Chapter 242: I’m Not Drunk


Shiro let out a sigh of relief upon finding out that his hypothesis was proven right. When he transforms his power into a "consumable", he could let others have a layer of concealment even if he's not there. Meaning, the creators and the hidden creation, Shinji, can now act more freely. Of course, Shinji does not need it with his [Pancosmic Loner].

Having the [Hidden Heaven Shrouding Array] between his legs, he 'piloted' Exia before 'fooling' the current texture of reality. After a blink, he's back in his room.

"I'm testing the world's patience to the limits. Heh." He smirked as the thought of it rose. "Just like the old times."

Shiro recalled some "fond" memories of his. When he began to be 'rejected' by his world, he just sat on his throne to continuously annoy it. Then again, even it did not want to reject him since he is its 'denizen'. It's just that his power made its instincts as a world go haywire.

Ridding his mind of these thoughts, he proceeded to how he would spend the remaining two weeks before the final battle. That is...

Shiro: "Is everyone free?"

Touka: "Let me guess. A chat group party?"

Shiro: "Touche." hanging out with his friends.


Kabukicho, Shinjuku.

On a certain day a few months ago, a new legend was made—the "Black Dragon" (Kokuryuu). He overwhelmed every yakuza group, loan sharks, and bad elements in the most dangerous street of Tokyo. He weighed their sins and left some disabled. As for those far from salvation, they are naturally sent to hell personally.

The government once investigated this case, but they concluded it was a skillful vigilante taking care of the ex-convicts and free criminals in this place. No matter how hard they have thought, they would never realize that 'Black Dragon' is a [Creation].


Shinji stopped what he is doing and checked the alerts on the chat group.

Kuroneko: "I'm in! It's been a long time since our last full meeting!"

Madoka: "I wonder how it would be if everyone else is here..."

Touka: "Lots of noise and banters. But honestly, it would be fun."

"We're having a party?"

His childish side began waving forth at his face. He might have met with the others more than half a dozen times, but a party is still different.

Shiro: "Everything's on me today."

Touka: "The incarnation of money spoke again. Excuse me, apologies."

Shiro: "Come one... I'm not that petty."

Touka: "You have the money. My drinking fees are all on you later."

Kal'tsit: "I want to get drunk."

Kuroneko: "???"

Shiro: "???"

Touka: "???"


Shinji let out a chuckle upon seeing this. Nobody had expected that the straight-faced Kal'tsit would say random stuff like this. Then, he started finishing his job in this place. Since he cleaned up most of the places and handed the less-sinful ones to the police, this base belongs to the last few gangs left who went into hiding.

"A party..."


"Hic... This is not water!"

"It's a vodka..."

"This is... good."

"Approved. Shiro's cooking is the best~!"

"So this is how it tastes..."

Complete chaos. That's how the party went in Shiro's home. He prepared everything—food, drinks, and snacks—so all he did was wait for their arrival. He also used his time manipulation to age the alcoholic drinks while his stash contains some. Some are strong enough to work on gods!

At first, everything was peaceful. Keyword: WAS.

One of the most ridiculous things that happened this night is Kuroneko mistaking vodka for water. She gulped down everything in one go, which resulted in immediate effect. After that, Kal'tsit followed by drinking three cups in a minute. Lastly, the veteran Touka was the only one who handled it well.

There is also Madoka and Shinji, but the former is busy smiling helplessly while the latter is too focused on Shiro's cooking.

"Why are you upbeat now?" Shiro asked Touka.

"Why? Can't I~?"

Scratch that. Even Touka is intoxicated, too. The effect of five hundred years on alcohol became more evident. He also mixed in some of his special ones in it.



"Eh... Vodka? What's that? Is that a bird?"

Kuroneko laid her head beside her glass while closely staring at it. She played it around while asking incomprehensible ramblings now and then.

"Igris..! Where are you~? Wash these dishes..."

"I wonder what her shadow army is feeling..." Shiro said. "Men of war reduced into housekeepers. Cheers to your unfortunate souls."

He gulped down a round of wine in his cup. It is one of the purest ones in his stash at an unknown age. He made it with special means during his time as the Magus. He was not the type to be drunk, but his Fenrir side is completely different.

"The taste. I think I drank it a while ago..."

A certain memory of his was recalled. He is casually sipping wine when his first wife, Akagi, dragged him into their room with a thirsty look. He is the one that was drinking, so why is it that he's the saner one at that time?

"A tower."

"I-it's cool!"

Kal'tsit finished making a tower made of shot glasses. It totaled nine hence she was able to make a pyramid. For some reason, she drank vodka with her usual straight face.

"It kicks. These are good, Shiro." She gave a thumbs up with her stoic expression.


Shiro was showered by the wine spat out by Touka. She could not resist laughing after seeing Kal'tsit's incredulous looks. Coincidentally, she had drank half of what is in the wine glass already...


He was speechless at what had transpired. In the end, he could only facepalm.

"Sensei, here."

Surprisingly, Madoka took a towel from the closet and wiped his face with it.

"...Thank you."

"It's alright, sensei."

For a moment, he felt how it is to live like a normal human. The appreciation of small things, in particular, is something that he found interesting. This remained until Madoka went back to her seat and started talking with Shinji.

Suddenly, Kal'tsit crawled into his position... like a cat. She jumped on his chest, bringing him down to the floor. She rested her face on it for a while before reacting.

"Someone told me that this feels amazing." She said. "It does..."



Touka immediately went into her spectator mode while Kuroneko (in a drunk state) went berserk.

"You thieving cat..! What are wuuu doingg?!!"

She shakily stood up before going to Shiro. She tried to get Kal'tsit off of him, but the former resisted strongly.

"Don't steal my identity..! I'm the best Neko in the chat group..!"

"No. ME."

Seeing this, Shiro decided to step up and said, "Ahem. Let's be civilized—"

"Please, Shiro. Us cats shall resolve our battle, personally!"

"I concur."

"You two are drunk." He replied.

""We're not drunk!""