you knowing.

Although, they are clear about one thing: Their lives are not mere entertainment to others. They are 'breathing', 'living' beings who live their lives to their fullest. The challenges faced by them and the interactions that they have proved this.

Meanwhile, Shiro did not experience such a thing as his life was not made into an 'anime', 'manga', or a 'game', hence he cannot fully empathize with them. Still, it did not prevent him from knowing how they felt.

"Fair point. Having a life created as entertainment for higher beings does sound annoying. Though, they are also the reason why you are here now, no?"


The white-haired girl became silent. True, she detests everything in this world. However, this world is also the main reason why she exists. A trace of confusion appeared on her heart, only to be ruthlessly put down by her 'wrath'.

"We will meet again, 'mysterious magician'."

After saying those words, she turned into dozens of blue pixels before disappearing into this world.


An inquisitive gaze. That is how "Kunst Wunderkammer's Librarian", Meteora Österreich, saw the cloaked man from afar. The small slits in his white mask allowed her to peer into his deep-amber pupils that showed nothing but intellect. He speedily read through the book that he held, showing surprise and interest in some parts. This only took a few seconds.


Closing it, the cloaked man's sight swept towards what she presumes to be a feline woman before stopping into them—Meteora and Selesia Yupitiria.

"I shall not be your enemy."

Leaving this sentence, he disappeared under the night sky along with the fog that surrounded him. Meteora inadvertently saw a new line engraved into her magic book, [Book of the Thousand Miles]. A very short sentence but one that piqued her interest to the extreme.

[Keeper of Mysteries. Librarian—]

'He knew about my book.' Meteora thought. 'I never expected to encounter someone like him.'

Knowing that the cloaked man deliberately left that string of words, she admired his "wisdom" that might surpass hers... even, by a large margin. She knew that she would definitely lose if she confronts the "white-haired girl", with her identity fully compromised, which she realized once she saw the girl confidently talk with her during their first meeting.

"Those attacks... It is not something that I can take head-on without Vogelchevalier..." The redhead said. "I can finally ask some questions properly. Are you the same as me?"

"Mn. But before that, we should leave first. The authorities of this world will be arriving soon."

"Can I come with you?"

Suddenly, the feline woman said as her "familiar" went beside her. She has no expression whatsoever, competing with Meteora in terms of emotionlessness.

"You are..?"

"Kal'tsit. A doctor." She replied to Meteora. "I came to this world whilst performing my mission."

Meteora nodded before asking, "Can you fly?"

"...No. But my companion can."

She stood up on Mon3tr's shoulders as it slowly floated above the ground. The black figure defied the accepted physics of this world in front of her eyes. Also, she vaguely felt that it could do much more than this.

She was about to fly away when she realized one vital point.

"We don't have a lodging."



Hearing the kettle boiling, Shiro stood up from his seat and took care of it. Then, he removed a filter from the cabinet above and placed it on two cups in the cupboard. He placed the coffee beans on top of it before filling it with boiling water. As for the glass, he poured in some ice cubes before the carton of newly-opened orange juice.

'Should be fine by now.'

He removed the filter on the previous two cups. All that is left are the pure black coffee that emits a pleasing scent. Carrying the cupboard into the table, he looked at the two girls present in his house. It is completely different from the people's imagination about a mangaka. Everything is tidy and sorted out and his working space is inside a room other than his bedroom. The Fukushiro in this world held a belief that seeing his bed beside his drawing space would only dissuade him from finishing his work properly, thus this layout.

Meanwhile, his kitchen is connected to the living room where he can sit down and contemplate his life.

"Thank you, Sensei."

"Thanks for this, Shiro!"

The gothic girl, Kuroneko, softly picked up the creamer and tapped on it a couple of times. After that, she poured in five sugar cubes and stirred them with her teaspoon. She looked so used to it that Shiro knew she also has a habit of drinking coffee nowadays.

On the other hand, Madoka silently drank her orange juice to quench her thirst. She had been running all over Tokyo from the moment she arrived here. Only when she saw that Shiro and Kuroneko are also there did she manage to rest.

"Ano... Is that your appearance here?" Madoka asked.

"That's right. Why?"

"No, it's just... You feel more approachable. It's like you are not that detached from this world anymore."

Hearing this, Shiro was surprised. He then realized that it is due to his ascension whereas he accepted many things. He does not have the confusion and aversion that he initially has in the past. His max-level charm being somewhat "suppressed" helped, too.

"I like the "you" now more." Kuroneko chided. "Don't ask me why. I just felt like this."


"T-that's right! You shall not doubt the words of a monarch!"

Keeping up her confident facade, Kuroneko sipped her coffee.

"Anyways, look at these." Shiro placed three books on top of the table. They are all manga that "they" had created in this world.

"Doctor, Shinji, and Madoka..."

"It's our story?"

Kuroneko and Madoka muttered as they saw the covers.

[Kinou no Akegata (Tomorrow's Dawn)]

[Fate/Extella CCC]

[Puella Magi Madoka Magica]

"Mn. Your stories. Kal'tsit was written by Kuroneko, Shinji was written by Touka, and Madoka was written by me." Shiro said. "Of course, these should be the original trajectories, the ones without our interference."

Hearing this, the two of them picked up the materials and began reading them.


A/N: The chapter title do sound like a fanfic title...

Fact #96: Altair, the character who can solo her own verse, is actually using a holographic image during the entire anime! She used a projection as the world is continuously rejecting her existence more than the other characters. That's why you will see those blue glitchy effects (if you watched the anime) mostly on her. The other character who had that is Mamika during her death. Simply put, she is fighting against broken characters while being nerfed! This is also why physical attacks are invalid to her; they have to aim at her "concept" in order to defeat her. Then again, her concept is literally "Immortal/Indestructible/Immutable". You can't simply kill her, period.

PS: She herself stated in the later episodes of the anime that she could solo all of them, the characters who received revisions and gained more powerful abilities. It's just that she chose not to for a greater cause.