Chapter 227: Escalating Tension

Alicetaria February.

One of the knight leaders who is responsible for vanquishing the demons of their home world. Originally, she is a princess of the royal family, but she was tasked to lead the knights to safeguard their world. She is an upright knight who would uphold justice and fight against injustice.

In her eyes, killing an innocent is a form of injustice.

"Don't lie! I can smell the scent of blood in you!

"Eh? Really? Is that so~?"

Magane made a thinking gesture as she openly mocked Alicetaria.


Alicetaria readied her lance while she tapped her beloved white horse, signaling it to charge.



Her lance cut through the wind as it aimed into Magane's body like a snake. However, Alicetaria did not know that she is facing another snake. With her nimble movements, she easily dodged her strike and landed on the ground.

"That was scary. You almost got me!"


Alicetaria readied herself for another strike when Magane interrupted her.

"Say. There are many things that could happen." She smiled mysteriously, her jagged teeth visible to the pegasus knight. "For example, you could be stabbed by that lance... instead of me."


The female knight became dumbfounded upon hearing her words. They were fighting just now, yet her enemy suddenly spouted random things! Her pride was set ablaze together with her fury towards the person who kills the innocents.

"I shall not die at the hands of one who speaks nonsense!"

Tap-! Tap-!


Her beloved horse charged toward the snake-like girl once more.

"A lie within a lie... It turns inside-out of itself."

A new law has been set, one within the confines of absolute certainty. It will now happen no matter whether one likes it or not. If Shiro sees this, he would be surprised at the appearance of another yet formidable foe.

"Magical Splash Flare!"

A heart-shaped magic was launched between them, halting Alicetaria's charge. A small cloud of dust rose from the ground. This covered the two girls' visibility, but they are still vigilant in case of incoming attacks.

"Please stop fighting!"

In the sky, a pink-haired Magical Girl can be seen. She held a magical stick that embodies her agreement with the Fairy of the Land of Eternity, Mirimiri. She swore to protect the smiles of the denizens of her world.

"You... You are that girl from before. The one who betrayed her..!" Alicetaria said. "Why? Why did you do it?"

"Betrayed? You... Are you trying to save your world?"

"I am. What about it?"

"She... That girl... She's lying to you! She never wanted to save our worlds!"

Mamika spent more than two days with Meteora and the rest. With that opportunity, she got to see the other side whom the military girl dubbed as the "enemies". Here, she realized that these enemies want nothing more than peace. She got to know that the [Creators] is not as bad as she had thought. It's just that, they are only normal humans. They are not gods who can magically resolve their problems in an instant.

These realizations made her think of the military girl as the true enemy.

"This is getting interesting..."

Without the two of them know, the killer, Magane, backed off stealthily. She did not alert Mamika and Alicetaria who are arguing as she went with her escape.


She nimbly dodged the sudden blow made by the metallic monster behind her. Her golden snake-like eyes narrowed as she found the attacker's location.

"A neko-chan? This is the first time I'm seeing one!"

The feline woman, Kal'tsit, did not respond to her. Instead, she loaded her medical gun with a neutralization agent. The effect would be greater if it is injected, but being splashed by it would work out well, too.

'Restraints.' She said to Mon3tr with their connection.

[Scanning residual traces... An unknown trace of power was used.]

'Unknown power? I need more info.'

[Deducing the nature of the unknown power...]

Great Sage's voice rang out inside her head. Deducing will take some time, so she has to hold off this snake-like girl with her current data.


Every time Mon3tr came closer to her, Magane would immediately dodge its sickles like a snake. She showed enough confidence to hold her ground against an unknown monster.

"This is it..! Just like those times!" She laughed as she recalled those 'fun' memories of killing her entire school and battling against that sharp detective. "Hey. Do you believe that I won't be hurt by this guy?"

Kal'tsit heard Magane's words and felt that she is just taunting her.

'It's impossible.'

Even if she never showed it, she never believed Magane's claims. It is a subconscious rejection towards the ridiculous matters that one would hear.

Seeing this, Magane let out a smile.

"A lie within a lie."



At this moment, Kal'tsit saw the unbelievable. Mon3tr's blades which could penetrate the hardest steel, even those that are ranked as "god-level" by Shiro, could not penetrate the snake girl's pale white skin. It's as if Mon3tr collided with the hardest matter in existence.


Fortunately, Kal'tsit adapted quickly and launched the vial at her. Knowing that the girl would dodge it, she readied the special agent to empower Mon3tr. She ran towards it and ejected the vial, causing Mon3tr to have a baleful red aura around it.

"Oh~! You did not give up."

Kal'tsit did not respond to Magane and instead sent a cold glare at her. Whenever she fought, she let Mon3tr do all the work. Killing, fighting, protecting... She became weary throughout those thousands of years. She killed countless, fought countless, and saved countless.

Hence, she made a vow. A vow that saved her all from it by not doing anything, anymore. She would command and help from the backlines, but this is the extent of her support. Even in Aincrad, she only practiced her rapier and did not use it.

However... the level of her enemy this time requires her to do so.

[Deduction partially complete. The activation of her powers relies on one thing: The denial of her claim. Subconscious and inner denial could also work. Proceed with caution.]

'Denial. I understand.'

She closed her eyes and breathed out. She rid her head of her thoughts, reducing every unnecessary thought and leaving what is needed–her combat sense. While she made her vow more than three thousand years ago, her skills had not rusted one bit.

The Emperor Blades, the strongest fighting force of Terra, praised her combat skills. They once commented that if she had been willing to fight, she could immediately end her scuffle with four Emperor Blades. If she did not hold Mon3tr back from wounding them–the matter of the outer gods would spill out in the land of Terra if it did–she would not have been injured at that time.

(A/N: Emperor Blades became strong by having parts of the outer gods inside them. It is similar to how Beyonders work.)

An extremely cold atmosphere suddenly appeared in the grassland. It was supposed to be sunset right now, but it feels like winter night instead. Even the smiling Magane was briefly affected by it. She did not expect a very formidable foe to appear in this interesting new world.

"Hee? I see! I see!"

Kal'tsit disappeared from her sight along with Mon3tr. Her intuition swiftly told her of the incoming danger, to which she responded by stepping backward. At that moment, Mon3tr appeared on her right. A piece of its blade almost went at Magane's face. However, a roundhouse kick went at her head. Magane only had a brief moment to cross her arms before being sent flying.


With that sheer force, she was forced to glide in the air before landing on the ground with her feet. Of course, she still slid a few meters to offset that impact. A trace of blood appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"Hey. Do you think your full-powered attack would strike her?" She suddenly asked Mamika who is reasoning out with Alicetaria.

"Are? What? No!"

"Really?" Magane smiled as she mumbled, "A lie within a lie... turns inside-out on itself."


Mamika was forced to raise her magical stick. Then, magical power began gathering in it. A huge heart-shaped magical attack is converging in the sky on top of the grassland. If this attack lands, at least half of Tokyo would be destroyed.

"What's happening?! Why am I..?!"

"Hey! What did you do to her?!" Alicetaria pointed out her lance to Magane and asked with aggression.

"Huh? What do you mean? I did... nothing!"

Magane even raised both of her hands to show her so-called "innocence".

Meanwhile, Kal'tsit kept her calm and chatted in the chat group panel. Upon seeing Shiro's brief reply, all of her reservations vanished.

The magical power soon reached its peak. To the defenseless city of Tokyo, this would spell a disaster that has not been seen since ancient times.


Grey fog suddenly engulfed the entire city. The clear sky became dark and the atmosphere turned into one filled with mysteries.

The magical attack descended. A pillar of bright pink light enveloped the entire city, reminiscent of Madoka's attempted ascension to become the Law of Cycles. However, as soon as it reached a certain height from the ground, it vanished into motes of pink light.

"Playtime's over."

The familiar black-robed man appeared on the stage once more. Together with him–

"The choir members had gathered in this place, I see."

–is the military girl who is the cause of everything.


Fact #102: Gen Urobochi loves the wuxia genre. In fact, he directed an entire show about it called "Thunderbolt Fantasy". He also wrote the Chinese Lostbelt in FGO. This just shows how much he loves the genre.