Chapter 231: Planning the Counterattack

When Magane was outsmarted by her target and the unexpected assaulter, she did not mind it. Such surprising events is the reason why she lives her life. The fun that it brings her every time she encounters one is immeasurable. If not for her momentary need to ensure her safety more after facing Kal'tsit, she would not have chosen to be "immortal".

Of course, her life comes first. In the first place, she would not be able to enjoy life without it!

"It looks like another character came into this world! I, Magane-chan, shall watch this with relish!"

For now, she decided to enact her plan: to have a standing in this unfamiliar world. She would become rich, manipulate the higher-ups, and become the audience that would watch the clash between the two sides.


Shinji surveyed the place around him before he relaxed. He spent a total of two potions with that fight just now, which is why he's mentally spent. His UR ability, [Pancosmic Loner], relies on his unexpected, single-strike, and converged attack to work the best. He does not fight retracted battles as much as others.

Meanwhile, Kuroneko lowered the kitchen knife that she's been holding. She's ready to cast [Reinforcement] in it all this time. Now that Magane is confirmed to not be around, she exited her vigilant mode.

Kuroneko: "That girl... she's Chikujoin Magane."

Shinji: "You know her, Kuroneko-nee?"

Kuroneko: "That's right. The "me" in this world read the light novel that she is in."

Kuroneko has a special side for anime with a dark theme. Magane's light novel origin, Record of the Night Window Demon, belongs to that type. It has a grim feeling of a young detective solving weird cases and winning every single time just like the other 1,000-episode anime that she watched back in her world. However, the mood of the story changed after Magane's appearance. She became the first big villain that he encountered, thus ending in his defeat. He could not solve the case that he worked on which resulted in the deaths of more than a thousand students and staff.

Kuroneko: "The most troublesome thing is that she can bend reality with her powers, the [Infinite Deception of Words]. She can tell her lies into reality."

Shinji: "So that's how she got her immortality! Such an enemy... I understand now why aniki acted like this in our mission."

He knew Shiro as someone that acted carefree. He does not worry about how strong the enemies he would face. He could even smile in the face of them. But, it's different this time. His Magus side acted more than his Fenrir side this time. Kuroneko saw this new side in his back when they met in this world for the first time.

Kuroneko: "Don't forget that we also have that Altair as our enemy. She might even be stronger than Magane."

Shinji: "...I see. Our enemies are really strong, but I would still like to fight them."

Shinji let out a grin as he thought about how he would fight tricky enemies. Given that he might not even manage to injure them, knowing their existence is enough. He would use this as a motivation to push himself further. If things go badly and he dies in the face of such an enemy, he has no regrets. What matters to him is the fact that he fought alongside everyone else. He, a person supposed to be trashier than trash, changed for the better after meeting them. His gratitude to them is huge, especially to his aniki.


Shinji's sharp senses captured a gaze here just now. He waved at Kuroneko before disappearing out of this world. Moments later, she saw Selesia descending from the sky.

"Are you alright, Kuroneko? Fukushiro contacted us that you are in danger!"

"I am alright. I was lucky that Shiro is on my speed dial."

When she was running, she purposely called Shiro's phone to leave a trace. They made this so that she would have an alibi.

"There's also someone else—" She cut off her words as she continued, "Someone saved me just now! I don't know where he disappeared to..."

"Is he a [Creation]?"

"That's right! I don't know who he is and his features were concealed. Only, he has a small stature."

"Is that so? Alright... The most important thing is that you're fine!"

After that, she decided to spend the night in the government office. It's not only her but all of the known [Creators]. This is made so that their safety would be ensured.


"Kuroneko-san's information is confirmed. Chikujoin Magane's creator is dead. "

The next day, everyone was informed of this sudden news. Meteora narrated with her usual flat tone, but everyone else became serious after this.

"Because of this, the government decided to safeguard your safety." Kikuchihara said to the [Creators]. "You will be given a choice to stay in this building or be guarded by the JSDF in your house."

"Every [Creator]'s role in this operation is vital. They are the only ones who could 'revise' their stories and give us a chance to save this world. There's a high chance that Magane killed her [Creator] due to this. She did not want her powers to be removed from her..."

Meteora accidentally began a fifteen-minute-long lecture. Surprisingly, everyone listened with such seriousness as they realized its importance to their future actions. Even the usually carefree Kanoya did, what more of the others.

"About our actions. Do we already have a plan for it?" The gang leader, Yuuya, asked.

"Yes. We will tentatively call this "Operation Birdcage". The main objective of this operation is to create a battleground that can elevate us to her position. We will first do some testing regarding its mechanisms before implementing it. Matsubara-san."


"Can you publish your work with Marine-san from a few days ago? It will be best if everyone can see it."

"I understand. Do I do it right now?"

"If it's possible."

Hearing this, Matsubara and Marine took out their laptop and iPad before passing the necessary files to Matsubara's laptop. Then, he uploaded it on his Twitter—both the short story and the illustration they made before.

With his popularity, it immediately received a total of a thousand likes and hundreds of retweets in a minute.

"Huh?! Why am I..." Selesia suddenly said. "I feel like I have a new power!"

"It is most probably the failed revision from before, Selesia-san. You can try using it now."


Selesia distanced herself from others until she was sure that no one would get hurt by it.

"Ajarakamokuren... Kyuraisu!"

Immediately, her surroundings were set ablaze by her crimson flames. The temperature of this room rose as flames swirled around her rapier.


Matsubara was the one who got shocked by the results the most. He did not imagine that his own [Creation] could embody the 'revisions' that they have in theory.

"I guess we now have a turning point?"

Shiro's words woke up everyone from their shock.